
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact つちパン

住所 :

Toyano, 〒960-8152 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Opening hours :
Saturday 7:30AM–6PM
Sunday 7:30AM–6PM
Monday 7:30AM–6PM
Tuesday 7:30AM–6PM
Wednesday 7:30AM–6PM
Thursday 7:30AM–6PM
Friday 7:30AM–6PM
街 : Fukushima

Toyano, 〒960-8152 Fukushima,Japan
himayu Sa on Google

この通りは何度も通っていて、何屋さんかなぁ?自分とは無縁だと思いスルーしていました。 たまたまクチコミをみてパン屋さんだと知り機会があったら行ってみようと思っていたところでした。 入店すると先客2名様。店内は狭く気を遣ってすれ違ったり、ゆっくり選びづらい雰囲気。平日の15時頃ということもあり、品薄状態でした… クチコミのオススメで塩ロール(1個120円)とショコラ(1個160円)を購入。 早速自宅に戻り塩ロールを実食。 モッチリして、ほのかにバターの風味と味。食べやすくて何個でも食べれそう? パン好きの方にはオススメなお店だと思います。
I've been to this street many times, what kind of store is it? I thought that I had nothing to do with myself. I happened to see the word-of-mouth and found out that it was a bakery, and I was thinking of going there if I had the opportunity. When you enter the store, there are two customers. The inside of the store is small and you can pass each other with care, and it is difficult to choose slowly. It was around 15:00 on weekdays, so it was out of stock ... I bought salt rolls (120 yen each) and chocolate (160 yen each) at the recommendation of word-of-mouth communication. Immediately return home and eat salt rolls. Mochiri, with a hint of butter flavor and taste. It's easy to eat and you can eat as many as you like ? I think it is a recommended shop for those who like bread.
83 pandama on Google

パンはもちろん美味しいのですが、クッキーがサクサクしてオススメです。 店内は狭いので三人入ったらぎゅうぎゅう。混んでるときは外で並んで待ってる人も居ます。 500円に1個スタンプ押して貰えるポイントカードあります。
Bread is delicious, of course, but cookies are crispy and recommended. The inside of the store is small, so if three people enter, it will be crammed. Some people are waiting in line outside when it is crowded. There is a point card that you can get one stamp for every 500 yen.
弦&乱にゃんこ on Google

お昼過ぎて、かなり品薄でした? 店は狭いですね❣️ コロッケパン? オリーブ?クロワッサン? クランベリーパンなど、10時半だと 品数が あるとの事でした??
It was past noon and it was quite scarce ? The store is small ❣️ Croquette bread ? Olive ? Croissant ? The number of items such as cranberry bread is at 10:30 It was said that there is ??
根本守 on Google

美味しいパン?が沢山あります。 ホットドック?系がおすすめ!
There are many delicious breads ?. Hot dog ? system is recommended!
l on Google

市内に2店舗あります。 こちらはテイクアウトのみ(?) パンが焼ける時間を見計らわないとお目当てのパンが少ないことも。。 クロワッサンのシュークリーム美味でした。 チーズ系のパンが多くて個人的にテンションが上がります。 次はお昼前に伺ってみたいです♪
There are 2 stores in the city. This is takeout only (?) If you don't know when the bread will bake, you may not be able to find the bread you are looking for. .. The croissant cream puff was delicious. There are a lot of cheese-based breads and I personally get excited. Next time I would like to visit before noon ♪
和美 on Google

動物病院の帰りに久々寄りました。 パスタの生地で焼いたパン珍しくて2種類(オリーブチーズとドライトマトチーズ)買ってみたけど美味しかったよ? 毎回購入するクリームチーズのスティックのパンはやっぱり美味し?黒胡椒のアクセントが又美味しさ倍増。 珍しくてベーグルあったので購入? チーズとクルミの2種類あったけどどちらも美味しかったよ☺️ でもチーズベーグルはパンの上にもチーズで中にもぐるっとチーズ入っててめちゃくちゃ美味しかった??? でも、どうしてパンこんなに食べたのに満腹感ないんだろう? 巨大胃袋だから仕方ないかぁ?(笑) 写真も投稿出来事今知りました? 今度は食べる前に写真も投稿してみます?
It's been a while since I returned from the veterinary clinic. Bread baked with pasta dough I bought two kinds (olive cheese and dried tomato cheese), which are rare, but they were delicious ? The cream cheese stick bread that I buy every time is delicious after all ? The accent of black pepper doubles the deliciousness again. It was rare and there was a bagel so I bought it ? There were two types, cheese and walnuts, but both were delicious ☺️ But the cheese bagel was really delicious with cheese on the bread and inside it ??? But why don't you feel full even though you ate so much bread ? It can't be helped because it's a huge stomach ? (laughs) I also posted a photo I just learned about the event ? Next time I will post a photo before eating ?
気まぐれさん on Google

土曜の午後2時に初めて伺いました。 とっても素敵な外観 店内はコロナ対策の為4名までの入店 時間のせいなのか陳列されているパンの種類は少なかったです。 ベーコンクロワッサンとチーズマヨパン・湯種食パンを購入。 チーズマヨパンはずっしりと具も多くもちもちして美味しかったです。 ベーコンクロワッサンは、サクサクでバターが主張していない生地で美味しかったです。 湯種食パンは、そのまま食べるともちっとしっとり主張しないパンなのでサンドイッチにも向いているさっぱりしたパンで好みです。 トーストするとふんわりバターの香りがしました。 これはちょっと苦手です。 食感はサクッとふんわりでした。 今はもっちりがマイブームなので、こちらの湯種パンは焼かずに食べるのが好みです。
I visited for the first time on Saturday at 2:00 pm. Very nice appearance Up to 4 people can enter the store to prevent corona There weren't many types of bread on display, probably because of time. Purchased bacon croissant, cheese mayo bread, and hot water roux bread. The cheese mayo bread was delicious with a lot of ingredients. The bacon croissant was crispy and delicious with a dough that butter did not claim. The hot water roux bread is a refreshing bread that is also suitable for sandwiches because it is a bread that does not insist on being moist when eaten as it is. When toasted, it had a fluffy buttery scent. I'm not good at this. The texture was crispy and fluffy. Now that I'm booming, I like to eat this hot water roux bread without baking it.
ei soma on Google

ビルの1階にちょこん、とある小さくてお洒落なパン屋さん。品目もそれなりに少なめ。 だから全種類買っちゃおう!って思っちゃう。 味は、雑味がなく素材の味が全面に出ててとても美味しかったです。 パンを作るときに使う水が匂いがなくてきれいなのかな……
A small and fashionable bakery on the first floor of the building. There are few items as it is. So let's buy all kinds! I think. As for the taste, there was no unpleasant taste and the taste of the ingredients came out on the whole surface and it was very delicious. I wonder if the water used to make bread is clean and has no odor ...

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