株式会社エイブル 東陽町店

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社エイブル 東陽町店

Toyo, Koto City, 〒135-0016 Tokyo,Japan
クラブマン on Google

ご縁があり、猪岡さんに担当して頂きました。 急な物件探しにも関わらず、親切丁寧に対応して下さいました。 希望に合う部屋も見つかり、猪岡さんには大変感謝しております。 とにかく猪岡さんの人柄はすばらしく、お客様ファーストを第一に考え 行動してくれたことが嬉しかったです。 これまで不動産屋の営業マンでここまでしてくれた人は居ませんでした。 本当に有難う御座いました。
There was a connection, and Mr. Inoka was in charge. Despite the sudden search for a property, he responded kindly and politely. I have found a room that suits my needs, and I am very grateful to Mr. Inoka. Anyway, Mr. Inoka's personality is amazing, putting customer first first I was happy to act. Until now, there was no real estate agent's salesman who has done so far. Thank you very much.
まああち on Google

県外からオンラインで相談、契約をしたものです。 コロナ禍ということもあり、不要な外出を控えるためにこのオンラインでやり取りができるのはすごく助かりました。 私の担当が佐藤さんでしたが、非常に接しやすく、自宅の周囲の施設や交通機関など細かく教えていただきました。結構無茶ぶりな条件での物件を希望していましたが、納得のいく物件を探すことが出来ました。また機会があればよろしくお願いします。ありがとうございました。
We consulted and contracted online from outside the prefecture. Due to the corona sickness, it was very helpful to be able to communicate online to avoid unnecessary outings. Mr. Sato was in charge of me, but it was very easy to get in touch with, and he taught me the facilities and transportation around my house in detail. I was hoping for a property with fairly unreasonable conditions, but I was able to find a property that I was satisfied with. I would appreciate your favor if there is another opportunity. Thank you very much.
守屋良太 on Google

I was able to talk with peace of mind with a kind and polite explanation! It was really good to choose Able!
大橋富江 on Google

不動産会社が代わった事も聞かされないまま更新手続きの書類一式が届いたので中を確認したところ契約者と貸主の名前が同じ覚書、その他諸々が入っていた??? こちらから伝えたい事もあり2回ほど電話をかけて1回目は話が出来その後は2回ほど電話はあったが出られなかった。その後は電話もかけてこずこちらから電話をかけてようやく謝ると言ういい加減な対応を取る不動産会社です? 間違えて星一つついていますが一度押すと消えないんですかね?星消したいです??
I received a set of documents for the renewal procedure without being told that the real estate company was replaced, so when I checked the inside, there was a memorandum with the same name as the contractor and the lender, and other things ??? There was something I wanted to tell you, so I called twice and talked the first time, and after that I got two calls but couldn't answer. After that, it is a real estate company that does not make a phone call and takes a sloppy response by calling from here and finally apologizing ? I made a mistake and it has one star, but once I press it, it doesn't disappear, right? I want to erase the stars ??
emi nishinaka on Google

今まで人生で何度も引っ越しをして来ましたがその中でも一番でした! スタッフさんは女性スタッフさんが何名かいらっしゃり、女の私ならすると質問もしやすく、かなり安心感たっぷりでした。 質問の多い私に対しての対応も素早く的確で、今までの人生の中でこんなに早く契約できた事がないくらい早かったです。 引越しは大変だし不安ばかりですが、今回の引越しはとても楽しみです!!! この辺りで物件探しの方は是非エイブル東陽町店へ行った方がいいです!
I've moved many times in my life, but it was the best! There were several female staff members, and as a woman, it was easy for me to ask questions, and I was quite relieved. The response to me, who has many questions, was quick and accurate, and it was so fast that I had never been able to sign a contract so quickly in my life. Moving is difficult and anxious, but I'm really looking forward to this move! !! !! If you are looking for a property around here, you should definitely go to the ABLE Toyocho store!
blood typeB on Google

Before moving in, I forgot to measure the room, so I consulted by phone because it was far away. I was happy to receive it, and I was able to move very smoothly. Thanks. Even if you make inquiries, it is a good impression that you will be guided after listening to all of them. thank you!
kaori h on Google

進藤さんに担当していただきました。 遠方からの引越しかつ初めての1人暮らしだったため、不安なことも多くありましたが、丁寧に案内していただきました。 他のお店でもいくつか内見していましたが、進藤さんの親切な対応がよくて、こちらで契約しました。 また引越し前にも部屋の採寸もしてくださり、親身になってくださりありがたかったです。 本当にありがとうございました!
Mr. Shindo was in charge. Since I was moving from afar and living alone for the first time, I had a lot of anxieties, but I was kindly guided. I had a look at some of them at other shops, but Mr. Shindo's kindness was good, so I signed up here. Also, I was grateful for the kindness of the room, which was measured before I moved. I'm really thankful to you!
藤原はなか on Google

入居可能日を教えてくださいと伝えていたのに、勝手に入居可能最短日で契約を進めて、もう変更できないとか宣い、料金を払わされたり、意味不明な必須の申込書、既に振り込んだ保険に関して再度引き落とし口座情報を書かされたり銀行印を捺印させられたりするので、お勧めしません。 今まで何度も引っ越しましたがワーストの対応です。 問い合わせても誠実な対応や謝罪は期待できない。
I was told to tell me the date when I could move in, but I proceeded with the contract on the shortest day when I could move in without permission, declared that I could not change it anymore, was paid a fee, and I already transferred the mandatory application form that does not make sense. We do not recommend this because you will be asked to write down your withdrawal account information and have your bank stamp stamped on your insurance. I have moved many times, but it is the worst response. Even if you make an inquiry, you cannot expect a sincere response or apology.

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