
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アプリシエイション(Appreciation)

住所 :

Toyonomachi Kanisawa, 〒389-1103 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8989
Webサイト : http://appreciation-nagano.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5AM–11PM
Sunday 5AM–11PM
Monday 5AM–11PM
Tuesday 5AM–11PM
Wednesday 5AM–11PM
Thursday 5AM–11PM
Friday 5AM–11PM
街 : Nagano

Toyonomachi Kanisawa, 〒389-1103 Nagano,Japan
まえじま on Google

The cat I had kept for 17 years died, and I was cremated at this office. I was able to safely see off a member of the family because of the kind and warm response. I'm really glad to ask you here. Thank you very much.
ねこたまこ on Google

I lost a 13 - year - old lovely cat, and since I have a bad family, I visited the cremated cremation. I thank you very much for your kindness, very grateful. I got a postcard later, and my feelings were saved.
atsu Taka on Google

The dog I was with for 14 years died and went to night with my husband. Thank you very much for your kindness despite the night. I suddenly remembered that I was doing well in that world, but a few days later I received a postcard. When I saw this, my heart was relieved and tears came out. Thank you for your consideration until the very end.
よしざわゆきこ on Google

This time, I asked for the cremation of my cat for the first time. My daughter investigated and selected it. From the beginning to the end, he was very warm and close to us and sent his beloved cat carefully. I was really happy to ask. There is only appreciation.
はらたっつん on Google

最悪でした。 初めてのペットとのお別れで、火葬の際に骨が残るのか解らなかったので事前に電話してみました。 『よくわからないのですが、火葬で犬の骨は残るものなのでしょうか?』という問に対して、 『12年間そのようなクレームを受けたことはありません、昆虫をを焼くのなら残りませんが』という言葉が帰ってきました。 ただ『残ります』って言って貰えれば良かったんですが。 まあ、事前に本音が聞けて良かったです。 大切な家族をこんなところで火葬しなくてすみました。
It was the worst. It was my first time to say goodbye to my pet, and I didn't know if bones would remain during the cremation, so I called in advance. "I'm not sure, but will the dog's bones remain after cremation? In response to the question The words "I haven't received such complaints for 12 years, if I burn insects, I won't survive" are back. I wish I had just said "I'll stay". Well, I'm glad I heard the real intention in advance. I didn't have to cremate my dear family in a place like this.
笠原理恵子 on Google

Pets from generation to generation are indebted. I am really grateful for the polite cremation. The children who died due to weakness and thinness were also carefully worked, and the bones remained firmly, and because they were lined up properly, they could be superimposed on their appearance before they were alive, and their feelings were organized. Also, we always come by mobile car, which is also very appreciated. It's a residential area about 5 minutes from Nagano station, but it's a light wagon that comes into the site, doesn't emit smoke, and doesn't bother people around you. Also, I think it's very nice to be able to say goodbye at a familiar house. Thank you very much.
04 mic on Google

先日、愛犬の見送りをお手伝いして頂きました。 この気持ちをどう表現したら良いかわかりません。 手と足元がとても寂しいです。 飼育放棄されていた子を引き取り、毎年私と一緒に歳を重ねて18年…彼がくれた息子とお骨上げをしましたが、よく頑張ったね。それだけです。 火葬の間、結局お隣様の駐車場で^^;一人想いに耽っておりました。 ずっと一緒にいたかったけれど、こんな風になるまで頑張ったんだからこれ以上は無理させちゃいけないと納得できました。 次に会えたらもっと沢山の事をしてあげたい。 そう思えたのもお人柄だと思います。 気持ちに整理がつくギリギリまで時間をとって下さりありがとうございました。 こちらにお願いして良かったです。 そんな私達に寄り添って下さり感謝しかありません。あの月の綺麗な夜は忘れません。 ありがとうございました。
The other day, I helped see my dog ​​off. I don't know how to express this feeling. My hands and feet are very lonely. I took over the abandoned child and grew older with me every year for 18 years ... I raised my bones with the son he gave me, but I did my best. That's all. During the cremation, I ended up indulging in my feelings alone at the parking lot next door ^^; I wanted to be with you all the time, but I worked hard until it became like this, so I was convinced that I shouldn't overdo it anymore. I want to do more things when I meet next time. I think it's the personality that made me think so. Thank you for taking the time to get organized. It was good to ask here. I am grateful to you for being close to us. I will never forget the beautiful night of that moon. Thank you very much.
滝沢京子 on Google

事業所の方がとても優しくして下さり、足の悪い母と行ったのですが、急かすことなく寄り添っていただけて、ペット火葬初めてだったのですが、亡くなった子も安心して旅立てたと思います。 後日のお葉書や、月1の法要していただけることで、飼い主にも 区切りや安心感がありスゴく感謝しています。こちらにお願いして本当によかったです!
The office was very kind to me, and I went with my mother who had a bad leg, but I was able to snuggle up without rushing, and it was my first time to cremate a pet, but I think that the deceased child also set out with peace of mind. .. I am very grateful to the owners for the postcards and the memorial service of the month 1 at a later date. I'm really glad to ask you here!

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