Toriyatai Hayashiya - Osaka

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Toriyatai Hayashiya

住所 :

3 Chome-6-17 Noda, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, 553-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 553-0005

3 Chome-6-17 Noda, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, 553-0005, Japan
池田義晴 on Google

なにをたべても美味しい! とくに厚揚げはぜっぴん、オススメは創りの盛り合わせで、新鮮で最高です
No matter what you eat, it's delicious! Especially the fried tofu is perfect, and the recommendation is the assortment of creations, which is fresh and the best.
matsuban mikio on Google

It was reasonable and delicious ♪
三府源太郎 on Google

いつもお世話になってます! 何を食べても美味しいお店。 オーナーの人柄も最高!
I am always indebted to you! A restaurant that is delicious no matter what you eat. The personality of the owner is also the best!
山本千鶴 on Google

色々写真撮り忘れたけど、全部美味しかったです。 アットホームでワイワイ飲めるお店。喫煙OK
I forgot to take various photos, but they were all delicious. A shop where you can drink at home. Smoking OK
畠中龍生 on Google

I have been indebted to you for a long time. Not only delicious charcoal-grilled yakitori, but also steamed chicken, seasoned wrinkles, etc., the general's skill and passion are concentrated in all chicken dishes. I will continue to attend.
hide bf on Google

先日初めて家族4人で行ったんですが、注文したもの全て美味しかったです。 お店の方の対応もとても気さくで明るくて大変居心地がいいお店でした。 特に、味付けかしわ、野菜ステックの味噌、鳥雑炊は凄く美味しくてちょっと感動しました。 また絶対行きたいお店です。
The other day I went with four family members for the first time, and everything I ordered was delicious. The shop staff was very friendly, cheerful and very comfortable. In particular, the seasoned kashiwa, vegetable stick miso, and chicken porridge were very delicious and I was a little impressed. I definitely want to go there again.
つばきあいら on Google

初めて行きました! 店長さんとアルバイトの方の二人で回していたのですが、提供スピードも早くてすぐ食べれました! 料理の味はほんとに美味しくて、また行きたいと思いました! 焼き鳥はもちろんなのですが、お鍋の味付けがとても美味しかったです!
I went there for the first time! The store manager and a part-time job were working together, but the serving speed was fast and I was able to eat immediately! The food tasted really good and I wanted to go again! Not to mention yakitori, the seasoning of the pot was very delicious!
Kris Brown on Google

Very good food. Didn't know most of what we ate as the menu was in Japanese only. But it was delicious and the staff was very friendly and helpful.

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