都工業 - Toyota

2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 都工業

住所 :

Toyota, 〒471-0842 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 471-0842
Webサイト : http://www.miyakoweb.jp/
街 : Aichi

Toyota, 〒471-0842 Aichi,Japan
humy s on Google

現在派遣としてお世話になっています。 私は一度派遣を辞めて別の会社で正社員として勤めたのですが、そちらの方が業務時間が不規則だったりと生活に合わないワークライフバランスであったため、再度都工業さんでの派遣に戻ってきました。 戻る前に社員さんに相談させて頂いたところ親身になって話を聞いて頂けスムーズに戻ることができ、また快く迎えて頂けました。こちらの社員さんには本当にお世話になっています。 離れてみて思ったのは、仕事内容によっては派遣と正社員は天秤にかけてもいいということです。 私は別会社で正社員として勤めたのですが、業務時間が長く、不規則で、生活のリズムが保てなくなってしまいました。 また、これは都工業さんの特徴だと思いますが、寮生活のサポートが手厚かったのだなと思っています。正社員で勤めた会社でも社宅に住まわせてもらったのですが諸々の手続きに手間がかかり、派遣時の方がサポートして頂いたという印象です。 今も良くしてもらってます。
I am indebted as a dispatch. I quit the dispatch and worked as a full-time employee at another company, but because that was a work-life balance that was not suitable for my life, such as irregular work hours, I was again dispatched to Tokyo Industry I'm back. When I consulted with the employees before returning, I was able to listen to the story and get back smoothly, and I was greeted again. I am really indebted to this employee. I thought that I could leave a temporary staff and a full-time employee to take a balance depending on the job. I worked as a full-time employee at another company, but my work hours were long, irregular, and I couldn't keep my life rhythm. In addition, I think this is a feature of Miyako Kogyo, but I think the support for dormitory life was generous. Even a company that worked as a full-time employee was allowed to live in the company's house, but it took a lot of time to complete the various procedures, and the impression was that the dispatched person supported us. I'm getting better now.
たかだせい on Google

住む寮に当たり外れがあるのはいなめないかな。 自分は当たりだったし担当者もよくしてくれたからスペックなど書いておきます。 派遣先の仕事は普通。ピッキングやってました。 仕事内容は普通だったけれど寮から歩いて5分だったしそこも文句はなかったかなと。 給料も普通。手取りで20万超えるくらい。バイトの頃よりはよかったけれど稼げるって期待するほどではない。 寮はコンビニもアピタも徒歩5分圏内にあったからそれだけでも出てきた意味あったかなと思ってる。 職場も歩いて5分で楽。 間取りは1Rで8畳くらい。洗濯機、トイレ、風呂は部屋についている。トイレ、風呂はユニットバスで狭い。家賃は4万5千円だったからこんなものかなと。 自分は料理しないけれどコンロ2つついて魚を焼くグリルもあったのは珍しいのでは。 テレビ、エアコン、冷蔵庫、電子レンジ、洗濯機付き。布団まであった。 とにかく車持ってなくても生きていける寮をあてがってくれたのが良かった。派遣先は普通だから変に期待しないんならいいと思う。
I wonder if there is a miss in the dormitory. I wrote the specs because I was a winner and the person in charge did well. The work at the destination is normal. I was picking. The job was normal, but it was only a 5 minute walk from the dormitory, and there was no complaint. Salary is also normal. About 200,000 by taking. It was better than a part-time job, but not as much as I expected to earn. The dormitory was within a 5-minute walk from the convenience store and Apita. Easily walk to work in 5 minutes. The floor plan is about 1 tatami and 8 tatami mats. The washing machine, toilet and bath are in the room. Toilets and baths are narrow with unit baths. Because the rent was 45,000 yen, I wonder what this is. Although I don't cook, it's rare that there was a grill that cooked fish with a stove 2 on it. Includes TV, air conditioning, refrigerator, microwave and washing machine. There was even a futon. Anyway, it was good to have a dormitory that can live without having a car. I think it would be good if you don't expect strange because the dispatch destination is normal.
ill ll on Google

