東陽倉庫(株)名古屋北センター - Niwa District

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東陽倉庫(株)名古屋北センター

住所 :

Totsubo, Oguchi, Niwa District, 〒480-0125 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 480-0125
Webサイト : http://www.toyo-logistics.co.jp/co_network.html
街 : Aichi

Totsubo, Oguchi, Niwa District, 〒480-0125 Aichi,Japan
アップルイズニューブラック on Google

Line up in the morning.
たけしたけし on Google

夜中12半に一番に着いて、荷下ろし終了 11時? 順番関係無し。しかし、3時以降に着くと トラックを停めるのが困難‼️ 待ちを覚悟してください
Arrived first at 12:30 in the middle of the night and finished unloading at 11 o'clock ? There is no order. However, it is difficult to stop the truck if you arrive after 3 o'clock! ️ Please be prepared to wait
谷川順次 on Google

When going from Usami of No. 41 and turning left, there are times when the tires are narrower than expected.
本多智幸 on Google

Please note that the location and direction of the line will differ depending on the load! ️ The reception office is at the back of the unloading area on the south side. Reception from 8:10. In principle, the order in which they are lined up.
ぐらぐり on Google

納品業者情報共有目的の投稿です。 自分は(納品後に知った話で)月曜朝の納品で、入口側(さくら総合病院側)も出口側(県道176号側)もゲートは閉門状態でしたが、勝手に手動開門し、入場後も手動閉門すれば良いとの事でした。 入口側から入場すると右側に建物が有ります 右側は行き止まりで直進しか出来ませんが、飲料納品の場合にはそのスペースにて納品になるので、一旦は通路を直進後Uターンして建物側に寄せての納品待機に。 飲料納品以外の場合は、入口側からの入場後、通路の左側に寄せて奥から並びます。 一番奥まで行くと、従業員駐車場として普通車や軽自動車が2ヶ所有ります(行けばすぐ分かるであろう部分なので省きます)ので、そこを避けてスロープを背にバック駐車も可能だそうです(横に3~4列、縦に2~3台程度) もし不安なら、スロープ側まで進まずに通路左側に縦列駐車の方が無難かも。 自分は、それらの事前情報を知らなかった為に新宮2丁目のファミマにて待機し、朝の入場対応でした(汗) 自分は「あれ?24時間入場可能じゃなかったっけ?中にはトラック入ってるけど、閉門してるしなぁ...間違ってトラブルになったら困るしなぁ...」と、いつも通りのチキンっぷりを全開にして朝8時にファミマを出発(ファミマの県道176号側から右折退出、東陽倉庫出口を過ぎて直ぐの路地を左折、その先のT字路を左折からの左折入場←ちょい狭いかも)で5分程度で到着。20台位の大型トラックが並んでいたけど、10時頃には納品完了しました。 尚、気を付けた方が良さそうな部分として、並んだ順番で納品ではないということ。 朝8時頃から事務所にて納品書と受領書を持って行き、納品書だけを返却され「現場のフォークマンに手渡して、指示を仰いで下さい」と言われ、その通りに。 「早く到着したから良いや!順番になったら起こされるなり呼ばれるだろ」って考えの人は、単純に誰も起こしてくれないし、順番は普通に抜かされるし、最悪の場合には午前中納品の受付が午前中に済ませられなかったとして延着扱いにさえ成り得るらしいですよ(滝汗) 飽くまで、受付順らしいです。朝7時30分くらいには目覚まし時計のセットをしておいた方が良いかもです。 余談。ファミマは大型トラックだらけですが、そこそこ便利でしたよ。すぐ隣には山岡家ってラーメン屋も有りましたし。 納品の為に倉庫に入場して並んでも並ばなくても待ち時間は大して変わらない事を考えればファミマ待機の方が(小声)
Delivery contractor information This is a posting purpose. I was delivered on Monday morning (with a story I knew after delivery), the entrance side (Sakura general hospital side) and the exit side (gateway 176 side) were also in gate closing state, but we opened the gate manually without permission and after entry It was said that only a manual closing gate should be done. When entering from the entrance side there is a building on the right side In the case of drink deliveries it will be delivered in that space, so once it goes straight ahead and makes a U turn and pushes it to the building side to wait for the delivery. In the case other than delivery of beverages, after entry from the entrance side, we will pull back to the left side of the aisle and line up from the back. If you go to the far end, there are two places of regular cars and mini cars as employee parking lots (it will be understood as soon as you can go) so you can avoid back there and backpack at the back of the slope That's right (3 to 4 rows horizontally, 2 to 3 vertically) If you are anxious, parallel parking may be better on the left side of the aisle without going to the slope side. I was on standby at Famima of Shingu 2-chome because I did not know those prior information and was able to enter the morning (sweat) I was "I could not enter 24 hours a day?" I have a truck inside, but I'm locked out ... I'm in trouble if I get in trouble by mistake ... "and chicken as usual Leave Furimachi fully open and leave Famima at 8 am in the morning (Exit right from Famima's prefectural highway No. 176 side, turn left on the alley immediately past Toyo Yokoku exit, left turn entering from Turn left after ← may be a little narrow) Arrived in about 5 minutes. There were about 20 large trucks lined up, but delivery was completed around 10 o'clock. In addition, as a part that seems better to be careful, it is not delivered in the order in which they are arranged. From around 8 o'clock in the morning, I brought an invoice and a receipt at the office, returned only the invoice and handed it to the fork man at the work place, please ask me for instructions, as it is. People who think that it will be called when it gets in order as soon as it arrives will not cause anyone to simply wake up and the order will be skipped normally and in the worst case delivered in the morning It seems that even if the reception was not completed in the morning it could even be treated as late arrival (sweat falls) It seems that it is acceptance order until tired. It might be better to set an alarm clock around 7:30 in the morning. Digression. Famima is full of heavy-duty trucks, but it was reasonably convenient. There was a ramen shop in the house immediately next to Yamaoka. Even if you enter the warehouse for delivery, even if it does not line up, if you think that the waiting time does not change much, the person who waits for Famima (voice)
健二中嶌 on Google

2本線 ヘルメット リーダーかも知れないけど 無愛想 ムカつく態度 集荷の荷物落とす用に 荷台に置いていくわ 絶対わざと? 大手会社員のする事かね?
It may be a two-line helmet leader, but it's unfriendly, it's an unpleasant attitude, and I'll put it on the loading platform to drop the luggage for collection.
佐藤“ゆ”ゆ on Google

Nestlé's large grated reception started at 8 o'clock, the reception office was on the south side, the toilet was next to it, and the grated place was on the north side.
A K (107) on Google

ネスレの納品できました。 24時間入場可能だか、夜間受付は無し。 北側、南側どちらからでも入場可。 受付開始は8時15分。 卸す順番は並び順で、受付順ではない。 納品する種類によって並ぶ方向が違うので注意。 ネスレは画像の通りに並んで赤四角で卸す。 リフトマンは呼びに来てくれないので、前のトラックが出て行ったら入場。
Nestlé has been delivered. It is possible to enter for 24 hours, or there is no reception at night. You can enter from either the north side or the south side. Reception starts at 8:15. The order of wholesale is the order of arrangement, not the order of reception. Please note that the line-up direction differs depending on the type of delivery. Nestlé is lined up as shown in the image and wholesaled in red squares. Liftman doesn't come to call me, so I'll enter when the truck in front goes out.

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