新鮮 魚の食堂 すごえもん - Tsuchizakiminatonishi

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 新鮮 魚の食堂 すごえもん

住所 :

Tsuchizakiminatonishi, 〒011-0945 Akita,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 011-0945
Webサイト : https://www.oomachi.com/works/sugoemon/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–1:40PM
Sunday 11:30AM–1:40PM
Monday 11:30AM–1:40PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–1:40PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–1:40PM
Thursday 11:30AM–1:40PM
Friday 11:30AM–1:40PM
街 : Akita

Tsuchizakiminatonishi, 〒011-0945 Akita,Japan
Tifi Wan on Google

入店してすぐ右手のレジで注文、会計して番号札を貰う。複数人で行くと混雑している時は、注文した物が焼き物なら、出来上がりが遅くなる為皆んなが同時に食べ始める事が出来ない。 店内は70から80人位入れる程広い。テーブル席がメインだが、奥には小上がり席もある。刺身、煮魚、焼き魚は確かに美味いです。
Immediately after entering the store, place an order at the cash register on the right hand, make a check, and get a number tag When it is crowded when going with several people, if the ordered item is a grilled dish, it will not be possible to start eating at the same time because everyone will be late. The store is large enough to accommodate 70 to 80 people. Although the table seats are main, there are small seats in the back. Sashimi, boiled and grilled fish are definitely delicious.
内海宙士 on Google

夕方18:00以降になって道の駅にたどり着いてもお店は閉まっていて、どこか近くで食事ができるところを探して見つけたのがここでした。 人気の無いうら寂しい施設に入ると板前の人が迎えてくれました。料理は質もボリュームもあって大変満足できました。 客入りの乏しい時間帯に関わらず開いてくれていたことに感謝します。 静かな隠れの雰囲気でおいしい料理を楽しみたい人には、夕食の時間帯にこのお店に来ることを強くお勧めします。
Even after arriving at the roadside station after 18:00 in the evening, the shop was closed, and I was looking for a place to eat somewhere nearby and found it here. A person in front of the chef greeted me when I entered a lonely facility that was not popular. The food was both quality and volume and I was very satisfied. Thank you for being open regardless of the time of the crowd. For those who want to enjoy good food in a quiet, hidden atmosphere, it is highly recommended that you come to this restaurant during dinner hours.
みすず on Google

混んでいたので少し待ちましたが出来立てホヤホヤできましたーーー(番号を呼ばれてとりに行きます) 満足感と満腹感でいっぱいでした〜!(o^^o) エビがめちゃくちゃ最高!! 味噌汁は私の口には塩っぱすぎたけどきゅうりの漬物はごはんにめっちゃ合う‼︎ サバの味噌煮も案の定、サイコーの仕上がりでございます。 こんな満足して1000円ちょいでした!ありがとうございます♪そしてご馳走様です♪♪ セリオン付近は久々に来ましたが色々売っていて面白かったです。
It was so crowded that I waited for a while, but I was able to get it fresh (I'll call you the number and go get it) It was full of satisfaction and fullness! (o ^^ o) The shrimp are insanely great! !! Miso soup was too salty for my mouth, but pickled cucumbers go really well with rice! ︎ Boiled mackerel in miso is, as expected, a great finish. I was so satisfied that it was only 1000 yen! Thank you ♪ And it's a treat ♪♪ It's been a while since I came to the area around Selion, but it was fun to sell various things.
國井茂之 on Google

刺身スペシャル頼んだのに…サバの味噌煮がメインでした?サバの味噌煮スペシャルもありますが同じ食べものです。 名前はガッカリですが美味しく頂きました。 ちなみに、伺った時はチラホラ程度でしたがお昼の時間になるとお客さんが絶えることなく入ってきました。 また、周りにポートタワー内の食堂と同じ敷地内のラーメン屋さんくらいかなぁ?
I ordered a sashimi special ... Did you mainly cook mackerel in miso? There is also a mackerel miso boiled special, but it is the same food. The name is disappointing, but it was delicious. By the way, when I visited, it was only a flickering time, but when it was lunch time, customers came in constantly. Also, I wonder if there is a ramen shop on the same site as the cafeteria in the Port Tower.
るみ on Google

秋田に行くとき良く行きます。お魚が美味しくて、リーズナブルなとこが大好きです??? 今回も同僚と出掛けた際の食事どうしようとなったのですが、私のあそこに行こう?で決まりでした‼️ みんな満足してくれました。今回は鯖味噌定食でした。
I often go to Akita. The fish are delicious and I love the reasonably priced ??? I was trying to eat when I went out with my colleague this time, but it was decided by me to go there ?! ️ Everyone was satisfied. This time it was a mackerel miso set meal.
千田理恵 on Google

海鮮丼ランチ食べましたが、ご飯はホカホカでネタが冷たく冷凍?冷蔵?な感じでした。美味しくない訳ではありませんでしたがうーん? ほとんどがセルフで店の入口で注文し番号札が渡され呼ばれたら取りに行き食後返却口へと言うシステムでしたよ。
I ate a seafood bowl lunch, but the rice is fluffy and the ingredients are cold and frozen? Refrigerated? It was a feeling. It wasn't that it wasn't delicious, but hmm? Most of the systems were self-ordering at the entrance of the store, and when the number tag was handed over and called, they went to pick it up and went to the return port after meals.
熊野風花 on Google

さば味噌定食がオススメです?(580円) 安いし提供も早い さば味噌には薄っぺらいイメージしかなかったですが、すごえもんではしっかりしたさば味噌が食べれます? 半身丸々で骨付きでしたが食べれるくらいには柔らかい(缶詰めのさば味噌よりは硬いけど)余ったタレは添えられたもやしで最後まで美味しく食べれます。 個人的に美味しすぎてご飯が足りなかった? 他にも焼き魚とか海鮮丼とかありました。 席に着く前にレジで注文、受け取りと返却は自分で行くスタイルです。コップの水垢汚れが気になりました?
Mackerel misoni set meal is recommended ? (580 yen) Cheap and quick to offer Mackerel misoni had only a thin image, but you can eat solid mackerel misoni with amazing ? The whole body was full and had bones, but it was soft enough to eat (although it was harder than canned mackerel misoni). Personally it was too delicious and I didn't have enough rice ? There were also grilled fish and seafood bowls. It is a style to order, receive and return at the cash register before you get to your seat. I was worried about the scale stains on the cup ?
エリリュウコウママ on Google

お刺身5点盛り海鮮鍋を。 ちょっと混み合っていたけど、店員さんの気さくな対応、声かけで、和みました。 お刺身も新鮮、海鮮鍋は牡蠣、鮭、ホタテが入ってサッパリお出汁が美味しく、完飲しました。 けどちょっとヘルシー過ぎて、腹5分目だった〜涙 もう少しボリュームあると嬉しいですね!
A seafood hot pot with 5 sashimi. It was a little crowded, but the clerk's friendly response and voice made me feel at ease. The sashimi was fresh, and the seafood hotpot contained oysters, salmon, and scallops, and the refreshing soup stock was delicious. But it was a little too healthy and it was the 5th minute of my stomach ~ tears I hope there is a little more volume!

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