(株)イーツイン 板金塗装 比較見積り専門店

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)イーツイン 板金塗装 比較見積り専門店

Tomochuo, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-3165 Hiroshima,Japan
daisuke on Google

先日、修理を出した者です。 お店の雰囲気、従業員の対応も良く見積もすぐに出して頂き、他店よりも全然安くて値段だけかと思いましたがとても仕上がりが綺麗で満足しました。ありがとうございました。
The person who issued the repair the other day. The atmosphere of the store, the response of the employees were good, and the quotation was given immediately. I thought it was cheaper than other stores and only the price, but the finish was very beautiful and I was satisfied. Thank you very much.
Kohei Onari on Google

先月、板金の見積もりをして依頼しました。 ドアも入った3箇所のキズ、凹み、錆をすべて新車同様に仕上げていただき非常に満足でした。 また梅雨に入るのでフォグランプとバックランプの交換も追加が対応していただき感謝です。 また利用させていただきます
Last month, I requested a quote for sheet metal. I was very happy that all the scratches, dents, and rust at the three places, including the door, were finished in the same way as the new car. Also, since it will be the rainy season, I am grateful for the addition of replacement fog lights and back lamps. I will be using this again
大杉弘 on Google

先日はポルテの修理でお世話になりありがとうございました。 近所でお店を探していたのですが、こんな所にあったなんて少し驚きました。 ディーラー以外に行ったことが無く、少し勇気がいりましたが、入ってみると初めてにも関わらず店員さんがとても親切に対応して下さいました。 店内もとても綺麗でまたまたびっくりです。 単独の事故でフロントバンパーを大きく傷つけてしまい、修理しようか悩んでいましたが、交換必要部品を最小限に抑えていただき、とても助かりました。 仕上がりはとても綺麗で、納車前の洗車などサービスにも大満足です! ついでにタイヤローテーションとオイル交換もお願いしたので、中も外も綺麗になって気持ちよく帰れました。 今後ともよろしくお願いします!
Thank you for taking care of the repair of Porte the other day. I was looking for a shop in the neighborhood, but I was a little surprised to find such a place. I had never been to a dealer and I was a little courageous, but when I first entered, the clerk was very kind to me. The inside of the store is also very beautiful and amazing. ”The front bumper was severely damaged in a single accident, and I was worried about repairing it. However, the number of parts required for replacement was minimized, which was very helpful. The finish is very beautiful and we are very satisfied with the service such as car wash before delivery! I also asked for tire rotation and oil change, so I was able to feel comfortable inside and outside. I look forward to working with you!
ファーマシィファーマシィ on Google

フロントバンパーをぶつけてしまい修理を依頼しました。 ついでにディーラーの保証対象外だった塗装の浮きも見事に直してもらいました。バンパー一枚丸々の塗装できたが、値段は手頃すぎて驚きました。 仕上がりも1週間ほど経ちますがとても綺麗で満足してます。 今後も使わせていただきます。 初見でしたが入りやすい雰囲気を作られてました。
I hit the front bumper and requested repair. At the same time, I also had the paint repaired the floating paint that was not covered by the dealer's warranty. I was able to paint a whole bumper, but I was surprised that the price was too affordable. It's been finished for about a week, but I am very satisfied with it. I will continue to use it. It was my first look, but it created an atmosphere that was easy to enter.
田中白雲 on Google

スタッフの方の対応、仕上がり、価格共に満足出来ました。 今回、フロントバンパーをガリってしまい板金塗装をお願いしました。 お世話になることは、無い方が良いのですが、機会有ればお願いしたいです。
I was satisfied with the staff's response, finish, and price. This time, I asked for sheet metal painting because the front bumper was scraped. It is better not to be taken care of, but I would like to ask if there is an opportunity.
oyadi rider 。 on Google

Thank you for your polite response. The estimate was easy to understand, and I was able to see things that I didn't notice. The price is cheap and reliable!
shinryoku on Google

今まで依頼した車屋の中で最低でした。 勝手な見積もり以上の請求、納期の遅れ、修理箇所のズレ、塗装状態の悪さ、どれをとっても最低です。
It was the worst car shop I have ever requested. Billing more than an arbitrary estimate, delay in delivery, misalignment of repaired parts, poor painting condition, all are the worst.
trycity SR on Google

先日SUV車のバックドアの傷を修理して頂きました。 数社見積を取りましたが、中でも安価でしたので、内心少し心配でしたが、スタッフさんの自信と口コミの高評価を見て決断しました。 結果、納得以上の仕上がりで大変満足しています。 お店自体に整備設備が完備されていたので、価格の安さと仕上りが良さに納得しました。 スタッフさん=技術者さんなので修理の内容も相談しやすく、代車の手配も迅速に対応頂きました。 納車前には車内外の清掃もして頂き感謝しております。 納車して半年での修理でしたが、新車同様に直していただき本当に満足しています。 車のカスタムや修理(は無い方が良いですが...)等の車に関する相談があれば真っ先にお願いしたいと思います。 ありがとうございました。
The other day, I had you repair the scratch on the back door of the SUV car. I got quotations from several companies, but I was a little worried because it was cheap, but I decided based on the confidence of the staff and the high evaluation of the reviews. As a result, I am very satisfied with the finish that is beyond my satisfaction. The shop itself was fully equipped with maintenance equipment, so I was convinced that the price was low and the finish was good. Since the staff is a technician, it is easy to discuss the details of repairs, and we were able to promptly arrange a substitute car. We thank you for cleaning the inside and outside of the car before delivery. It was repaired in half a year after delivery, but I am really satisfied with the repair as well as the new car. If you have any questions about cars such as customizing or repairing cars (it is better not to have them ...), I would like to ask you first. Thank you very much.

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