Tsudashinkyu Acupuncture

4.7/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

堺市堺区東湊の整骨院|腰痛・ぎっくり腰・ひざの痛みはお任せ!津田鍼灸整骨院 - Tuda-seikotuin.com


Contact Tsudashinkyu Acupuncture

住所 :

Sakai Ward, Sakai, 〒590-0828 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : https://tuda-seikotuin.com/
街 : Osaka

Sakai Ward, Sakai, 〒590-0828 Osaka,Japan
Tyatarou J on Google

eiji kondo on Google

奥田共克 on Google

先生、スタッフの方々が親切丁寧?又、話やすい整骨院です? キツイ施術ではなく、優しい施術ですが体は楽に… open当時より長年通っています
The teachers and staff are kind and polite. It's not a gentle treatment, but a gentle treatment, but the body is easy ... I have been there for many years since open
正成栄治(ちっちゃ) on Google

体のメンテナンスに行っていますが、触診でな対応が早く、正確。 患者の状態に応じた対応が的確です。
I am doing body maintenance, but the response is quick and accurate by palpation. It is appropriate to respond according to the patient's condition.
mayu n on Google

首のコリ、背中が痛くて行ってみました。待っている間は、初めてウォーターベットを経験しました。水の力でのマッサージ、初めてでしたがよかったです。先生からは色々カラダの状態を説明してもらいながら、施術をしてもらい、話しやすく行きやすい治療院だと思いました。 また行きます。
I stiffened my neck and my back hurt. While waiting, I experienced a water bet for the first time. The massage with the power of water was the first time, but it was good. The teacher explained the condition of the body in various ways, had him perform the procedure, and thought that it was an easy-to-talk and easy-to-go clinic. I will go again.
中本まゆみ on Google

I went to neurosurgery because my head was dizzy and I was afraid to drive a car, but the cause was stiff neck and shoulders. With careful treatment and firm treatment, the symptoms soon subsided. Because I work on a computer for a long time every day, I rely on it so that I don't get sick again. It is an osteopathic clinic that you can go to with peace of mind because you are kind and polite.
miocha Boo on Google

子供の身長を伸ばすコースを施術してもらってます。1回の施術で173.5cmから174.5cmになりました♬。子供の姿勢・猫背も、調整してもらい、子供本人が、先生に施術してもらうと身体が楽になったと、喜んでます♬。今後も定期的に通院することで、身長も伸び、姿勢も良くなると思ってます。 お子様の身長や、姿勢、猫背を気にしてる方にオススメしたいです♬。
I have a course to increase the height of my child. It changed from 173.5 cm to 174.5 cm in one treatment ♬. I am pleased that the child's posture and stoop were adjusted, and that the child's body became easier when the teacher performed the procedure. I think that by going to the hospital regularly, I will grow taller and improve my posture. I would like to recommend it to those who are concerned about the height, posture, and stoop of the child ♬.

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