Town Clinic en タウンクリニック えん

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Town Clinic en タウンクリニック えん

住所 :

Akaishidai, Tomiya, 〒981-3332 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:45–11:45AM
Sunday 8:45–11:45AM
Monday 8:45–11:45AM
Tuesday 8:45–11:45AM
Wednesday 8:45–11:45AM
Thursday 8:45–11:45AM
Friday 8:45–11:45AM
街 : Miyagi

Akaishidai, Tomiya, 〒981-3332 Miyagi,Japan
S on Google

日曜日に診療していたので行きました。 知識不足の頼りない医師と採血もまともに出来ない看護師…何回か通院しましたが、症状が全く良くならず、大量に出された薬で薬疹まで出て悪化しました。 (他の病院にかえたら直ぐに治療の効果が出て改善しました。)なので、おすすめは出来ません。
I went there because I had a medical examination on Sunday. An unreliable doctor who lacks knowledge and a nurse who can't collect blood properly ... I went to the hospital several times, but my symptoms didn't improve at all, and a large amount of medicine gave me a drug eruption, which made it worse. (When I returned to another hospital, the treatment was immediately effective and improved.) Therefore, I cannot recommend it.
Mao mao on Google

下の子の乳幼児健診で利用しました。 かかりつけの小児科の予約がいっぱいだったので初めはやむを得ないと思って自宅より少し遠いですがこちらを利用しました。 先生も看護師さんも物腰が柔らかいので話しやすく、気になる事等質問しやすかったのでとても安心しました。 内科小児科両方あるので私も上の子も今後はこちらにお世話になろうかなと思います。
I used it for the infant medical examination of my younger child. I had a lot of reservations for my pediatrics, so I thought it was unavoidable at first, so I used this although it was a little far from my home. Both the teacher and the nurse were soft and easy to talk to, and it was easy to ask questions, so I was very relieved. I have both internal medicine and pediatrics, so I think I and my older child will be indebted to me in the future.
a f on Google

上桜木に医院があった頃からお世話になっています。娘が2歳前に下痢になり、大変お世話になりました。医院でオムツから便が漏れてしまうと看護士さんが、だいじょうぶ大丈夫と処理を手伝ってくださったり、食事のことなど親身になってくださいました。 前日に他院で、医師と看護士の対応に不信感を持ち、翌日こちらにかかりなおしました。 こちらで診ていただき、涙が出るくらいホッとしました。出されたお薬は同じでも、病院の対応次第で心の持ちようも違ってきます。 この件以来、ずっとこちらにお世話になっています。 先生はいつも穏やかで、話をとことん聞いてくださいます。先生のお人柄のためか、看護士さんたちも穏やかで優しいです。 明石台に移ってからは、予約の仕組みを工夫されたり、日曜日の診療を行なっていたりと、先生はじめスタッフの皆さまには、ご苦労も多いかと思います。患者としてはとても頼りになります。今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。
I have been indebted since there was a clinic in Kamisakuragi. My daughter had diarrhea two years ago and was very helpful. When the stool leaked from the diaper at the clinic, the nurse helped me with the treatment and took care of me, such as eating. I was distrustful of the correspondence between doctors and nurses at another hospital the day before, so I went back to this place the next day. I was relieved to see tears when I saw him here. Even if the medicines given are the same, the way you feel will differ depending on the hospital's response. I have been indebted to you since this incident. The teacher is always calm and listens to me. The nurses are also gentle and kind, probably because of the teacher's personality. After moving to Akaishidai, I think that the teachers and other staff members have a lot of trouble, such as devising a reservation system and providing medical care on Sundays. It is very reliable as a patient. We look forward to working with you in the future.
Jack Abuse on Google

When I was suspicious of corona (negative result), my family doctor refused to see me and I was at a loss when I visited here. I remember being very relieved because the teacher was very calm, the examination was smooth and he took care not to make me nervous. I thought this was a medical worker. I will go here in the future.
ちゃん on Google