聞いてた話と全く違いますし 休むとわざわざ家までくる 鬼のような電話やメール 正直鬱陶しいです。 時給も安いです 他の派遣と300円くらい違います やりたくないしんどい夜勤や 残業をしても給料はすくないです。 担当の方と派遣先で 話違う場合もあるので 給料少なくてもやってけるなら ここで働くのも 手じゃないかなと思います。
It ’s completely different from what I heard. When I take a rest, I come all the way to my house Demon-like phone calls and emails To be honest, it's annoying. The hourly wage is also cheap It's about 300 yen different from other dispatches I don't want to do a tough night shift Even if I work overtime, my salary is low. At the person in charge and the dispatch destination Because the story may be different If you can do it even if your salary is low Working here I think it's a hand.
だめなこ on Google

クチコミが酷くてくっっそワロタw 2月から1年ちょっとお世話になったけど、 多分 担当に恵まれたのかな(・ω・*)?? 給料は安いし安くて有名みたいだけど 家から近かっただけでもラッキーなのに派遣先の環境もすごく良くて 時給安くてもずっとここにいられたらな と思ってた。 明細もたまたま来る時に持ってきてもらってたから事務所とか行く用事全くナィし何も問題なかったけど・・・ もしかしたら 寮だったら違ったのかな•́ω•̀)? でも 担当さんに恵まれてたからヨカッタです(´∀`*) ━━━━・・・てか 『こちらからしたら自分達はお客さん側なのに…』ってゆう"働いてやってる的な"口コミ 見るたび馬鹿ウケるw 自分たちは仕事を紹介してもらってる立場なのに… ガイジンさんなのかな 悩
Word-of-mouth communication is terrible I've been indebted for a little over a year since February, Maybe I was blessed with the charge (・ ω ・ *) ?? The salary is cheap and it seems cheap and famous Even though I was lucky just to be close to my house, the environment at the dispatch destination was very good. I wish I could stay here all the time even if the hourly wage was low. I happened to bring the details when I came, so I didn't have any problems with going to the office. Maybe it was different if it was a dormitory • ́ω • ̀)? But I'm Yokatta because I was blessed with the person in charge (´∀` *) ━━━━ ・ ・ ・ "From here, we are on the customer side ..." Yuu "I'm working" Word of mouth Every time I see it, it's ridiculous w Even though we are in a position to be introduced to our work ... I wonder if it's Gaijin-san
001 Ashtyn on Google

現在派遣にいるものです。 正直担当者は適当だったとおもいます。 初めての工場勤務ですが黙々と作業するのがつらいです。 軽作業で楽な仕事といいますが目標数もわからないしただひたすら作業させられる。 ※あげくには仕事量が増える※ それなのに派遣の中で一番安い給料とお聞きしたとき頑張る気も失せました。 体調崩しても遠回しに色々言ってきて行かされる。 即入寮とメリットは他にもあります。 ですが今見ている方もうすこしだけ考えてみてください。 私は結果的にあと1.2か月にはやめようと考えています。 ここに派遣出来て3か月程度ですが色々つらかったです。
I am currently dispatched. To be honest, I think the person in charge was appropriate. It's my first time working at a factory, but it's hard to work silently. It's called light work and easy work, but I don't know the target number and I can just work. * The amount of work will increase in the end * However, when I heard that it was the cheapest salary in the dispatch, I lost the desire to do my best. Even if I feel sick, I will be told various things in a roundabout way. Immediate dormitory and other benefits. However, if you are looking at it now, please think about it a little more. As a result, I'm thinking of quitting in 1.2 months. It's been about 3 months since I was dispatched here, but it was a lot of work.
Sゆう on Google

中古の自転車20000て 時給も有り得ない(クソ安い) 愛知県で1100とかまじないわ ビックリ暁天です ピンハネ凄いから良い事務所構えれるんやろうなぁ 1もつけたくない 営業もいちいちうっとうしい 過去最悪でした
Used bicycle 20000 Hourly wages are not possible (fucking cheap) I don't mind 1100 in Aichi prefecture I'm surprised Akatsuki I think I can set up a good office because it's amazing. I don't want to add 1 Sales are also annoying Was the worst ever
優ちゃん on Google

