ホルモン大学 生肉販売学部

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ホルモン大学 生肉販売学部

住所 :

Tsukunawamachi, Takasaki, 〒370-0075 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878889
Webサイト : https://horumon-daigaku.com/
街 : Gunma

Tsukunawamachi, Takasaki, 〒370-0075 Gunma,Japan
kurumi shinozaki on Google

高橋昌之 on Google

海老原丈士 on Google

The hormone smelled.
名無しの。。 on Google

肉が好き!って人向けだと思います。 普段からちょくちょくと買わせていただいてます。 味無しが欲しいのであれば言えばやってくれた気がします。 自分的には結構満足です。
I like meat! I think it's for people. I usually buy it from time to time. If you want no taste, I think he did it. I am quite satisfied with it.
晴天 on Google

焼肉用?の精肉店。 少し肉が高めですかね。 ちょっと食べるのにはちょうど良いのでは。 味はついていて、全体的にニンニクが効いていますのでニンニクが嫌いな人は注意が必要。肉は新鮮とは感じませんでした。 接客は覇気があまりなくイマイチでした。
For yakiniku? Butcher shop. Is the meat a little expensive? I think it's just right to eat a little. It has a taste and the garlic is effective as a whole, so be careful if you don't like garlic. The meat didn't feel fresh. The customer service was not very enthusiastic.
38 on Google

Loin, donuts and hormones are all delicious without any odor. Anyway, the amount and taste are just right. It is recommended to eat a little ? as a snack at home at the stay home.
Mo-chan Gi-chan on Google

適量で袋売りで売っているのでバーベキューの時便利です。近くにこの手のお店がなかったのでまた行きたいと思います。 味も美味しかったです。 もう少し店内が華やか?だと入りやすいかも。駐車場も少しせまいかな。 もつ鍋セットなるものがあったので次は購入してみたいです。 バーベキュー用の炭なども売っていて、ない時には便利だなと思いました。 店員さんの対応がとても素敵です! 追記・今日もつ鍋セットを購入しました!
It is convenient for barbecue because it is sold in bags in appropriate quantities. I didn't have this kind of shop nearby so I would like to go there again. The taste was also delicious. Is the inside of the store a little more gorgeous? It may be easier to enter. The parking lot is also a little small. There was a motsunabe set, so I would like to buy it next time. I also sell charcoal for barbecue, and I thought it would be convenient when I didn't have it. The correspondence of the clerk is very nice! Postscript ・ I bought a hot pot set that I have today!
まめ on Google

前々日にファミリーパックと単品2つ予約をし、購入させて頂きました。当日別の予定が早く片付いてしまい、1時間半近く早く用意してもらえるかと、15分前位に急に連絡致しましたが、電話口の若い男性がとても快くわがままを聞いて下さり本当に有難かったです。 近隣住民ではないため、時間を待つのも大変でしたので? 私も接客をしていますが店頭で対応して下さった男性が同じ方だと思いますが本当に良い方で、感心致しました! お肉もとても美味しかったです。 ただ漬け込みのお肉、我が家には少し味が濃いかなと? ご飯と合わせて食べると1切れで茶碗いっぱいいけちゃうかも!位ですw 濃い味好きな方だとかなり好きなタイプではないかと思います。 2つ市またぎなのでなかなか行けませんが またお伺いしたいと思います。 この度は我が家聞いて下さり本当にありがとうございました。 娘から私への誕生日プレゼントでしたが、良い誕生日をすごせました! パックに説明も書いて下さり、何よりイラストが可愛すぎてとても嬉しかったです
I made a reservation for a family pack and two single items the day before, and purchased them. I suddenly contacted him about 15 minutes ago asking if he could get the schedule ready for another hour and a half earlier on the day, but I'm really grateful that the young man on the phone was very happy to hear his selfishness. It's a phone call. It was hard to wait for the time because I am not a neighbor ? I am also serving customers, but I think that the man who responded at the store is the same person, but I was impressed by the really good person! The meat was also very delicious. Just pickled meat, I wonder if it tastes a little strong at home ? If you eat it with rice, you may be able to fill a bowl with one slice! Is the place w If you like strong taste, I think it's the type you like very much. It's hard to go because it straddles two cities I would like to ask you again. Thank you very much for listening to my home this time. It was a birthday present from my daughter to me, but I had a good birthday! He also wrote an explanation on the pack, and above all, I was very happy that the illustrations were too cute.

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