今週に入ってからコロナの症状が出始め、受診センターに電話したところこちらの病院を勧められ伺いました。 他の病院だと「発熱」というワードを出した時点でうちでは診られません、と冷たい対応をとられることも少なくないのですが(ご時世柄仕方がないことは理解しています)、こちらの病院の受付の方はお電話越しの声も優しく、すぐに状況を理解してくださり、午前の営業時間ギリギリだったにも関わらず当日診察の予約をとってくださいました。 また、先生や看護師さん薬剤師さんまでこの病院にいらっしゃる全ての方々が本当に優しく丁寧な素晴らしい病院だと思いました。 具合の悪さと不安やら恐怖やらで毎日1人押しつぶされそうになっていた心が和らいだ気がします。本当に感謝しております。 大変な状況が続いておりますが、どうか皆さまもお体にお気をつけて頑張ってください。
This week to beginning out symptoms of corona from entering, I heard recommended here in the hospital I called to visit the center. Not seen in the out at the time of it's other hospitals out the word "fever", the cold How can not a few also correspond to Tiger is (that there is no Gojisei pattern way will not understand), click here towards the hospital receptionist gentle voice of us over the phone, Kudasari to immediately understand the situation, we please take a reservation for despite the day of the examination have been a business hours last minute of the morning. Also, I thought all of those who come to the hospital until the teacher or nurse pharmacist's is a really friendly and polite wonderful hospital. I feel that What with fear evil and Yara anxiety condition eased heart had become likely to be crushed one person every day will. Really I am grateful. It continued to be very situation, but please work hard to take care to see if everyone is also your body.
ちゃっちゃ on Google

熱が38度に上がり、富谷市の病院にひたすら電話をかけました。熱がある人はお断りとやはりこの御時世に言われる中、優しく迎えてくれたのがタウンクリニックさんでした。 電話の際も、気をつけていらっしゃって下さいと言われ心の底から安心しました。 また、先生や看護師の皆さんも何度も優しい言葉を掛けて下さりました。 特に先生は、凄く物腰が柔らかく話しやすかったです。私の話に紳士に向き合ってくれて嬉しかったです。本当にありがとうございました。 すぐに部屋も案内してくれて待ち時間も短かったです。また、PCR検査をしたため、車まで薬を届けてくれて助かりました。 小児科も入ってる雰囲気なので、施設も可愛く お家のような病院でした。 また行かせて頂きます。コロナ禍ではありますが皆さんがんばってください。
My fever rose to 38 degrees and I just called the hospital in Tomiya City. It was Town Clinic who kindly welcomed me while people with a fever were told to refuse. When I called, I was told to be careful and I was relieved from the bottom of my heart. In addition, the teachers and nurses also gave me kind words many times. Especially the teacher was very soft and easy to talk to. I'm glad that you faced my story with a gentleman. I'm really thankful to you. He showed me the room immediately and the waiting time was short. Also, because I had a PCR test, it was helpful to deliver the medicine to the car. The atmosphere is also pediatric, so the facilities are cute It was a hospital like a house. I will go again. Although it is a corona disaster, please do your best.
あいりーん on Google

子供含め何度も利用させてもらってます。 事前にwebに待ち予約できるし、そろそろ自分の番というのもメールで連絡くるので、無駄な時間が省け大助かりです。 中に自販機があり、子供にジュース買ってあげられるので、ジュース飲んでる間子供も騒がずいてくれるので良きです。 先生の印象も良く、子供の風邪で滝1回ペースできてますが、特に不満等感じたこともないです。引き続きかかりつけ医として利用させてもらいたいです。
I use it many times including children. You can make a waiting reservation on the web in advance, and you will be notified by e-mail about your turn, which is a great help to save time. There is a vending machine inside, and you can buy juice for your child, so it's good that your child will not make noise while drinking juice. The teacher's impression is good, and I can pace the waterfall once due to a child's cold, but I have never felt any particular dissatisfaction. I would like to continue using it as a family doctor.
papa papapapa on Google

新築で院内は綺麗です ただ、スリッパに履き替えるところがマイナス点 しかも病院によくある除菌のくるくる回るやつは無し 待合室は民法のテレビがかかっているので 待ってるのも苦にはなりません。自販機もあります 皮膚科の先生は優しくて喋り方も優しかったです 支払いまでの待ち時間は5分掛からない位で 名前を呼ばれて自動精算機でした
The hospital is beautiful because it is newly built However, the downside is that you can change to slippers. Moreover, there is no sterilization that is common in hospitals. The waiting room is covered by the Civil Code TV It doesn't hurt to wait. There is also a vending machine The dermatologist was kind and talked very well. Waiting time for payment is less than 5 minutes It was an automatic checkout machine called by name

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