さかさ 辻堂店

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact さかさ 辻堂店

住所 :

Tsujido, Fujisawa, 〒251-0047 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tsujido, Fujisawa, 〒251-0047 Kanagawa,Japan
5丁目のカズ on Google

ざく切りレモンがたっぷり入ってスノースタイルで提供される生レモンサワーがとにかくテンション上がる! 他の店舗も同じレモンサワーにして下さい…
The fresh lemon sour, which is served in a snow style with plenty of chopped lemon, just raises the tension! Please use the same lemon sour for other stores ...
Ka Ma (chaso) on Google

店長さんがとっても面白い!スタッフの人も温かい接客で食も雰囲気も楽しめました◎ もつ煮がとめばち鮪が美味しかったです!
The manager is very interesting! The staff members also enjoyed the food and atmosphere with warm service ◎ The mochi-boiled roasted tuna was delicious!
jun hasegawa on Google

店員さんがまじで本当に元気でいるだけで楽しい空間です! 友だちに教えてもらったお店なんですが、結構友だちが遊びに来てくれるたびにここをいつも予約しちゃいます。海も近いしお造りも美味しいです!!あとは串焼きもすごく美味しいです!目の前で炭で焼いてくれます。そしてお野菜の串焼きもオススメです!お肉が巻いてあり美味しいですよ!! あとはモツ鍋も美味しいです!2人で行った時は鍋だけでお腹がいっぱいになってしまうのでなかなかな最近はたべれていませんが。。。色んな種類を食べたいときは4人ほどで行きたいです! 写真はついこの前食べた、ブリのお刺身です。分厚いから食べ応えがありますよ!
It's a fun space just because the clerk is really energetic! It's a shop that my friends told me, but I always make a reservation here whenever my friends come to play. The sea is near and the sashimi is delicious! ! The skewers are also delicious! It burns with charcoal in front of you. We also recommend vegetable skewers! The meat is wrapped and delicious! ! Motsunabe is also delicious! When I went there with two people, it wasn't easy to eat recently because my stomach became full with only pots. . . When you want to eat various kinds, you want to go with about 4 people! The picture is the yellowtail sashimi I ate last time. There is a response to eat because it is thick!
清水博志 on Google

辻堂に住んで約30年。 はじめて行ったけど、とにかく美味い‼️ 私はねぎまだけで何本でも食べられる。 めちゃくちゃ美味かった‼️
I have lived in Tsujido for about 30 years. I went there for the first time, but it was delicious anyway! ️ I can eat as many bottles as I can with just Negima. It was insanely delicious! ️
m mz on Google

Motsunabe is the best. Brown sugar broad beans and recommended lemon sour There is salt around the mouth and I just drink too much. It's far from where I live, but I want to eat it even on the train.
ぷくまん on Google

とにかく肉寿司が食べたくて検索。同じ姉妹店のリッチホルモンからの ふりだし、からの さかさにきました! どの店も、肉寿司を1人3つは、食べたい!ゆず塩もつ鍋も美味しい。とうもろこしの唐揚げも好き。とにかくコッテリまんぷく好きはぜひ。
I wanted to eat meat sushi anyway. From the same sister store rich hormone, from Came to the height! Every shop wants 3 people to eat meat sushi! Yuzu salt hot pot is also delicious. I also like deep-fried corn. Anyway, if you like Kotteri Manpuku, be sure.
T. Matsumoto on Google

藤沢は海鮮メインだけどこちらは肉中心なので注意。メニューのクオリティは藤沢と遜色なく、特に炙り〆サバや肉寿司などの炙り系は席で目の前で炙ってくれて楽しいし味も絶品。 日本酒の種類が藤沢より少し少ないけどそれ以外大満足でした!
Fujisawa is mainly seafood, but be careful because this is mainly meat. The quality of the menu is not inferior to that of Fujisawa, and especially the roasted mackerel and meat sushi are roasted in front of you at your seat, and the taste is excellent. There are a few types of sake than Fujisawa, but I was very satisfied with the rest!
Benjamin Wu on Google

We randomly found this place on a Friday evening and loved it! The yakitori set was expertly grilled and had lots of interesting variety. The atmosphere was also welcoming and lively. The staff and grill master were all friendly and considerate. We're looking forward to coming back!

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