Tsubaki total body care Acupuncture - Osaka

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsubaki total body care Acupuncture

住所 :

コックドールビル 9階 4 Chome-5-14 Nanba, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0076, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 542-0076
Webサイト : https://beauty.hotpepper.jp/kr/slnH000531481/

コックドールビル 9階 4 Chome-5-14 Nanba, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0076, Japan
ねこ on Google

1年くらい通ってるけど、初めの頃に比べたら顔も小さくなったし、肌の調子も良くなりました! いつも担当してくれてる田中さんがすごく素敵な方です!
I've been going for about a year, but my face is smaller and my skin is feeling better than it was at the beginning! Mr. Tanaka, who is always in charge, is a very nice person!
石井綾花 on Google

つばき院さんに今、通っている途中なのですが、最近すごく、日常生活で自分の姿勢が 自然とキレイに良くなっている事を実感しています!ポキポキのおかげですね。対応もよくて、雰囲気もアットホームなので、これからも、お世話になりたいと思います!
I'm on my way to Tsubaki-in, but recently, my attitude has changed in my daily life. I feel that it is getting better naturally! Thanks to Poki Poki. The correspondence is good and the atmosphere is at home, so I would like to continue to take care of you!
竹森えりか on Google

活法とマッサージ、美容鍼で通わせて頂いています。 ずっと肩こりに悩まされていて、色々な所を転々としていましたが、ここで施術していただいてから肩こりに悩む回数が格段に減りました。私は数回の施術で効果をはっきりと実感できましたが、もっと体をリフレッシュさせ定着もできるように通い続けたいと思います。 美容鍼も、浮腫みがとれてフェイスラインがすごくスッキリし、肌もキレイになるのでおすすめです。 急な予定変更にも臨機応変にご対応いただいているので、仕事終わりでも無理なく通えます。 先生達の技術はもちろんすごいですし、優しくて話しやすい方ばかりです。 効果がはっきりと分かるのが楽しいので、通い続けたいと思います。 今後もよろしくお願いします?✨
I use the method of activity, massage, and beauty acupuncture. I've been suffering from stiff shoulders for a long time, and I've been in various places, but since I had the treatment here, the number of times I've been suffering from stiff shoulders has decreased dramatically. I was able to clearly feel the effect after a few treatments, but I would like to continue going so that my body can be refreshed and fixed. Beauty acupuncture is also recommended because it removes swelling, makes the face line very refreshing, and cleans the skin. We are able to respond flexibly to sudden schedule changes, so you can easily go to work even after work. Of course, the skills of the teachers are amazing, and all of them are kind and easy to talk to. It's fun to see the effect clearly, so I'd like to keep going. I look forward to working with you in the future ?✨
yuko on Google

kony先生に美容鍼と身体のマッサージ・鍼をいつもやって頂いてます。フェイスラインのたるみや顔のむくみが前よりも気にならなくなり肌の調子もすごく良いです? お得な回数券があるので通いやすくて、他店よりも気軽に美容鍼ができると思います。 最初は美容鍼がきっかけで通い始めましたが豊富な知識と経験をお持ちの先生に身体も診てもらうようになり、趣味のランニングで痛めた脚を的確にケアしてくださるのでランニングがより楽しくできるようになりました! あと、つばきさんの先生は皆さん親しみやすい方ばかりですごく雰囲気のいい通いやすいところです✨✨
I always have Mr. kony do beauty acupuncture and body massage / acupuncture. The sagging face line and swelling of the face are less noticeable than before, and the skin condition is also very good ? Since there are discount coupons, it is easy to go and I think that you can do beauty acupuncture more easily than other stores. At first, I started going to beauty acupuncture, but now I have a teacher with abundant knowledge and experience to examine my body, and my hobby is to properly care for my injured leg, so running is better. Now you can have fun! Also, Mr. Tsubaki's teachers are all friendly people, and it has a very nice atmosphere and is easy to go to.

Nice teachers with rich individuality will provide counseling and treatment. It's a wonderful place to relax your body according to your daily condition, and the casual conversation during the treatment will just get excited ? It will heal your mind and body.
山岸愛楓 on Google

肩や首、腰などが痛くて今回お世話になったのですが 接客も丁寧で、何より一回の施術ですごく効果を感じました! お得な回数券もあったので これを機に改善していけばいいなと思います。 今後ともよろしくお願いします!!
My shoulders, neck, and lower back hurt, so I was taken care of this time. The customer service was also polite, and above all, I felt the effect was great with one treatment! Because there was also a great coupon I think we should take this opportunity to improve. I look forward to working with you! !!
たにこ on Google

耳つぼダイエットで通わせていただいています。 正直、最初は半信半疑でしたが、最近大きな病気を経験したのもあり、痩せたい!きれいになりたい!というよりも、身体の中から健康になりたいという思いで初めました。 食事指導もあれはダメこれもダメというものはなく、ストレスなく続けることができ、最初の3か月でー10kgできました。 途中、サプリがちょっとつらい時期があったので先生に相談すると、少し飲み方を変えてみましょうかとアドバイスくださったりして、乗り越えることができました。 お店に行くと、施術してくださる先生だけでなく、みなさん優しく接してくださるのでとても嬉しいです。
I go on an ear pot diet. To be honest, I was skeptical at first, but I recently experienced a major illness and want to lose weight! I want to be beautiful! Rather, I started with the desire to be healthy from within my body. There was nothing wrong with dietary guidance, and I was able to continue without stress, and I was able to weigh -10 kg in the first three months. On the way, I had a hard time with supplements, so when I consulted with my teacher, he advised me to change the way I drink, and I was able to overcome it. When I go to the shop, I am very happy that not only the teacher who performs the treatment but also everyone treats me kindly.
岡本芙美 on Google

ここのつばきtotal body care鍼灸院は 全部が素晴らしいですね。 施術も上手くすぐ結果が出ます。 私は、肩凝り、腰痛、顔のむくみ、歪みも たくさん症状をありますが全部直してもらい いつも楽になります。 なおかつ、素敵な先生方達だから より行きやすく、居心地がいいですね。 初めての方でも行きやすい鍼灸院だと思います。
Tsubaki here total body care acupuncture and moxibustion clinic Everything is wonderful. The treatment is also good and the results are immediate. I also have stiff shoulders, back pain, swelling of the face, and distortion. I have a lot of symptoms, but I have them all fixed It will always be easier. Moreover, because they are wonderful teachers It's easier to reach and more comfortable. I think it is an acupuncture and moxibustion clinic that is easy to visit even for the first time.

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