Tsukuba Police Station - Tsukuba

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsukuba Police Station

住所 :

3 Chome-50-21 Gakuennomori, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0816, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 305-0816
Webサイト : https://www.pref.ibaraki.jp/kenkei/station/tsukuba/index.html

3 Chome-50-21 Gakuennomori, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0816, Japan
ういろう。 on Google

免許証を受け取りに行った時に対応してくれた方の態度が他の方も仰ってる通り機械的。 その数ヶ月後、ナンバープレートを紛失した際に受付で対応してくれた若めのお姉さんはとても人当たりがよかった。 何故こんなにも違うのか。
The attitude of the person who responded when I went to receive my driver's license is mechanical, as other people have said. A few months later, the younger sister who responded at the reception when the license plate was lost was very friendly. Why is it so different?
mainecoon mainecoon on Google

車庫証明申請 利便性が悪すぎます。 研究学園駅からタクシーで1200円 帰りは、歩いて25分。 申請の書類には、判子を30回位も押していたのは、時代錯誤もいいところで、驚いて目が点になりました。 無駄な時間です。 ネットで簡略化しましょう。 待ち時間も極めて無駄。 経費も無駄。 せめて、駅近の市役所で簡素化して下さい。 30数年以上前から研究学園都市という名前ですが、ここは石器時代かと感じ、驚きました。 早急に改善をお願い申し上げます。
Garage certification application It's too inconvenient. 1200 yen by taxi from Kenkyugakuen Station 25 minutes walk on the way back. I was surprised to find that the fact that I had stamped the seal about 30 times in the application documents was anachronistic. It's a waste of time. Let's simplify it on the net. Waiting time is also extremely wasteful. Expenses are also wasted. At the very least, please simplify it at the city hall near the station. It has been called a research school city for more than 30 years, but I was surprised to find that it was in the Stone Age. Please improve as soon as possible.
あられちゃん on Google

榎戸の交差点で、二人の警察官が立っていた。 ただ立っていた。 車で運転で交差点を右折するために赤信号町をしていたら、自転車のハンドルにヘルメットをぶら下げて走ってきた高校生を発見。 声をかけるも、高校生は気がつかない。 警察官の真横を通ったにも関わらず、注意もせずに行かせていた。 なんの意味があって、そこにいるのだろう? なんのためにヘルメットを自転車のハンドルにつけているのだろうか? 疑問だらけだ。
Two police officers stood at the intersection of Enokido. I was just standing. When I was driving in a red light town to turn right at an intersection, I found a high school student who ran with a helmet hanging on the handlebar of a bicycle. High school students don't notice when they call out. Even though I passed right next to the police officer, I let him go without paying attention. What's the point of being there? Why are you wearing a helmet on your bicycle handlebars? It's full of doubts.
Flower on Google

I came to renew my driver's license. If you pay the renewal fee, please receive the receipt over there ... why? I thought, but when I went as I was told, I was explained by the Traffic Safety Association and asked to cooperate, huh? Do you pay? When I heard that, please cooperate again ... I paid 2000 yen, but ... Later, I looked it up online ... How does this work? I wish it disappeared ... I don't like renewal because it seems to be a solicitation for religion. What's more, no matter what you ask, if you refuse to cooperate, it seems that you are not cooperating, which makes you feel uncomfortable.
S S on Google

I also called to talk about various things, but all of them were kind. I consulted about 3 times and asked me all 3 times and came to the survey, so I chose ★ 5. Let's stop saying the damage by leaving it to the emotions like a claimer, and first calmly explain the situation with legal evidence (because you can not move unless you do). The police are not in the "service industry", which is a classification of customer service or private companies, so the mechanical part should be divisible.
C KM on Google

警察署が移転して新しくなったと免許更新のため気分良く訪れたが、更新窓口の人の対応に唖然としました。多分、効率が悪すぎるので皆さんお疲れなんですよね。一部、感じの良い方(通常の方)もいます。 まずは、受付時間前に番号札を手渡しで配布されます。来ていた順番は無視です。その後、番号で呼ばれますが、受付時間前に呼ばれていました。13時開始なのでトイレに離れていたのに、既に呼ばれていたため自分はとばされました。 その後のステップ(支払いや視力検査)は全て苗字呼びです。ごった返していますが、指定の窓口の近くでいないと聞き逃します。難聴の方、ご高齢の方になんと不親切なのだろうと感じました。今はテクノロジーで色々やりようがあると思います。 つくば市役所のようなシステマティックなところではありませんでした。 コロナ対策として入口に検温カメラがありますが、壊れていました。 大声で職員が名前を呼びまくるので、飛沫だらけでしょうね。 なお蛇足ながら、違反講習は13-16時半とハガキにありますが、諸手続きと講習は別日に分かれます。ですので、この警察署では30分もあれば完了しました。講習は別日指定で2時間です。この日のために半休を取って更新に備えましたが、損しました。
I felt comfortable visiting the police station to renew my license when it was relocated and renewed, but I was stunned by the response of the person at the renewal window. Maybe it's too inefficient and everyone is tired. Some people feel good (normal people). First of all, the number tag will be handed out before the reception time. The order in which they came is ignored. After that, it was called by number, but it was called before the reception time. It started at 13:00, so I was away from the bathroom, but I was skipped because I was already called. All subsequent steps (payment and vision tests) are surnames. It's crowded, but I miss it if I'm not near the designated window. I felt how unfriendly it was to people with deafness and elderly people. I think there are many things we can do with technology now. It was not a systematic place like Tsukuba City Hall. There is a temperature measuring camera at the entrance as a measure against corona, but it was broken. The staff will call your name out loud, so it will be full of splashes. In addition, although the violation class is on the postcard from 13 to 16:30, the procedures and the class are separated on different days. So, at this police station, it took 30 minutes to complete. The course is 2 hours specified on another day. I took half a day off for this day to prepare for the renewal, but I lost.
moco moco on Google

It is a police station in Tsukuba city. I was surprised at the size of the parking lot, but I was also surprised at the number of cars parked. Isn't it the employee's car that has such a car even though few people come to the police station? I went to apply for a garage certificate, but I felt a little disappointed at both the stamp counter and the garage certificate clerk.
lance nakagawa on Google

They are helpful for other things...however it takes a long time to just get an address change on your license... been here for over 3 hours for a dam license address change... even Kamisu police station was faster than this

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