
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ながお整体院

住所 :

Tsuchiuri, Koriyama, 〒963-0204 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897797
Webサイト : https://nagao-seitai.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM
街 : Fukushima

Tsuchiuri, Koriyama, 〒963-0204 Fukushima,Japan
mami zume on Google

もともと肩こりがあり、出産してからさらに酷くなり、湿布や鎮痛薬でごまかして来ました。 整骨院やマッサージに行った時もありましたが、強くもまれ電気をかけて…もまれる事でさらに悪化して…通うのをやめてしまいました。 朝起きた時から肩から背中が重くてスッキリせず、痺れが出始め、ながお先生にお世話になりました。 現在の状態を診ていただき、その時にあった施術をしてくれるので、終わったあとはスッキリです。通い始めた時の痺れはなくなり、頭痛の回数が減りました。姿勢が悪いのもあり、肩がだるい時もありますが、だいぶ改善されました。枕のアドバイスを頂き、朝起きたての肩と背中の痛みがなくなりました!!とても優しい先生です( ˙꒳˙ )
I had stiff shoulders, which became worse after I gave birth, and I cheated with compresses and painkillers. I used to go to an osteopathic clinic and a massage, but it was so strong that I couldn't get there because of the electric shock... From the time I woke up in the morning, my shoulders were heavy on my back and I didn't feel refreshed. I started to get numb and I was taken care of by Mr. Naga. It will give you a look at your current condition and give you the treatment you need at the time, so it's refreshing after you're done. My numbness disappeared when I started going and my headaches decreased. My posture is bad and my shoulders are sometimes sluggish, but it has improved considerably. I got the pillow advice and the pain in my shoulders and back when I got up in the morning was gone! !! Very kind teacher (˙꒳˙)
大塚美加子 on Google

朝ベットから起き上がれないほどの首と肩の痛みがありつらかったのですが、ながお整体院をご紹介いただき2回目くらいから痛みがやわらぎとても楽になりました。 整体は初めてでしたが、肩甲骨や股関節が硬いことが原因みたいですごいなと思いました。 とにかく先生が優しくてそれにも癒されています。 ストレッチもなかなか上手くできないのですが、すっかり痛みもなくなり本当に感謝しています。 またよろしくお願いします。
I had a pain in my neck and shoulders that I couldn't get up from bed in the morning, but after being introduced to Nagao Seitaiin, the pain was relieved from the second time and it became very easy. It was my first time to do manipulative treatment, but I thought it was amazing because the shoulder blades and hip joints were stiff. Anyway, the teacher is kind and healed. I'm having trouble stretching, but I'm really grateful that the pain has disappeared. Also thank you.
合田りん on Google

5年くらいの肩の痛みと股関節の痛みを諦めていたところ、たまたま入っていたチラシを見て試しに行ってみました。治療も全体のバランスをみてもらい痛みも軽減してきました。 行動範囲も広がり山登りを趣味にしていましたが、去年は登りで痛みや疲労を感じもう辞めようかと思ったが今は磐梯山に登ることができました。 今年は本当に山登りを楽しめています。その都度アドバイスをくれるのでとても助かります。
I had given up on shoulder pain and hip pain for about 5 years, so I went to try it by looking at the leaflet that happened to be in it. As for the treatment, I was asked to see the overall balance and the pain was alleviated. I had a wide range of activities and my hobby was mountain climbing, but last year I felt pain and fatigue from climbing and thought about quitting, but now I can climb Mt. Bandai. I really enjoy climbing mountains this year. It is very helpful because he gives me advice each time.
大野栄一 on Google

肩こりで通っております。 内臓整体や施術で、慢性的な肩こりがよくなってきているので、引き続き通いたいと思っております。
I go through with stiff shoulders. Chronic stiff shoulders are getting better with visceral manipulative treatment and treatment, so I would like to continue going.
R Sasaki on Google

