
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ToRiO(トリオ)

住所 :

Miyazaki, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0033 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Webサイト :
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Miyazaki, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0033 Kanagawa,Japan
Tadashi NAGAI on Google

マフラー しそ継ぎ 美味し
Scarf Shiso joint Delicious
富永TOMMY弘明 on Google

About five minutes from the station, the restaurant serves yakitori, which the master who trained in Japanese and Western dishes worked with chitin over charcoal, as well as delicious dishes that go well with sake and meals. There are à la carte and course meals.
mas j on Google

気取った焼き鳥屋。 愛想悪いし、客主体ではなく店主がしたいようにやっている。 焼き鳥自体は美味しいかもしれないが、それなりの値段を取る。 二度と行きません。
A pretentious yakitori restaurant. It's unfriendly, and the shopkeeper does what he wants, not the customer. Yakitori itself may be delicious, but it costs a reasonable price. I will never go again.
JUN U on Google

激ウマ鳥料理。この店のオープンを待ってました!!(2019.8) 一本一本で部位の美味しさを最大限に引き出しす串、刺し身も一層美味しく食べられるように料理されてます?さすが、鳥のこと知り尽くしてますね。 焼酎だけでなく、ワインのラインナップも加わってて、おしゃれに食事も楽しめます。 マスターのトークも相変わらずキレッキレ!楽しい食事できる事間違いなしです。
Super horse bird dish. I was waiting for this store to open! ! (2019.8) The skewers that bring out the deliciousness of each part to the maximum by one by one, and the sashimi are cooked so that they can be eaten even more deliciously. Not only shochu, but also a wine lineup, you can enjoy a stylish meal. Master talk is still crisp! There is no doubt that you can have a pleasant meal.
on Google

It was a nice restaurant that made me think that chicken is delicious.
Keath on Google

この価格でこの内容なら安くて大変美味しいと思える焼き鳥屋さん。 焼き鳥屋さんと言えば庶民の飲み屋と思われがちですが、そういう店ばかりではありません。 こちらのお店は基本はコース、もしくはやきとりもお任せで数本のコース。 都市部にある比較的高級な焼き鳥屋と同じようなスタイルです(追加のやきとりはお好みで1本から頼める) そのような店と比較すれば十分にコスパ良好。 赤ちょうちんで気軽に立ち飲みコーナーもあるような焼き鳥屋さん(それも私は大好きです)とは違うわけです。 鶏もかなりこだわって仕入れているのがわかりますし、その日に一番美味しい鶏をお任せで焼いてもらうのが一番良い! ひとりで飲み物を頼んで5000円~8000円ということもあるけど、内容を考えれば十分に安いのです。 これを高いと思うのであれば、いったいどのレベルの焼鳥屋とくらべているのか聞きたくなります。 ちなみに私は好きに飲食いして2000~3000円という馴染みの店もあり、そういう店と単純に比較できないと思っています。
A yakitori restaurant that seems to be cheap and very delicious with this content at this price. Yakitori restaurants are often thought of as ordinary bars, but they are not the only ones. This shop is basically a course, or you can leave it to Yakitori for several courses. It's similar in style to a relatively high-end yakitori restaurant in the city (additional yakitori can be ordered from one if you like) Cospa is good enough compared to such stores. It's different from the yakitori restaurant (which I also love), which has a red lantern and a casual standing drinking corner. You can see that the chickens are also procured with great care, and it is best to have the most delicious chickens of the day grilled! Sometimes you can order a drink by yourself and it costs 5,000 to 8,000 yen, but considering the contents, it's cheap enough. If you think this is expensive, you'll want to ask what level of yakitori you're comparing. By the way, there are some familiar restaurants that you can eat and drink as you like and cost 2000-3000 yen, so I don't think you can simply compare them with those restaurants.
青葉丸 on Google

焼き鳥自体は旨いが、客として来るには抵抗のある店感が否めない。 店員は気取っていて接客する気はさらさら無いし、酒類や一品もの以外には値段が書かれていなかったりするなどテキトウな面も見受けられる。 焼き鳥が旨かったらそれでいいっていう人は行けばいいかもしれないが、この店で酒と焼き鳥を食っても変なモヤモヤした気分にしかならなかった。 あと、単純に値段設定がやけに高い気がする。一人で来て、生二杯と串十数本で4000円程度取られるので、もうちょっと値段設定見直した方がいい。
The yakitori itself is delicious, but it is undeniable that the restaurant feels reluctant to come as a customer. The clerk is pretentious and doesn't feel like serving customers, and there are some nice aspects such as the price is not written except for alcoholic beverages and one-of-a-kind items. People who say that yakitori is delicious may go, but eating sake and yakitori at this restaurant only made me feel weird. Also, I feel that the price setting is simply very expensive. You should come alone and review the price setting a little more because it costs about 4000 yen for 2 cups of raw food and a dozen skewers.
Noah sct on Google

鶏の色々な部位が食べれて! お店の店主もおもしろく☺️ とても、素敵なお店ですよぉ~?️
Eat various parts of the chicken! The owner of the shop is also interesting ☺️ It's a very nice shop ~ ?️

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