Triangolo (トリアンゴロ)

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Triangolo (トリアンゴロ)

住所 :

Shintori, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0065 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト :
街 : Shizuoka

Shintori, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0065 Shizuoka,Japan
1186クニクニ on Google

The course here is ample, served and tastes great. Atmosphere! The correspondence is good, and I want to use it again.
hiromichi kimura on Google

It's a good restaurant that is delicious no matter what you eat, but it takes time to serve it in Nanten. But it's delicious enough to wait. Reservation is inevitable.
naoko naoko on Google

Comfortable response whenever you go, a dish with love ♥. it's one of my favourite stores.
てっちゃん on Google

街中の賑やかな場所から少し離れた新通り。落ち着いた雰囲気の店内で時間がゆっくり流れます。お料理の味はもちろん 見た目からも上品さが伝わります。シェフの優しい人柄がお料理にも出ています?こちらのお店を選んで後悔することはないと思います?
A new street a little away from the busy places in the city. Time flows slowly in the calm atmosphere of the store. You can feel the elegance not only from the taste of the food but also from the appearance. The chef's kind personality also appears in the dishes ? I think you will not regret choosing this restaurant ?
もふもふキャンねる on Google

Delicious raw pasta bowl There are various pasta and it is fun. The appetizer was also delicious! ️ Focaccia is also freshly baked and delicious! Moth
小林さと美 on Google

静岡市葵区新通りにあるイタリアン オーナーシェフの手打ちパスタは色々な種類があり、絶品です❗️ とにかく何を頼んでも美味しい❗️ アラカルトで頼んだ2枚目の画像 牡蠣のグラタンも、本当に美味しかったです。
Italian restaurant on Shin-dori, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka There are various types of handmade pasta by the owner chef, and they are excellent ❗️ Anyway, it's delicious no matter what you ask ❗️ The second image I ordered from a la carte The oyster gratin was also really delicious.
ささみ on Google

どの料理も見た目も美しく、丁寧に作られていて大変美味しかったです。 お通しは白身魚のフリット?とお洒落なナスの揚げ浸し風のもので、どちらもお通しとは思えないクオリティで美味しかったです。フォカッチャもお通しだったかな?(個人的見解ですが、お通しにもこだわりがあるお店は何を頼んでも美味しい) パスタは種類が豊富で、味付けにあったパスタを使っているようです。ペスカトーレはコルゼッティを使用していました。麺の両面に模様が付いていて可愛いです。 いただいた中でも白桃のサラダがお気に入りです。初めて桃をサラダでいただきましたが、桃が新鮮で、チーズと生ハムに合っていて、美味しかったです。他にも食べてみたい料理がたくさんあったので、また絶対に行きたいです。居心地がよく、シェフも店員さんも素敵なお人柄でした。 2人でお通し、料理3品、お酒1杯×2人分で6000円くらいだったと思います。この料理のクオリティで1人3000円なら安いくらいです! 一品一品にこだわりをもって作ってくれているので、提供までに時間はかかりました。時間に余裕をもって行ったほうがいいと思います。席は少ないので、予約は必須です。 駐車場はありませんが、近くに安い駐車場があるので、車でも行けると思います。
All the dishes were beautiful and carefully prepared and very delicious. Is it a white fish frit? It was a stylish fried eggplant, and both were delicious with a quality that I couldn't think of as a regular dish. Did you also know Focaccia? (It's my personal opinion, but the shops that are particular about izakaya are delicious no matter what you ask.) There are many types of pasta, and it seems that they use pasta that matches the seasoning. Pescatore used Corsetti. The noodles have patterns on both sides and are cute. I like the white peach salad. I had peaches as a salad for the first time, but the peaches were fresh and went well with cheese and prosciutto, and it was delicious. There were many other dishes I would like to try, so I definitely want to go there again. It was cozy and the chef and clerk were nice personalities. I think it was about 6000 yen for 2 people, 3 dishes, 1 glass of sake x 2 people. With the quality of this dish, 3000 yen per person is cheap! It took a long time to provide it because it is made with particular attention to each item. I think you should go with plenty of time. Reservations are required as there are few seats. There is no parking lot, but there is a cheap parking lot nearby, so I think you can go by car.
hiro M on Google

いつ行っても新しい感動があり、忘れられない味がある素晴らしい店。 シェフのお人柄もお料理に良く出ていると思う。丁寧で優しい味。 郊外にあるので行きにくいけど、その分お安い。 食通の方、イタリア好きな方はすごくハマってしまうお店だと思います。 イタリアンの定番、トマト系のパスタが特におすすめ。良くあるチーズでごまかしてる感じでは無く、深みがあって、何層にも美味さが詰まってます。
A wonderful restaurant that has a new impression and an unforgettable taste whenever you go. I think the chef's personality is also well-known in cooking. Polite and gentle taste. It's hard to reach because it's in the suburbs, but it's cheaper. I think it's a restaurant that food lovers and Italian lovers will love. The classic Italian pasta, tomato-based pasta, is especially recommended. It's not like you're cheating with the usual cheese, it's deep and it's packed with deliciousness in layers.

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