Tori Mero

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tori Mero

住所 :

Minatocho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0017 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87989
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Minatocho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0017 Kanagawa,Japan
Minoru on Google

鳥メロはコスパが良いので旅行先でもよく利用させて頂いております。 当店はやはり横浜だからでしょうか、商品の量が他県と比較し少ない又は小さいと思いました。フリーのキャベツが小皿に少量で提供され、エリンギや砂肝がすごく貧弱でした。 味は変わらず美味しいですけど。
Tori Melo has a good cost performance, so I often use it at travel destinations. Perhaps because our store is in Yokohama, I thought that the quantity of products was small or small compared to other prefectures. Free cabbage was served in small plates on small plates, and the eryngii and gizzards were very poor. The taste is still delicious.
ポンコツジョニー on Google

I want to avoid male clerk. I'm not motivated, and I'm hungry with my shirt left out. It's dirty, isn't it? I used it alone. The correspondence was good to all the staff. It was open with care even in the corona virus. I still want to use it.
GA TANAKA on Google

よく通わせてもらっている鳥メロさん。 駅からすぐなので、終電ギリギリまで飲めるのでかなり便利? 数回通うと『いつもありがとうございます』と言ってくれるスタッフのホスピタリティもかなり良い。焼き鳥も種類多いので、飽きずに通えますが、野球シーズンはちょっと野球ファンがうるさいかなぁ〜っと思います?
Mr. Mero Tori who is often sent. It's very convenient from the station so you can drink until the last train. The hospitality of the staff who says “Thank you always” after going several times is also quite good. There are many types of yakitori, so you can go without getting bored, but baseball fans are a bit noisy during the baseball season.
山中功司(じーこ) on Google

Feel free to put it in even if you drink alone
Sasa SASA on Google

緊急事態宣言解除でやっと戻った営業時間、終業が遅い身としてはありがたい。料理はそこそこ美味しいし提供時間もまあまあ。ワクチン2回接種証明でファーストドリンク1杯無料サービスも嬉しい(21年末までらしい)。 難を言えば行くたびに他の客の大声がうるさいこと。壁などの構造上の問題かもしれませんが、どうにかしてくれればありがたいです。
I am grateful for the late business hours and late closing of business that I finally returned to after the state of emergency was lifted. The food is reasonably good and the serving time is reasonable. I am happy with the free service of one first drink with the certificate of two vaccinations (it seems to be until the end of 2009). The difficulty is that every time I go, the loud voices of other guests are noisy. It may be a structural problem such as a wall, but I would appreciate it if you could do something about it.
rey amon on Google

生ビール199円はビール党には嬉しいだろうが、その分サワーやハイボールや料理がリーズナブルではない。 焼き鳥の種類も少ない。 ビール飲みながら、ひたすらねぎまと鶏皮食べるような人にはリーズナブルかも。
Draft beer 199 yen would be nice to the beer party, but sour, highball and food are not reasonable. There are few types of yakitori. It may be reasonable for those who just eat green onions and chicken skin while drinking beer.
Ryo Iwa on Google

席数がかなり多い鳥メロ。駅前の好立地で地下に入っていくと、そこそこの大人数で行っても大丈夫なくらいのテーブル数。座敷もあるみたい。 店員さんも程よい接客で、大きな声で『せぇ〜のっ』みたいな事も結構キッチリやっているお店でした。 味に関しては言わずともかな安定の鳥メロクオリティで、どれを頼んでも出てくるのが早いし美味しいし安い。わがままを言って炭酸水を男前サイズで注文してもちゃんと対応してくれたのが凄く嬉しかったです。(男前サイズのグラスに炭酸水を二つ注文した) ただやっぱり鳥メロといえばメニューが変わる前の串カツ系が無くなったのがとても残念でならない。鳥メロ串カツがものすごくお気に入りだったのに。創作串系よりも確実に前の方がお気に入りでした。材料コストや調理コスト等の折り合いもあったのかと思いますが、ほんと残念。
Bird Mero with a large number of seats. If you enter the basement in a good location in front of the station, there are enough tables to go with a moderate number of people. There seems to be a parlor. The store clerk was also a moderate customer service, and it was a shop that was doing a lot of things like “Cheer Noh” with a loud voice. Needless to say about the taste, it is a very stable bird mellow quality, it comes out fast, delicious and cheap. I was very happy to say that I was able to respond properly even if I ordered selfish water and ordered carbonated water at a men's size. (I ordered two carbonated water in a man-sized glass) However, it is a pity that the Skewer Cutlet system disappeared before the menu changed. I really liked the bird melo skewer cutlet. I certainly liked the front rather than the creative skewers. I wonder if there was a compromise between material costs and cooking costs.

店内広くて空いていました。 焼き鳥、串揚げ、サラダなど一通りのメニューはあったので、色々食べられて良かったです。
The store was large and vacant. There was a whole menu of yakitori, deep-fried skewers, salad, etc., so it was good to be able to eat various things.

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