Tsuchiyu Onsen - Fukushima

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsuchiyu Onsen

住所 :

Uenomachi-1 Tsuchiyuonsenmachi, Fukushima, 960-2157, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 960-2157
Webサイト : https://www.tcy.jp/
Description : Hot springs resort town featuring spa hotels, public foot baths & traditional wooden dolls.

Uenomachi-1 Tsuchiyuonsenmachi, Fukushima, 960-2157, Japan
髙橋かおり on Google

日帰り温泉700円。 タオルなしです。 最上階が露天風呂有りですが、日によって7階の大浴場と入れ替えているようで、この日は男性が露天風呂付きでした。 7階大浴場のお風呂はぬるくて入りやすいです。 洗うとこは6人くらい?鍵なしのロッカーは12人分。一番下は鍵付きのロッカーあり。 洗面は2箇所、ドライヤーも2台。 定番のシャンプーリンスボディソープは置いておりました。化粧水らしきものあり。ロッカーの上に扇風機あり。 コロナの影響か土曜日の昼時に伺い、ほぼ貸切状態。のんびり浸かれました♨️ バリアフリーは対応してなさそうで、廊下も狭い感じです。
One-day hot spring 700 yen. There is no towel. There is an open-air bath on the top floor, but it seems that it is replaced with a large public bath on the 7th floor depending on the day, and men had an open-air bath on that day. The bath in the large communal bath on the 7th floor is warm and easy to enter. Is there about 6 people to wash? Lockers without keys are for 12 people. There is a locker with a key at the bottom. There are 2 washbasins and 2 hair dryers. The standard shampoo conditioner body soap was placed. There is something that looks like a lotion. There is a fan on the locker. I asked about the influence of the corona at noon on Saturday, and it was almost reserved. I was soaked leisurely ♨️ Barrier-free does not seem to be supported, and the corridor seems to be narrow.
根本守 on Google

日帰り入浴で土湯温泉にやってまいりました。 今日はお天気も良くて沢山の方々が来訪されてまさしたね。 例年よりも多く降った雪もすっかり溶けて春に向かってるのが伺えます。 また桜?が咲いた頃に来たいと思いました。
I came to Tsuchiyu Onsen for a day trip bath. The weather was fine today and many people visited us. You can see that the snow that has fallen more than usual has completely melted and is heading toward spring. I also wanted to come when the cherry blossoms ? bloomed.
Micro art Labo on Google

2022.2.19 訪問 なんとなく昭和を感じたくなり初訪問。 古き良き時代の名残と、新たな時代の息吹が混在する温泉街。 其処彼処に見られるコケシのオブジェクト。 Wi-Fiの案内看板は可愛いコケシから電波が出ている様でキュート♪ 今回は日帰り入浴などもなくただただ温泉街を撮り歩いて帰途につきましたが、時間に余裕がある時にまた訪れてみたいと思います。
2022.2.19 Visit Somehow I wanted to feel the Showa era and visited for the first time. A hot spring town where the remnants of the good old days and the breath of a new era coexist. The object of Kokeshi dolls that can be seen there. The Wi-Fi information signboard is cute as it seems that radio waves are emitted from cute Kokeshi dolls ♪ This time, I didn't have a day trip bath and just took a picture of the hot spring town and went home, but I would like to visit again when I have time to spare.
温泉大好物 on Google

♨️こけしがお出迎え♨️ 福島温泉巡り??飛行機の時間があり秘湯川上温泉にしか行けませんでした。こけし推しが素晴らしい??土湯温泉の日帰り温泉19ヶ所の旅館と1ヶ所の公衆浴場で楽しむことが出来るので時間切れが残業。単純温泉、単純硫黄泉、炭酸水素塩泉など様々な温泉があるので次回はゆっくり訪れてたいと思える温泉郷です。
♨️ Kokeshi greets you ♨️ Fukushima hot spring tour ?? I could only go to the secret hot spring Kawakami hot spring because I had time to fly. Kokeshi dolls are wonderful ?? One-day hot springs at Tsuchiyu Onsen You can enjoy it at 19 inns and 1 public bath, so you can work overtime. There are various hot springs such as simple hot springs, simple sulfur springs, and hydrogen carbonate springs, so it is a hot spring village that you will want to visit slowly next time.
Johannes Jakobi Pedersen on Google

Very good experience. A bit og the beaten track. Easy ro get to by shuttle service
Osmany Monjaras on Google

Very cozy and peaceful town with a lot of hotel options and interesting electric energy use.
Celeste Nuñez on Google

The hotel where I went in the onsen was beautiful, no need to stay the night and the paint your own kokeshi experience was really nice too. The people were really friendly and helpful.
Camellia Japan on Google

I live very close to Tsuchiyu Onsen (hotspring). There are some beautiful ponds and mountains. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery of four seasons. And we have nice Onsens( hotsprings) dotted around the town!

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