Tsukubasan bairin - Tsukuba

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsukubasan bairin

住所 :

Numata, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 300-4353, Japan

Postal code : 300-4353
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

Numata, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 300-4353, Japan
竹原幸一郎 on Google

3月の平日の13:00に、初めて訪問した。入園は無料ですが、駐車場は1回500円です。 早咲きはちり、遅咲きはまだの状況で、桜と違って全山満開とはいきません。
I visited for the first time at 13:00 on weekdays in March. Admission is free, but the parking lot is 500 yen each time. Early bloomers are dusty and late bloomers are not yet in full bloom, unlike cherry blossoms.
kusukusu VOLANE on Google

蝋梅を見に来ました。 花の頃は気持ち早かったかな。 遅くなると枯れた花が目立つから早い方が良い。 期待していたより蝋梅の木が少なかった。 22年1月3日 梅林に行くには筑波山神社からは遠い 市営第1有料駐車場がメイン。 穴場は第1駐車場入口の公衆トイレの裏に 民間の安い所があります。
I came to see the Japanese allspice. I think it felt good when it was a flower. Withered flowers stand out when it is late, so it is better to be early. There were fewer Japanese allspice trees than I expected. January 3, 2010 It is far from Tsukubasan Shrine to go to Umebayashi Municipal No. 1 pay parking lot is the main. A little-known spot is behind the public toilet at the entrance of the first parking lot There are cheap places for private citizens.
tsuduraerika on Google

筑波山登山の後に訪問 山の麓の斜面を上手く利用し岩と梅のコントラストが美しく、巨大な日本庭園という感じ 偕楽園よりこちらの方が好みです ただし、起伏があるので足腰の弱い方は辛いかもしれません 1/3程度でギブアップするご年配の方々も多く見受けられました
Visit after climbing Mt. Tsukuba Making good use of the slope at the foot of the mountain, the contrast between the rocks and plums is beautiful, and it feels like a huge Japanese garden. I prefer this to Kairakuen However, since there are undulations, it may be painful for those with weak legs. There were many elderly people who gave up in about 1/3.
とど on Google

筑波山中腹にある梅林 開けた斜面に約1000本の梅の木と紫陽花が植えられており、春めいてくる2月末や梅雨の長雨が降る6月には季節の花々が出迎えてくれます。 アクセスは、駐在所があるT字路を山の方へ分岐する道を登っていくと有料の市営第一駐車場があり、そこから徒歩で山道を登って梅林に向かいます。梅林の最上部付近に無料駐車場がありますが、梅が満開の時期は封鎖されているので車は通り抜けしか出来ません。 ゴツゴツとした岩肌や巨石剥き出しの山道に沿って植えられた梅や紫陽花が野生的な景観を作り出しており、斜面のいたる所に設置されたベンチや展望台からゆったりの眺められます。また、梅林最上部には「展望四阿(あずまや)」があり眼下に広がる梅の花の絨毯や空気が澄んだ日には富士山が見えとても美しいです。 筑波山神社の拝殿からも徒歩25分ぐらいなので参拝のついでにこちらまで散歩すると良い運動になります。
Umebayashi on the hillside of Mt. Tsukuba Approximately 1000 plum trees and hydrangeas are planted on the open slopes, and seasonal flowers welcome you at the end of February when the spring comes and in June when the rainy season falls. For access, go up the road that branches off the T-junction where the police box is located toward the mountain, and you will find the toll road No. 1 Municipal Parking Lot. From there, you can walk up the mountain road to Umebayashi. There is a free parking lot near the top of the plum grove, but cars can only pass through because the plum blossoms are closed when they are in full bloom. The rugged rocks and the plums and hydrangeas planted along the bare mountain paths create a wild landscape, with benches and observatories all over the slopes for a relaxing view. At the top of the plum grove is the Observatory Gazebo, where you can see the carpet of plum blossoms under your eyes and Mt. Fuji on a clear day. It's about a 25-minute walk from the worship hall of Tsukubasan Shrine, so it's a good exercise to take a walk to this place while worshiping.
mozu mozu on Google

The weather was great in late February 2022, but the red plum blossoms have come to an end and the white plum blossoms have not yet bloomed. It's cold this year so it seems to be late. Still, it was good because I saw some cute pink plums. It had a nice scent of plums. Since it was a weekday, there were few people and the parking lot was rattled. The main toilet near the entrance is fashionable, clean and wonderful. The area around Mt. Tsukuba is under construction here and there, and it seems that maintenance is progressing. I'm looking forward to the future. March revenge.

Leonid Bolotov on Google

Nice day and beautiful plum flowers
fatin bazilah on Google

Beautiful scenery for the ume sight-seeing,managed to see fuji-san and kasumigaura lake from the viewing deck. Good and well maintained facilities. They have shuttle bus direct to the tsukuba-san cable car.

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