民宿 まいや荘

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 民宿 まいや荘

住所 :

Towacho Maiya, Tome, 〒987-0902 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : Miyagi

Towacho Maiya, Tome, 〒987-0902 Miyagi,Japan
佐藤禎一 on Google

うっちー on Google

いとうやすよ on Google

Please have me welcome you
Yuichi Todaka on Google

An inn filled with the kindness of grandma's. Hinoki bath was the best in the morning.
矢吹盛雄 on Google

4500 yen is cheap with a half board ❗️ It is good if only about 2 nights, but it is only really staying, so you can not expect the equipment like an ordinary inn !! Moth
大久保健治 on Google

It's home-like and lodging-like. The dishes are handmade by the aunts, and the side dishes are full. The cost performance is the best. The washroom, the toilet and the bath are shared.
R子 on Google

元気なおばあちゃんに会えるお宿です。 セルフでコーヒーやお茶も飲めますし、レンジもあるので素泊まりで持ち込みもOK。 また利用したいお宿です!
It is a hotel where you can meet your energetic grandmother. You can drink coffee and tea on your own, and there is also a range, so you can bring it with you as a bed. I would like to use it again!
yamachang 5589 on Google

¥4500(税別)/1泊2食、団体だけでなく単身利用も可 国道398号沿いかつ三陸自動車道・登米東和IC&三滝堂IC近くに立地し、米谷中心街へ5分弱、南三陸町へそれぞれ20分弱と好アクセス。 南三陸町が復興途上にあり宿泊施設が少ない今、貴重な民宿です。 部屋は和室5の洋室1の基本的に禁煙、喫煙は食堂にて。 男性は大きなヒノキ風呂、女性は洋式バス。 シャンプー・せっけんは備え付けもタオル・バスタオルは要各自準備。 洗濯洗剤を持参すれば洗濯機も無料で使用できます。 おかみさんたちはとても親しみやすく、出される食事も地のものをいただけます。 米谷市街地には七十七銀行米谷支店、セブンイレブンもあり。
¥ 4500 (tax not included) / 2 meals per night, single use is also possible as well as groups Located along National Road No. 398 and near Sanriku Expressway, Tome Towa IC & Mitakido IC, less than 5 minutes to Yoneya city center and less than 20 minutes to Minami Sanriku town respectively. It is a valuable guest house now that Minamisanriku-cho is on the way of reconstruction and there are few accommodations. The room is basically non-smoking in Western-style room 1 of Japanese-style room 5 and smoking is in the dining room. Males have large cypress baths and females have Western-style baths. Shampoo and soap are also provided. Towels and bath towels are required. If you bring a laundry detergent, you can use the washing machine for free. The ladies are very friendly and the food served is also from the ground. Seventy seven Bank Yoneya Branch and Seven Eleven also exist in Yoneya city area.

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