※参考程度まで※ 派遣会社としては普通か良い方です。 給料が安いと超有名な派遣会社ですが一応ボーナス制度もあり期間の社員にも契約更新で長く勤務して出勤率の条件が揃えば貰えます。 年中無休で営業していてしかも面接当日に入寮できるのは都工業くらいしかないです。 コロナ禍の影響で生活を立て直す為に入社してすぐに住める上郷の集合寮に入寮して2ヶ月寮費無料から再スタートしました。 愛知県以外にも関西や関東など様々な地域で期間工や派遣で出稼ぎを10年以上して来た経験から言うと… 都工業の担当者や営業社員さんは優しい人ばかりです。 (これは個人差があるかも…僕は事務所の大半の社員さんと対応して思った感想) 契約の際にも確認をしっかりして職場見学の後に考える時間も貰えました。 こればかりはどこの派遣も同じ事が言えますが、全て「派遣先の企業」で変わります。 給与より職場の人間関係や時間に追われない作業が得意なのと、何より長く勤務しなければ貯金も出来にくいコロナ禍と言う事も考慮して紹介してもらいました。 コロナ禍で退社、再入社と言う形で前回も同じ職場を先に入ったのですがキツい部署に回され最初の契約まで仕事するのがやっとでした… そこで担当者と相談、違う職場を紹介して貰い今はとても充実してます。 自家用車持ち込みなので面接登録や入寮の場合には車検証・自賠責証・任意保険証・免許証の持参してました。 働き方は人それぞれだと思います。 若くて体力があり時給や祝金等待遇重視で短期間で貯金して帰郷する人… 給与はあまり期待せず堅実に職場環境を重視する人… これは職場見学でしっかり検討してみるしかないです。 あと、築炉など様々な現場作業員も都工業には所属している為、色んなガテン系の人も事務所や集合寮で出会うのでズボラな人が苦手な人はキツいかも(笑) ただ…これだけは言えます。 僕の経験上、愛知県内で即日入寮で日払い対応ができる派遣会社は5社くらいです。(当日入寮は別として) その中で考えると都工業は1番良いと思います! 名古屋市に本社を置く某派遣3社や、 尾張地方に本社を置く某派遣2社と比較したら人間的にも会社的にも間違いなく都工業が素晴らしいと思います(笑) ちなみに☆4つの理由は… ・時給が安い ・仕事の案件が少ない(今は増えてきてる) ・ガテン系中高年男性が多い (事務所に前払いを貰うタイミングで鉢合うと事務所内が混雑&他人への配慮等無しで会話する人が特に多い) ・集合寮でも寮費が高い (大手期間工とは違い人材派遣会社なので維持費が大きい為仕方ないですね…でも生活を立て直す立場から見ると他の派遣ではこれより更に寮費高い会社も名古屋市内にありました…) ですかね…(笑) 高評価な理由は… ・年中無休で面接当日入寮可 (仕事の案件によっては集合寮2ヶ月寮費無料もある) ・手数料無料の前払い (最初の給料日まで日払い対応可、その後は週払いでどれも日給の3割程度まで…ただし事務所で簡単な書類を記入しハンコか拇印で手渡しのみで後は月払い) ・営業担当者や社員さん達が皆良い人 ・土日や大型連休で日雇いバイトを紹介してくれる (ほぼ現場作業、僕は違う単発派遣で全額日払いで貰えるバイトをしてた) ・自家用車が無い人はリースで社用車が利用できる事がある (空車があるか仕事案件による、自転車等も翌月支払いで購入も可能で送迎もあったりする、僕は自家用車持ち込みだった) ・資格取得支援制度あり ・正社員登用の実績あり (↑この2つどこの派遣会社にもあるので珍しくはない) と言う感じです。 参考になれば幸いです(笑) 都工業に入社する方は頑張って下さい! 長く頑張る方には昇給やサポート等で応援してくれる会社です。
* For reference only * As a dispatching company, it is normal or good. Although it is a very famous dispatch company with a low salary, there is also a bonus system so that even employees with a period of time can work long hours by renewing the contract and if the conditions of the attendance rate are met. Only Tokogyo is open all year round and can only move into the dormitory on the day of the interview. I moved to a dormitory in Kamigo, where I can live immediately after joining the company in order to rebuild my life due to the influence of the corona, and restarted from free dormitory for 2 months. From the experience of having worked as a migrant worker for more than 10 years in various areas such as Kansai and Kanto other than Aichi prefecture ... The people in charge and sales staff of Toko Kogyo are all kind. (This may vary from person to person ... Impressions I thought of dealing with most of the employees in the office) When I signed the contract, I was given time to confirm it and think about it after the workplace tour. The same thing can be said for any dispatch, but it all depends on the "company to which you are dispatched." I was introduced in consideration of the fact that I am good at work that is not tied to the human relations and time in the workplace rather than salary, and that it is difficult to save money unless I work longer than anything else. I left the company due to Corona's illness and re-entered the company last time, but I was sent to a tight department and finally worked until the first contract ... So I consulted with the person in charge and asked me to introduce a different workplace, and now it is very fulfilling. Since I bring my own car, I brought a car verification, a compulsory automobile liability certificate, a voluntary insurance certificate, and a driver's license when registering for an interview or moving into the dormitory. I think each person has their own way of working. A young and physically fit person who saves money in a short period of time and returns home with an emphasis on treatment such as hourly wages and congratulations ... People who don't expect much salary and steadily attach importance to the work environment ... There is no choice but to carefully consider