Towa Hot Spring - Hanamaki

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Towa Hot Spring

住所 :

6 Ku-135 Towacho Ahyo, Hanamaki, Iwate 028-0115, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 028-0115
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 7–8:30AM
Sunday 7–8:30AM
Monday 7–8:30AM
Tuesday 7–8:30AM
Wednesday 7–8:30AM
Thursday 7–8:30AM
Friday 7–8:30AM

6 Ku-135 Towacho Ahyo, Hanamaki, Iwate 028-0115, Japan
sac am on Google

食事と個室で1100円だったかな。 温泉も露天風呂もあり 炭酸風呂もあり 清潔でゆったりできました 。店員の人も 感染対策バッチリで 快く対応してくれました。隣が道の駅なので車中泊にはベストかも。
I wonder if it was 1100 yen for meals and private rooms. There are hot springs, open-air baths, and carbonated baths, so it was clean and relaxing. The clerk was also willing to take measures against infection. The roadside station is next door, so it might be the best place to stay in the car.
Kohei Murata on Google

It was a pity during the open-air bath suspension period. If possible, at the time of reception, at the time of reception, the open-air bath is closed, is that okay? I wanted you to hear. Then I would cut it in half. Thank you for taking a leisurely indoor bath.
笑。 on Google

日帰り温泉を利用しました。600円とまぁまぁ安めでしょうか?サウナも有りましたが、利用せず2種類のお風呂に入り炭酸泉は、38℃とぬるめでした 露天風呂は、未だ中止とあって残念でした。
I used a day trip hot spring. Is it cheap at 600 yen? There was also a sauna, but I took two types of baths without using it, and the carbonated spring was warm at 38 ° C. It was a pity that the open-air bath was still canceled.
杉田光代 on Google

I went to the beginning of the new year in January, 4th year of Reiwa. The carbonated spring was large enough to accommodate about 4 people. I didn't do the open air. The man's sauna was under repair.
及川千賀子 on Google

サウナに入って、個室ではランチ、友人と二人でのんびり贅沢な時間を過ごしました。 残念ながら水風呂が冷た過ぎて入れませんでした、外に出てクーリングしました。 ぬるめの炭酸湯とちょっと私には熱いかな?の2つ浴槽があります。 冬期間は露天風呂はお休みです。
After entering the sauna, I had lunch in a private room and spent a relaxing and luxurious time with my friends. Unfortunately the water bath was too cold to enter, I went out and cooled. Is it hot for me with lukewarm carbonated water? There are two bathtubs. The open-air bath is closed during the winter.
KAZU on Google

It's a quiet place. It is next to Road Station Towa. It is a simple hot spring with a characteristic that it is just a free-flowing hot spring and the quality of the spring is common. The open-air bath is closed from November to April, so if you like the open-air bath, let's go after it gets warm. There is a garden next to it so you can take a walk. Maybe you can meet a stray rabbit? There are objects and hidden objects here and there, so it's fun to look for them and walk around.
Sasaki Youhei on Google

日帰り入浴で利用しました。 道の駅とうわの中にある温泉で、利用者は、かなり多いです。 お風呂は、大浴場、露天風呂、炭酸泉、サウナが、あります。洗い場は、たくさんあるのですが、お風呂は、小さく、利用者が多いので、ゆっくりはくつろげないです!サッと入るにはいいかも? お湯は、源泉かけ流しでお肌に優しい肌触りな温泉でした。毎日、お湯を完全入替えしており、清潔なのは嬉しいです? 泉質:単純温泉 効能:神経痛、筋肉痛、うちみ 等 備品:リンスインシャンプー ボディーソープ ドライヤー
I used it for a day trip bath. It is a hot spring in the roadside station Towa, and there are quite a lot of users. There are large baths, open-air baths, carbonated springs, and saunas. There are many washrooms, but the baths are small and there are many users, so you can't relax slowly! It may be good to enter quickly ? The hot spring was a hot spring that was gentle on the skin and was fed directly from the source. The hot water is completely replaced every day, and I'm happy that it's clean ? Spring quality: Simple hot spring Efficacy: neuralgia, muscle pain, bruise, etc. Equipment: Rinse in shampoo Body soap Hairdryer
yakisoba on Google

日曜13時、コロナ中にしてはまあまあ混んでる感じがしました。 1歳の子ども(赤ちゃん)を連れていきました。脱衣所(男女)にはベビーベッドがあります。お風呂は42℃くらいの大きな浴槽とぬるめの38℃くらいの小さな浴槽がありました。 とても気持ちよかったです。 中の食堂の日高見でヒレカツカレーも食べました。欧風?ぽい感じで、お肉も美味しかったです。 露天風呂が再開されたらまた行きたいです。
At 13:00 on Sunday, it felt like it was pretty crowded during the corona. I brought a 1 year old child (baby). There is a baby cot at the dressing room (men and women). There was a large bathtub with a temperature of about 42 ° C and a small bathtub with a lukewarm temperature of about 38 ° C. It was very comfortable. I also ate pork cutlet curry at Hidakami in Nakano Shokudo. European style? It was like that and the meat was delicious. I want to go again when the open-air bath is resumed.

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