Toshimaya Bento - Tateyama

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Toshimaya Bento

住所 :

626-5 Masaki, Tateyama, Chiba 294-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87779
Postal code : 294-0051

626-5 Masaki, Tateyama, Chiba 294-0051, Japan
san on Google

No welcome, no appearance coming out of the kitchen. When this looks for a clerk and gives a visual signal, it comes out from the back. Of course there is no smile. The finished lunch boxes were lined up, but when I asked if I could order other than that, he said, "If you have time," and when I asked how long I would wait, he said, "I don't know because it depends on the menu and quantity." Do you have an approximate time? I felt so bad that I didn't feel like buying it, so I'm sorry I didn't buy anything. I will never go again.
まりもん on Google

I tried to eat a rumored char bean introduced on TV. Charshu had an image of a sweet and spicy taste, but in fact the salty and soy sauce tastes much stronger and reminded me of Toyama's black ramen soup. It was also unfortunate that the texture of the char siu was like a tuna or bird fillet. There was no char siu succulent feeling. If you let me express my personal impression, I felt that the taste of meat was lost due to overheating. But this is the taste of this restaurant. I understand that there are cooking methods like this, and some people like it.
kotesan on Google

なぜそんなに愛想が無いのか尋ねたいぐらい酷い! 入店してもいらっしゃいませも少々お待ち下さいも一言もない! もちろん呼ばなきゃ中から見てるだけで出てこない。 大した弁当屋でもないのに。 接客業向いてないんじゃない?
It's so terrible that I want to ask why it's so unfriendly! Please wait for a while even if you come to the store, there is no word! Of course, if you don't call it, it won't come out just by looking at it from inside. Even though it's not a big lunch box shop. Isn't it suitable for the hospitality business?
鳩山源太 on Google

テレビで見た?弁当?屋さんでした? おみやげに持ち帰りたかったけどあまり日持ちがしなさそうでしたので自分で食べただけにしました。
I saw it on TV? Was it a bento ? shop? I wanted to take it home as a souvenir, but it didn't seem to last long, so I just ate it myself.

定番のチャーシュー弁当はとしやま弁当の名物だけあってハズレなしの美味しさ? イートインコーナーで食べて家でも食べたいので2〜3個お土産に持ち帰ります。
The classic char siu bento is only the specialty of Toshiyama bento, and it's delicious without losing. I want to eat at the eat-in corner and at home, so take 2-3 souvenirs home.
奥田悠平 on Google

チャー弁を買いに初訪店しました。 噂を色々聞いて是非食べてみたく本日チャー弁デビューしました。 チャーシューのタレが熱々のご飯に掛かって、それが又格別でした。
I visited for the first time to buy a char-ben. Today I made a charben debut today to hear all the rumors and eat it. The sauce of char siu was hung on hot rice, which was exceptional again.
・ SGO on Google

千葉と言ったらやっぱり、チャー弁!! 本日はその他に【パワフル和田】【館山スペシャル】弁当を… どれもおばさん手作りの美味しいお弁当? 肉×肉したければチャー弁最高!!
After all, if you say Chiba, Charben! ! In addition to today, [Powerful Wada] [Tateyama Special] bento ... All of them are delicious lunches made by your aunt. If you want meat x meat, the best charben! !
YOUさくら on Google

A char siu lunch box, a crystal lunch box, and a bottle of juice cost 1738 yen. I personally thought that the cost performance was a little bad. However, the char siu is very soft, the sweetness is suppressed and I like it, and the fried chicken is also garlic and punchy. However, although there are individual differences, the seasoning is so strong that it's peeled off (laughs), but it was very delicious.

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