
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 広島遺品整理専門店ティプロ

住所 :

Toshimatsu, Saeki Ward, 〒731-5106 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://ihinseiri.world/
街 : Hiroshima

Toshimatsu, Saeki Ward, 〒731-5106 Hiroshima,Japan
向井清子 on Google

it was good
宮崎真一(オトカツ) on Google

It was a smooth job, and it went smoothly. Thank you very much.
カナタソラ on Google

I had it cleaned.
谷良太 on Google

Request for purchase of disused items. I am satisfied with the prompt response and the collection of unneeded items!
藤本賛 on Google

ずっと片付けられずにいた空き家となった実家を整理して頂きました。 両親との思い出があり自身では思うように進められなかったので大変助かりました。 また解体の相談にも対応して頂きありがとうございます。大変参考になりました。こちらの方は頂いた資料を基にじっくり考えていきたいと思います。
I had you organize the parents' house that became a vacant house that could not be cleaned up for a long time. It was a great help because I had memories with my parents and couldn't proceed as I expected. Also, thank you for responding to the dismantling consultation. It was very helpful. This person would like to think carefully based on the materials received.
三宅学 on Google

My grandmother passed away and I asked Tipro to sort out the relics, and although it was quite impossible on the schedule, it was helpful for me to respond promptly, and I was also grateful for the polite answer to what I did not understand. Thank you very much.
蒲焼さん太郎 on Google

この度祖母が亡くなり、一軒家と納屋の整理を頼みました。 スタッフさん達の対応がとても良く、最後は家の周りまで掃き掃除をサービスでして頂きました。 小さな事でも、きちんとした確認や相談にも対応して下さり大変感謝しております。 依頼して本当に良かったと思います。 ありがとうございました。
My grandmother passed away and asked to organize the house and barn. The staff were very responsive, and at the end they provided a service to sweep around the house. I am very grateful to you for responding to proper confirmations and consultations, even for small matters. I'm really glad I asked. Thank you very much.
森山かおり on Google

安佐北区の実家の片付けをして頂きました。 見積もりから丁寧にして頂いて、担当三島さんには本当に感謝しています。 友達も片付けがしたい時にはティプロ三島さんをご紹介致します。今後も宜しくお願い致します。
I had you clean up my parents' house in Asakita Ward. I am really grateful to Mr. Mishima, who is in charge of the quotation, for his politeness. If your friends want to get rid of it, I would like to introduce Mr. Tipro Mishima. We look forward to working with you in the future.

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