Transportation Bureau, City of Nagoya - Nagoya

1.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Transportation Bureau, City of Nagoya

住所 :

2 Chome-3-1 Sannomaru, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 460-0001
Webサイト :

2 Chome-3-1 Sannomaru, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0001, Japan
Wakao Sn on Google

旅人こうじチャンネル on Google

Асафшщ on Google

There is only stupid!
Myhands Clap on Google

It may be some people, but the attitude of the driver is the worst. I don't want to add stars.
MさしSん on Google

地下鉄で10分間隔は少し少ないです。 せめて昼間は6~7分間隔してほしいです。
The subway is a little less every 10 minutes. I want at least 6 to 7 minutes in the daytime.
737 -800 on Google

女性専用車両を終日実施(東山線)のみ終日実施している それに障害者の単独乗車を認めていない それに加えて女性専用車両の運用拡大を検討している どうせフェミニストから圧力がかかっているのだろう 男性差別だけでなく男性障害者差別もしている
Women-only cars are held all day (Higashiyama Line) only It does not allow disabled people to ride alone In addition, we are considering expanding the operation of women-only cars. I wonder if there is pressure from feminists anyway Not only discrimination against men but also discrimination against men with disabilities
ゆうこ on Google

The image is difficult to understand, but I'm shooting from the back of the bus. I got on the pedestrian crossing and stopped suddenly. Pedestrians were walking around the bus. Do people in Nagoya usually wonder why they stop so suddenly and why they speed up? I want you to drive a little more safely before holding the handrail and paying attention to the cut.
A “あおいそら” G on Google

ルールを守れないバス運転手が居るなんて怖くて乗れませんね。乗りたくありません。 スマホは鞄の中にしまっておくルールを破り、運転中にスマホを操作する道交法違反、そして追突事故を起こした運転手がいると中京テレビが報道していた。 事故発生日時・2021年7月12日午後7時頃 発生場所・名古屋市南区弥次ヱ町の交差点 相手・乗用車 バス乗客・3人 怪我人無し なお、名古屋市は公表しておらず7月20日の実況見分後に発表予定との事。 自分は大丈夫とか、誰も見ていないと思っていても、バレる様になっています。 ましてや、現代は監視社会です。 違反行動は、他車のドラレコに記録されて、テレビ局へ情報提供からの全国放送されちゃいます。 乗客が運転手のスマホ操作に気付けば、スマホで動画撮影を行い、それをSNSへup又はテレビ局へ情報提供する事でしょう。
I'm afraid that there are bus drivers who can't follow the rules, so I can't ride. I don't want to ride. Chukyo Television reported that there was a driver who broke the rules of keeping smartphones in his bag, violated the Road Traffic Act of operating smartphones while driving, and had a rear-end collision. Date and time of the accident ・ Around 7:00 pm on July 12, 2021 Occurrence location ・ Intersection in Yajie-cho, Minami-ku, Nagoya Opponent / passenger car Bus passengers, 3 people No injured In addition, Nagoya City has not announced it and will announce it after the actual situation on July 20th. Even if I think I'm okay or no one is watching, I'm getting caught. Let alone, the present age is a surveillance society. Violation behavior is recorded in the dashcam of another car and broadcast nationwide from the information provided to the TV station. If the passenger notices the driver's smartphone operation, he / she will shoot a video on the smartphone and upload it to SNS or provide information to the TV station.

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