this during a workplace tour. Also, since various on-site workers such as fire pot construction belong to Toko Kogyo, various Gaten people also meet at the office and dormitory, so it may be difficult for people who are not good at Zubora (laugh) But ... I can say this. In my experience, there are about 5 dispatching companies in Aichi prefecture that can accept daily payments by moving into the dormitory on the same day. (Apart from entering the dormitory on the day) Considering that, I think that Toko Kogyo is the best! Three dispatched companies headquartered in Nagoya, Compared to the two dispatched companies headquartered in the Owari region, I think that Miyako Kogyo is definitely wonderful both humanly and corporately (laughs). By the way, there are four reasons ... ・ Low hourly wage ・ There are few job cases (increasing now) ・ Many middle-aged and older men (There are many people who talk with each other without consideration for other people and the office is crowded if they meet at the timing of getting advance payment from the office.) ・ Dormitory fees are high even in collective dormitories (Unlike major dispatched labor companies, it is unavoidable because the maintenance cost is high because it is a dispatching company ... But from the standpoint of rebuilding life, there were companies in Nagoya that had even higher dormitory costs than this for other dispatches ...) Is that ... (laughs) The reason for the high evaluation is ... ・ Open all year round, you can enter the dormitory on the day of the interview (Depending on the job, there is also a 2-month dormitory free of charge) ・ Fee-free prepayment (Daily payment is possible until the first payday, then weekly payment is up to about 30% of the daily salary ... However, you can fill out simple documents at the office and hand it with a stamp or thumbprint, and then pay monthly) ・ All sales staff and employees are good people ・ Introduces day laborers on Saturdays, Sundays and long holidays (Almost on-site work, I was doing a part-time job that I could get a full daily payment with a different one-off dispatch) ・ People who do not have a private car may be able to use a company car by leasing. (Depending on whether there is a vacant car or a work project, you can purchase bicycles etc. by paying the next month, and there is also a pick-up service, I brought my own car) ・ There is a qualification acquisition support system ・ Has a track record of promoting full-time employees (↑ It's not uncommon because these two dispatch companies have them everywhere) It's like that. I hope it helps (laughs) If you join Toko Kogyo, please do your best! For those who work hard for a long time, we are a company that supports us with salary increases and support.
よーん on Google

去年の10月に入って、派遣先の仕事も最初は大変だったけど、派遣先の正社員の方々も優しくて、何回聞いても分かりやすく丁寧に教えてくれました! 今はだいぶ慣れて、仕事もある程度できるようになったし、正社員の方々の人柄が物凄くいいので、以前働いてた会社よりは全然最高です☺ だけど、給料明細みるとやっぱり物凄く安く感じる? 基本給が14万だから、将来の不安は物凄くあります。 だから、あまり貯金できないから、めっちゃ稼ぎたいとか、正社員の人みたいにガッツリもらいたいって人にはあまり向いてないかもしれないです。
In October of last year, the work at the dispatch destination was difficult at first, but the full-time employees at the dispatch destination were also kind, and they taught me in an easy-to-understand and polite manner no matter how many times I asked! Now that I'm used to it, I'm able to do some work, and the personalities of the regular employees are amazing, so it's definitely better than the company I used to work for ☺ However, when I look at my salary statement, it feels really cheap ? Since the basic salary is 140,000, there is a great deal of anxiety about the future. Therefore, I can't save much, so it may not be suitable for people who want to make a lot of money or want to get a lot of money like a full-time employee.

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