
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 千里苑

住所 :

Tsukagoshi, Warabi, 〒335-0002 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Saitama

Tsukagoshi, Warabi, 〒335-0002 Saitama,Japan
daruma masa on Google

I've been taken by my parents since I was a kid, but I haven't come across a better yakiniku restaurant than here.
にむにむ on Google

昔からの焼肉屋さんといった感じです。 昔のガス台で食べる感じは私は好きです。 お肉の部位とかは多くはないですが あのお値段であのカルビは感激する域でした。またマスターやおかあさんも優しい方で とても良かったです。 また機会があれば、伺いたいと思います。
It feels like a traditional yakiniku restaurant. I like the feeling of eating on an old gas station. There aren't many meat parts, At that price, the ribs were inspiring. Also, the master and mother are kind It was very good. If I have another chance, I would like to ask.
ぴよのぐまちん(ぐまちん) on Google

昔ながらの焼肉屋さん!老夫婦二人でやっていて気さくなマスターがビビンバをかき混ぜてくれました(*´ω`*) ママは細々と動き優しい口調で注文を取ってくれます! お肉もとても美味しくお酒やご飯が進みますw チヂミの食感が回りがサクサクして美味しかったよφ(c・ω・ )ψ モグモグ お店が古くて狭いので足腰の悪い方はテーブル席がお薦めです!
Old-fashioned yakiniku restaurant! A friendly master who was doing it with two old couples stirred bibimbap (* ´ω ` *) Mom takes orders with a gentle tone! The meat is also very delicious and the sake and rice go on w The texture of the chijimi was crispy and delicious φ (c ・ ω ・) ψ Mogumogu The shop is old and small, so if you have trouble with your legs, we recommend table seats!
akira_x_xx_x on Google

新広小路商店街にある老舗の焼肉屋さん。 店内は昭和レトロな雰囲気。 他の焼肉屋が提供する肉とは一線を画する肉の質! テグタンやクッパ等のスープ系も抜群に美味しいです。 人柄の良い夫婦が切り盛りしています。 こあがりの席が狭いですが、料理が忘れさせてくれます。
A long-established yakiniku restaurant in the Shinhirokoji shopping street. The restaurant has a retro Showa atmosphere. Meat quality that sets it apart from the meat offered by other yakiniku restaurants! Soups such as Tegutan and Bowser are also very delicious. A married couple with good personality is preparing. The seats are small, but the dishes make me forget.
M M on Google

A5黒毛和牛やら、一頭買いやら、備長炭やら、そういうものとは無縁の、昭和の空気が残る焼肉屋。店内は少し古めかしいのは否めない。 しかし、肉の味は本物。リーズナブルな値段で旨味のある肉を提供するために、仕入れや包丁仕事にこだわっているのが、一、二品食べればたちどころにみてとれる。特にのど軟骨やミノなど、硬めのホルモンをぜひ頼んで欲しい。いかに食べやすい包丁が入れてあることか。 中年2人で腹いっぱいになり、7,000円ほど。丁寧で明るい接客のおかみさんにも癒やされる、街場の焼肉の名店でした。
A5 Japanese black beef, buying one, Bincho charcoal, etc., a yakiniku restaurant that has nothing to do with the atmosphere of the Showa era. It is undeniable that the inside of the store is a little old-fashioned. However, the taste of meat is real. In order to provide delicious meat at a reasonable price, we are particular about purchasing and kitchen knife work, but if you eat one or two dishes, you can immediately see it. Especially, please ask for hard hormones such as throat cartilage and mino. How easy it is to have a kitchen knife in it. Two middle-aged people are full and it costs about 7,000 yen. It was a famous yakiniku restaurant in the street that was healed by the polite and cheerful mother.
永澤宗義 on Google

