Torisho - Kani

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Torisho

住所 :

5769-2 Shimoedo, Kani, Gifu 509-0203, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 509-0203
Webサイト :

5769-2 Shimoedo, Kani, Gifu 509-0203, Japan
いどっち on Google

この店の唐揚げは本当に美味しいです。 ジューシーで柔らかくて最高ですね。 特にこれからの季節、外で頂くとさらに美味しく感じます。
The fried chicken in this shop is really delicious. It's juicy, soft and the best. Especially in the coming season, it will be even more delicious if you have it outside.
Goto Tomohiro on Google

The fried chicken is delicious, although there are hurdles that the parking lot is difficult to park and there are few vacancies. Even the breast meat is not dry and juicy. Free large serving of rice
高橋さえ子 on Google

色んな鶏笑さんの唐揚げを食べましたが、下恵土のバロー前にある、鶏笑 可児店さん。こちらの唐揚げは格別に美味しいですね‼️ 米油を使われているからでしょうか? ここの唐揚げを食べると他のお店の唐揚げは食べられませんね❗ 揚げおきを置いてないので、ご予約がお勧めです?
I ate various fried chicken lol, but the chicken lol Kani store in front of the barrow in Shimoedo. This fried chicken is exceptionally delicious! ️ Is it because rice oil is used? If you eat fried chicken here, you can't eat fried chicken from other restaurants ❗ We do not have fried food, so it is recommended to make a reservation ?
on Google

The correspondence of the shop staff was very cheerful and pleasant. Thank you for seeing me off to the exit. It seems to be cheaper on Friday. I still want to use it.
k k on Google

TVで見て、こちらの口コミも良かったので遠方でしたが伺いました。 入店すると顎マスクで唐揚げを揚げてみえてビックリしました! こちらに気付いて慌ててマスクをずらして付けられましたが何度も触られてるのか白の不織布マスクに唐揚げ粉がついた汚れが目立ってました…。 予約ではなかったので、少し店内で待ってましたが油の匂いが凄すぎて2分ほど待って外に出ましたが服にすごく匂いが付き少しショックでした。 30分後に出来上がります!と言われたので、バローで時間を潰し出向き再度入店したら、また顎までマスクをずらしてみえて唐揚げを揚げながら「お待たせしました~!すみません!」と対応はよかったですが「マスクして~!」と心の中で思ってました(笑) アルバイトらしき男性の方に「タルタルソースつけ忘れないでよ!」と言ってみえましたが、車内に戻り嫌な予感がし見ると入ってませんでしたm(__)m すぐ車内でいただきましたが、肝心の味は大量注文で急がれてたのか、油が疲れてるのか砂肝の唐揚げが油が紙の袋の底に溜まってしまって…衣が剥がれてしまってました。 そして油が臭い、、、 ミックスも頂くとたしかに胸肉はパサパサ感はない。だけど、揚げたてなのに衣がべちゃ〜としてしまってました…。 チキン南蛮も、うん…。タレもあまり絡まってなく期待しすぎた自分が良くなかったのか、口コミを鵜呑みにしすぎたのか全て残念でした…。 いつも唐揚げ専門店で購入すると写メを撮るのですが見た目も個人的には残念でした。 から助さんくらいのレベルを期待してたので、再訪は残念ながらないかな…。
I watched it on TV and it was a long way away because this review was also good, but I asked. When I entered the store, I was surprised to see the fried chicken with a chin mask! I noticed this and hurriedly shifted the mask and attached it, but I wonder if it was touched many times. The white non-woven mask was conspicuously stained with fried chicken powder. It wasn't a reservation, so I waited in the store for a while, but the smell of oil was so great that I waited for about 2 minutes and went outside, but the clothes smelled so much that I was a little shocked. It will be ready in 30 minutes! I was told, so I killed time with a barrow and went out to the store again, and when I tried to shift the mask to my chin again and fried fried chicken, I said "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting!" I thought in my heart (laughs) I tried to say to a man who seems to be a part-time job, "Don't forget to put on tartar sauce!" I got it in the car right away, but the essential taste was that I was in a hurry due to a large order, or was the oil tired? It has been closed. And the oil smells ... The breast meat does not feel dry when you get the mix. However, even though it was freshly fried, the batter was messy ... Chicken nanban, yeah ... It was all disappointing whether I wasn't good because I didn't get too involved in the sauce and I expected too much, or I swallowed the word of mouth too much ... I always take a photo when I buy it at a fried chicken specialty store, but it looks disappointing personally. I was expecting a level like Suke-san, so unfortunately I wouldn't come back again ...
日比野かずほ on Google

店の方がとても感じが良いです。 お味は最高だよ〜〜??? お持ち帰りだけど、タッチの差で満員で列を成すので、電話で注文が便利のようです。 タレも販売されてるので、味がわりが出来るので コレもまた旨い?
The shop is very nice. The taste is great ~~ ??? It seems that it is convenient to order by phone because it is taken out, but it is lined up with the difference in touch. Sauce is also sold, so you can taste it This is also delicious.
健太郎斎藤 on Google

唐揚げテイクアウトのお店が最近増えてきましたが、その中でもイチオシです。 米油を使い、揚げ方も試行錯誤を繰り返されているそうで、期待以上の唐揚げに満足しています。 個人的にはチキン南蛮が絶品だと感じており、タルタル+トッピングの甘辛ソースをつけて食べるのは最高です。
The number of fried chicken take-out shops has increased recently, but it is the best one. It seems that rice oil is used and the method of frying is repeated trial and error, so I am satisfied with the frying that exceeds expectations. Personally, I feel that chicken nanban is excellent, and it is best to eat it with tartar + topping sweet and spicy sauce.
遠藤豊紀顧 on Google

モモ肉のファミリーと、からあげ南蛮、やげん軟骨の唐揚げを注文しました。揚げたては、めちゃめちゃジューシーで美味しかったですが、冷めても美味しかったです。 やげん軟骨は、写真撮る前に子供がほとんど食べてしまいました。
I ordered a family of thigh meat, karaage nanban, and fried chicken cartilage. The fried food was very juicy and delicious, but it was delicious even when cooled. Most of the cartilage was eaten by children before taking a picture.

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