坐骨神経痛で通院しています。 整形外科で処方された鎮痛剤が効かず、 整体や鍼灸院にも通いましたが一向に激痛が治まらず、 別の整形外科で勧められた注射も全く効果無しで、 一体どうすればいいのかあれこれ検索してこちらに辿り着きました。 「原因を突き止めるためとことん検査し調べます」とHPに明記されていたのが決め手でした。 私の場合は、股関節・背中・内臓と、あらゆる部分の固さから来ているとのことで、 水分を摂ること、カイロで温めることのほか、ストレッチや小麦製品を控えること等、 食事内容まで細かな指示をいただき、懸命に取り組みましたが、1か月程は痛みが変わらずでした。 車で片道1時間半以上かかる所から、週2回の通院でしたが、 坐骨神経痛の痛みが強く、行きも帰りも痛みでじっと座っていることも出来ない程でしたし、 股関節や背中、肩回り等がガチガチに固くなっている身体を調整する訳ですから、 施術もかなりの痛みを伴うことが多く、 正直言って「お金を払って拷問を受けているみたい」でした。 ですが、院長さんが真面目に患者と向き合ってくださる方だという印象を受けましたので、 諦めずに通院を続けるうちに、痛みの出ない時間が徐々に増えていき、 今では日常生活中、あの恐ろしい激痛が出現することは無くなりました。 まだ完治には至っていないので、衰えてしまった腹筋や下肢の筋肉等を強化すべく、 筋トレを組み入れた施術を継続して受けていますが、体幹を強化しないと 身体にブレが生じ、また不具合が出てしまうそうです。 「ここの筋力を強化すれば、この痛みが軽減していきます」というような パーソナルトレーニングを併せて受けられるのも、ほかにはなかなか無いと思います。 病院で異常なしと言われても痛みがなくならない方や、 痛みがどこから来ているのか分からず悩んでいる方は、結構いらっしゃると思います。 そんな方にお勧めしたい整体院です。
I go to the hospital because of sciatica. The painkillers prescribed by orthopedics did not work, I went to a manipulative treatment and acupuncture and moxibustion clinic, but the severe pain did not go away at all. The injection recommended by another orthopedic surgeon was completely ineffective, I searched for what to do and arrived here. The decisive factor was that it was clearly stated on the website that "we will thoroughly inspect and investigate to find out the cause." In my case, it comes from the hardness of all parts of the hip joint, back, and internal organs. Drinking water, warming with a warmer, refraining from stretching and wheat products, etc. I received detailed instructions on what to eat and worked hard, but the pain did not change for about a month. It took more than an hour and a half to drive one way, so I went to the hospital twice a week. The pain of sciatica was so strong that I couldn't sit still because of the pain on the way back and forth. Because it adjusts the body where the hip joint, back, shoulders, etc. are stiff. The procedure is often quite painful and To be honest, he was "paying for torture." However, I got the impression that the director is a person who treats the patient seriously. As I continued to go to the hospital without giving up, the pain-free time gradually increased, Now, in everyday life, that horrific pain no longer appears. Since it has not been completely cured yet, in order to strengthen the weakened abdominal muscles and lower limb muscles, etc. I continue to receive treatment that incorporates muscle training, but I have to strengthen my core It seems that the body will be shaken and problems will occur. "If you strengthen your muscles here, this pain will be alleviated." I don't think there is any other way to receive personal training at the same time. Those who do not get rid of the pain even if it is said that there is no abnormality at the hospital, If you are worried about where the pain is coming from, I think there are quite a few. It is a manipulative clinic that I would like to recommend to such people.
めんちゃん on Google

首、肩、股関節の痛みで通院しております。 逆流性食道炎と慢性胃炎も相談したら、内蔵整体をやって頂きました。 1ヶ月ちょっと通院でだいぶ改善されました。 良くなっていると実感出来て、これからまた、楽しみです? 食生活のアドバイス、体操なども教えて頂けるので助かります? ありがとうm(_ _)m感謝です❣️
I go to the hospital because of pain in my neck, shoulders, and hip joints. After consulting with reflux esophagitis and chronic gastritis, I had a visceral manipulative treatment. I went to the hospital for a little more than a month and it improved a lot. I can feel that it is getting better and I am looking forward to it again ? I am grateful that you can give me advice on eating habits, gymnastics, etc. ? Thank you m (_ _) m Thank you ❣️
ぴーちゃん on Google

頭痛で通院しています。 薬を飲んでも効かず長年悩んでおり、ネットで見つけて通い始めました。 施術だけでなくストレッチや食事、痛い時の対処法などのアドバイスも頂き、頭痛が良くなりました。 LINEでも相談できてとても助かりました。 これからも通いたいと思います。
I go to the hospital because of a headache. Even if I took medicine, it didn't work and I had been worried for many years, so I found it online and started going. In addition to the treatment, I received advice on stretching, eating, and coping with pain, and my headache improved. It was very helpful to be able to consult on LINE. I would like to continue to attend.
中川千陽 on Google

I consulted with my teacher because I thought my neck was painful and my shoulders were stiff. Before I came here, I went to massage about 3 times, but it didn't improve, so I went to Nagao Seitaiin this time. I found that the scapula was stiff, not the shoulder. I was taught how to stretch, and after having been treated about 3 times, it improved and I am now in maintenance. Most of the remote work usually makes it easier for me to get stiff, so I am grateful for the advice I receive each time.

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