たれが甘め、甘党の方は絶対にたれがおすすめ。 甘党でなければ塩がおすすめ。 塩で注文しても頼むとたれを別皿で持ってきてくれるので2つの味が楽しめる。 おすすめは喉軟骨、ハラミ、中落ち、テグタンクッパ。 ご家族でどうぞと看板に書いてあるが平日なら一人でも喜んで受け入れてくれます。 平日一人焼肉したい人におすすめ。 金、土、日でも空いている日なら一人でも歓迎してくれます。 47年前からある歴史ある老舗焼肉屋さんで店内もTHE昭和です。 タイムスリップした様な気分になります。 私が昭和物の映画監督なら絶対に使いたい空間です。 それと接客もとても良いです。 立地が良くないし飲み屋街とかではないのにも関わらず47年以上営業しているのは接客や味が本物だからだと思います。 よく元飲食店経営者の方から景気が悪くて店が潰れた、立地条件が悪くて潰れた等話を聞きますが味、接客、値段設定がおかしくなければ飲食店は潰れる事がない事を証明してくれるようなお店です。 いつも美味しい料理を提供してくれてありがとうございます。 かっぱ水道 永澤
Sauce is sweet, and if you are a sweet tooth, we definitely recommend it. If it's not a sweet tooth, salt is recommended. Even if you order with salt, if you ask, the sauce will be brought to you in a separate plate, so you can enjoy two flavors. We recommend throat cartilage, skirt steak, skirt steak, and tegtan bowser. Although it is written on the signboard asking for family members, even one person will be happy to accept it on weekdays. Recommended for those who want to grill meat alone on weekdays. Even if you are free on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, you will be welcomed by yourself. It is a long-established yakiniku restaurant that has been around for 47 years, and the inside of the restaurant is THE Showa. I feel like I've slipped back in time. If I'm a Showa movie director, this is the space I definitely want to use. Also, the customer service is very good. I think that the reason why it has been open for more than 47 years, despite the fact that it is not in a good location and is not a bar, is because the customer service and taste are genuine. I often hear from former restaurant owners that the restaurant collapsed due to the bad economy, the location was bad and the restaurant collapsed, but if the taste, customer service, and price setting are not correct, the restaurant will not collapse. It's a shop that proves it. Thank you for always serving delicious food. Kappa Suido Nagasawa
みーさん. on Google

このお店の近くに安い焼肉チェーン店があり、どちらかというとそちらをよく利用していました。 が、今回初めて訪問してびっくり! お肉が柔らかくておいしーい!!!どれを頼んでもおいしい!! もっと早く訪問すればよかったです。 他の方のレビューにもあるように、店員さんの接客もとてもよいです(ノw`*) お値段もこのクオリティなら納得です。むしろ安いのでは…!? 二人でお酒を飲んでめいいっぱいお肉を食べて八千円くらいでした。満腹! ぱっとみお値段が高めと感じられるかもしれませんが、そういう気持ちを覆してくれました。 また訪問したい!長く続いて欲しいお店です。
There was a cheap yakiniku chain shop near this shop, and I used it more often. However, I was surprised to visit for the first time this time! The meat is tender and delicious! ! ! Whichever you order, it's delicious! ! I should have visited earlier. As the review of other people, the customer service of the clerk is also very good (now `*) If price is this quality, we are convinced. Rather cheap ...! ? It was around 8,000 yen because we both drank alcohol and ate a lot of meat. I'm full! You may feel that the price is expensive, but it overturned that feeling. I want to visit again! It is a store that I want to last for a long time.
ちぃちゃん on Google

間違いなく美味しいです。 何を頼んでも失敗したこと無いです。 週末は混んでいるので平日がお勧めです。 焼肉はもちろん!テグタンスープが大好きです。テグタンクッパやうどんやラーメンと、同じスープでも選ぶことができます。
Definitely delicious. No matter what I ask, I have never failed. Weekdays are recommended as it is crowded on weekends. Not to mention yakiniku! I love Tegtan soup. You can choose the same soup as Tegtan Bowser, Udon and Ramen.

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