Tsukikawa Ladies Clinic

2.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsukikawa Ladies Clinic

住所 :

Taira, Iwaki, 〒970-8026 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.ouzan.net/iryoukikan/tukikawa/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : Fukushima

Taira, Iwaki, 〒970-8026 Fukushima,Japan
むしすす on Google

The reception here was intimidating and worst! I was suspicious of gynecological diseases, so I asked if I went to the inspection of my head as if I was a fool when I consulted a teacher. In a moment, I was a teacher who had only knowledge to associate with vertigo = a mental illness, and I was proud of what I was teaching at university, so? I feel like that. The teacher and the acceptance were the worst, and I returned to the hospital. Originally, I wanted to go to the Gynecology Department, but a new patient just went here without waiting for half a year. A word to the teacher. Because it is vertigo = ears! A knowledgeable teacher will advance to otolaryngology.
兎ウサギ(ウサギ) on Google

The teacher is very kind. Kindness. Polite. The examination table is also equipped with a curtain to form a partition so that you can have a calm examination. The nurses are also kind.
うむくりひえ on Google

There was only a teacher who is doing menopausal clinic outpatient at the prefectural medical university, most of the patients of this clinic were ladies from the middle to the senior. I did not feel gynecology or obstetrics for young people. Even if the parking lot was not crowded, more than 20 patients came in the hospital around 11 am on weekdays. The sofa of the waiting room is fluffy like an entertainment reception set of a company. As the teacher's words felt like reminiscent of West Japan, it may be uncomfortable to those who are not familiar with it.
nono ka on Google

先生と看護師さんにはお世話になりました。 優しく丁寧な対応で安心して通院できました。 しかし、受付の方は挨拶もなく、初めての時も分からないことを面倒そうに説明しているのがとても悲しくなりました。
Thank you to the teacher and the nurse. I was able to go to the hospital with peace of mind with a gentle and polite response. However, the receptionist did not say hello, and it made me very sad to explain that I didn't understand even the first time.
キティキティ on Google

私にはこちらの先生が合うので10年前くらいからお世話になってます。学生の頃心配事があってかかりましたが、きちんと説明してくれたし大丈夫だよ~と何度も言ってくれて落ち着きました。大人になってからかかった時は、結婚したんだね~子供欲しい?検査しよっか?と提案してくれました。合う合わないはあるかもしれませんが、私にとってはとても相談しやすい先生です。 少し改善してほしいなと思うところもあります。それは、ご年配の患者さんとその付き添いの方?達が待合室のソファーを占領していて少し迷惑なところです。妊婦さんもたくさん来ますから、どうか付き添いの方やご年配でも元気な方はソファーを譲って欲しいですし、それを貼り紙したり受付の方が声かけしてくれると助かります。
This teacher suits me, so I have been indebted for about 10 years. When I was a student, I was worried about it, but he explained it properly and said that it was okay, and he calmed down. When I got married when I became an adult, I got married ~ Do you want children? Should I inspect it? Suggested. It may not fit, but for me it is a very easy teacher to talk to. There are some places I would like to see improved a little. Is it an elderly patient and his companion? It's a little annoying because we are occupying the sofa in the waiting room. Many pregnant women will come, so please give me the sofa if you are an attendant or an elderly person, and it would be helpful if you could put it up or the receptionist would speak to you.
さや on Google

