Torikai-ohashi Bridge - Settsu

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Torikai-ohashi Bridge

住所 :

Settsu, Osaka 566-0072, Japan

Postal code : 566-0072

Settsu, Osaka 566-0072, Japan
X Q on Google

徒歩・自転車の場合 南行きの歩道は狭く、自転車がすれ違ってやっとなので、通勤通学時間帯に歩行者がいるとかなり厳しい。欄干も低く、落下事故が起きていないのが不思議。 北行きは広く使いやすいが、北詰の場合は一津屋交差点方面への横断歩道しかなく、堤防側へ抜ける歩道はない。こちらも事故が起きていないのが不思議。 車の場合 南行きは、昔ほど渋滞が気にならない。合流にさえ気をつければ走りやすく、京都・守口・門真、各方面への走行は問題なし。 北行きは大日側から一津屋交差点方面へ走るにはいいが、左折すると交通量の多い時間帯は渋滞しやすい。また堤防側から来る場合、赤信号3分待って、青信号20秒という有り得ない短さ。 色々、随分改善されたがまだまだ危険が多いと感じる。
On foot / bicycle The sidewalk to the south is narrow, and bicycles pass each other, so it is quite difficult if there are pedestrians during commuting hours. The balustrade is also low, and it is strange that no fall accident has occurred. The northbound is wide and easy to use, but in the case of Kitazume, there is only a pedestrian crossing toward the Hitotsuya intersection, and there is no sidewalk leading to the embankment side. It is strange that no accident has occurred here either. In the case of a car On the southbound route, traffic jams are less of a concern than in the past. It is easy to drive if you pay attention to the confluence, and there is no problem in traveling to Kyoto, Moriguchi, Kadoma, and so on. The northbound route is good for driving from the Dainichi side toward the Hitotsuya intersection, but turning left tends to cause traffic congestion during times of heavy traffic. Also, when coming from the embankment side, wait 3 minutes for the red light and 20 seconds for the green light, which is an impossible short time. Various improvements have been made, but I feel that there are still many dangers.
私の足跡 on Google

桂川・宇治川・木津川が合流し淀川になります。 淀の大河を渡ります。 淀川では、魚釣りやジョギングやサイクリングなど、想い想いに過ごす方達が多いです。
The Katsura River, Uji River, and Kizu River join to form the Yodo River. Cross the azure taiga. In Yodogawa, there are many people who spend their thoughts on fishing, jogging and cycling.
優之助 on Google

歩道が狭く、歩行者や自転車の人は少し窮屈に感じるだろう。 橋自体は立派な佇まいで、淀川の景観として馴染んでいます。
The sidewalks are narrow and pedestrians and cyclists will find it a bit cramped. The bridge itself has a magnificent appearance and is familiar to the scenery of the Yodo River.
Tatsuya T. on Google

中央環状線、近畿自動車道、大阪モノレールと主要な交通機関が、一級河川淀川を橋渡ししている橋です。 歩行者・自転車は淀川上流側だけに設置されている歩道をご利用下さい。
The central loop line, the Kinki Expressway, the Osaka Monorail, and major transportation links the Yodo River, a first-class river. For pedestrians and bicycles, please use the sidewalk installed only on the upstream side of the Yodo River.
hime Miina on Google

I pass by bicycle, there are bicycles and pedestrians only, and there is a monorail next to it, so I always watch it. There is a car-only road on the other side, and a river runs directly below. You can't go to the other side of the river without passing here.
吉田カブ on Google

It's neither good nor bad. It may be convenient for people who drive through the bridge, but it is inconvenient for pedestrians and bicycles who drive along the sidewalk of the bridge. Couldn't we think of a little more ingenuity in the conductors?
RION youtube on Google

歩道が淀川の上流側だけでしたが下流側にも設置されたけど 下流側の歩道に行くには大周りをしないといけないし不便 上流側の歩道は狭く、自転車同士歩行者といつぶつかって事故が起きてもおかしくない
The sidewalk was only on the upstream side of the Yodo River, but it was also installed on the downstream side. It is inconvenient to go around the sidewalk on the downstream side. The sidewalk on the upstream side is narrow, so it is safe to have an accident by crushing bicycles with pedestrians.
S Nontan on Google

庭窪野草地域(テニスコートの少し下流辺り)の川の方にホームレスの人がいて、ペットボトルやゴミを沢山集めてるので、そこは避けて歩きます。 今でも凄い状態ですが、このまま放置すると、ゴミの不法投棄の場所になりそうです。 ウォーキングの方達がみんな怖がっています。 早急に何とかして欲しいと思います。
There are homeless people near the river in the Niwakubo wild grass area (a little downstream of the tennis court), and they collect a lot of PET bottles and garbage, so avoid walking there. It is still in a great condition, but if left as it is, it will become a place for illegal dumping of garbage. All the walking people are scared. I want you to do something as soon as possible.

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