Toyota Corolla Kasukabe Kobuchi - Kasukabe

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Toyota Corolla Kasukabe Kobuchi

住所 :

758-1 Kobuchi, Kasukabe, Saitama 344-0007, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 344-0007
Webサイト :

758-1 Kobuchi, Kasukabe, Saitama 344-0007, Japan
ブラック企業勤務男 on Google

電話対応さえまともに出来ない。 ほんの僅かなんにでもお金を取ろうとする。いい加減な仕事する。 トヨタ本社と意思疎通出来ていない最低の店
I can't even handle phone calls properly. Trying to make money for just the slightest amount. Do a loose job. The lowest store that cannot communicate with Toyota headquarters
エビちゃん on Google

Thank you for your polite response. The shop is casual, pop and bright and comfortable.
高塚一也 on Google

The atmosphere of the store and the staff's response were polite and I was able to spend a pleasant time.

車検で利用しました。 自分は車にはあまり詳しくないのですが、丁寧に聞き取りをして頂けて安心できました。 店内も清潔に保たれているので、待っている間も快適でした。
I used it for vehicle inspection. I am not very familiar with cars, but I was able to listen carefully and I was relieved. The inside of the shop was kept clean, so it was comfortable while waiting.
toshihiro minowa on Google

Since Toyota's car is a private car, I am indebted to you. You can get appropriate support during regular inspections and vehicle inspections.
ケロロ軍曹 on Google

Don't expect aftercare if you buy here. Even if a problem occurs in a new car 600 km, it will be said that it is adako, and it will not be dealt with. I bought two at this store, but I'm sorry. The sales person is a very good person since I've been in business with other stores, but the sales person who responded to his absence was the worst. It's not cheap shopping, so I recommend a store with a good aftercare.
TB44 on Google

いつもお世話になっています。 定期点検が、迅速で助かります。
I am always indebted. Regular inspections are quick and helpful.
Manjinder Singh on Google

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