受付と看護師の方は私は全く不快な思いはしなかったですが、先生は私には合いませんでした。またコロナ禍で待合室の座れる場所も限られておりご年配の方も多いのでほぼ座れず、毎回2時間ほど立って待つのはしんどかったです。受付に声をかければ外出できますが、自分の番になったら連絡が来るわけではないのでひたすら院内で待ちました。 待合室以外に内診台や診察室の隣で待機することがあるのですが、他の患者さんの会話が丸聞こえで名前やプライバシーが筒抜けでした。 先生はよく話す明るい感じで説明もきちんとしてくれる時もありますが、常に患者さんが多く診察は流れ作業のように感じる時の方が多かったです。先生の対応も、その時によって気分にムラがあるように感じました。 私は妊娠希望だったのですが排卵しづらい体質で「もう30代だし排卵障害もあるし、あなたの子宮は色々と最悪ですね〜」とサラッと軽い感じで言われたのがひっかかり、確かにその通りなのですが、他にも色々ストレスになると判断し転院しました。その後、別の病院で初めて色々不妊検査をしてもらい、妊娠できました。 悪い病院ではないと思いますが、人によって合う合わないが顕著な病院かもしれません。
The receptionist and the nurse didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but the teacher didn't suit me. In addition, the place where the waiting room can be seated is limited due to the corona, and many elderly people cannot sit, so it was difficult to stand and wait for about 2 hours each time. You can go out by calling the receptionist, but when it's your turn, you won't be contacted, so I just waited in the hospital. In addition to the waiting room, I sometimes wait next to the internal examination table or examination room, but I could hear the conversations of other patients, and my name and privacy were missing. The teacher talks a lot and sometimes gives me a proper explanation, but there are always many patients and the examination is more like an assembly line. I also felt that the teacher's response was uneven depending on the time. I was hoping to get pregnant, but I had a hard time ovulating, and I was caught in a light feeling when I was told, "I'm in my thirties and I have an ovulation disorder, and your uterus is the worst." That's right, but I decided that it would be stressful and transferred to another hospital. After that, I had various infertility tests for the first time at another hospital, and I was able to get pregnant. I don't think it's a bad hospital, but it may be a remarkable hospital that doesn't suit some people.
ram on Google

不妊治療で2年通いました。 先生は優しいけど、不妊治療の知識はあまりないと思います。 検査も治療も一部しかできません。 質問しても納得できる答えはないです。 不妊治療の入口としてはいいけど、本気で望むなら長居しない方がいいです。 2年を無駄にしました。 看護師さんは基本優しいけど忙しいとピリついてます。 受付さんは他の方と同様に、無愛想です。問い合わせするとめんどくさがられます。 待ち時間が長すぎるので時間に余裕ないといけません。最大3時間待った経験があります。
I went to fertility treatment for 2 years. The teacher is kind, but I don't think he has much knowledge about fertility treatment. Only part of the test and treatment can be done. Even if you ask a question, there is no convincing answer. It's a good entry point for fertility treatment, but if you really want it, you shouldn't stay long. I wasted two years. The nurses are basically kind, but I'm sick when I'm busy. The receptionist is as unfriendly as everyone else. If you make an inquiry, it will be annoying. The waiting time is too long, so I have to spare time. I have waited up to 3 hours.
うさゆき on Google

6年程お世話になっていていましたが、最近先生の対応が酷過ぎて最悪です。 分からなかったり不安な事を聞いたのに肘をついて呆れ顔をされる。そんな顔をされる様な事は聞いてないはずだし、先生がそんな対応してくる事に驚きました。 前回の診察内容も忘れてる。私の診察内容じゃないんじゃないかってくらい。 先生が私に言った内容ですら忘れていて、従って指定された日に受診してるのに全く違う事を言われる。 私は医者じゃないから分からない、説明が不十分。 3時間も待ってこんな対応で最悪。 看護師さんはとても優しく、今までは先生を信頼していたので3時間待ってもと通っていただけにショックでとても残念。 星を1つも入れたくないくらいです。
I've been indebted for about 6 years, but recently the teacher's response is too terrible and it's the worst. Even though I didn't understand or heard something uneasy, I got an elbow and got a frightened face. I shouldn't have heard of such a face, and I was surprised that the teacher would respond to it. I forgot the contents of the previous examination. I think it's not my medical examination. I forgot even what the teacher told me, so I was told something completely different even though I had a medical examination on the designated day. I'm not a doctor so I don't know, the explanation is inadequate. Waiting for 3 hours, this is the worst response. The nurse was very kind and I trusted the teacher so far, so I was shocked and disappointed that I had to wait for 3 hours. I don't want to put in any stars.

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