居酒屋ほたる家 - Tsuchizakiminato Chuo

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 居酒屋ほたる家

住所 :

Tsuchizakiminato Chuo, 〒011-0946 Akita,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88897
Postal code : 011-0946
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–11PM
Sunday 5–11PM
Monday 5–11PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 5–11PM
Thursday 5–11PM
Friday 5–11PM
街 : Akita

Tsuchizakiminato Chuo, 〒011-0946 Akita,Japan
榎大志 on Google

It is a home-style pub! Moth
まるの日記diary of maru on Google

府陰気メニューマスター 満足ですよ❗
Fu gloomy menu master I'm satisfied ❗
小林英司 on Google

The best food! ️Yakitori is also delicious! ️
ただしん on Google

ローカルな居酒屋です。 予約すれば、すっぽんー他珍しいものが頼めます。
It's a local izakaya. If you make a reservation, you can order soft-shelled turtles and other rare items.
清水久美子 on Google

A friendly mom and master. There was a variety of food and it was delicious. The inside of the store is quite large, with a long counter and table seats in the style of taking off your shoes.
児玉葵(児玉葵) on Google

ご夫婦で営まれている居酒屋さんです。 フロアスタッフはいませんので、混雑時にはオーダーを受けてから料理が出てくるまで時間はかかります。 しょっちゅう行くわけではありませんが、行くたびにメニューが増えていたり、飲み物にこだわったりで楽しく飲めます。 もう少し清潔感があるともっと流行ると思います。
It is a pub run by a couple. There is no floor staff, so it will take some time until the food comes out after receiving an order when crowded. I do not go often, but I can enjoy the menu with increasing each time I go and enjoy it with a drink. I think that it will become more popular if there is a feeling of cleanliness a little more.
ろっくチロ(ろっく&チロ) on Google

The shop is larger than I thought, and there are counter seats and table seats. You can eat ramen from Nishiyama Seimen in Sapporo. I used Yukata in the town of local Tsuchizaki for warmth. The food is handmade, so it will take a long time when it is crowded.
佐々木小町 on Google

気さくな大将と日本酒に詳しいママさんが最高です 運が良ければ珍しいお刺身も出してくれますよ。 スッポン料理は予約必須です♪
A friendly general and a mom who is familiar with sake are the best If you are lucky, they will also serve you rare sashimi. Reservation is required for soft-shelled turtle dishes ♪

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