
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鞆の浦第一駐車場

住所 :

Tomocho, Fukuyama, 〒720-0201 Hiroshima,Japan

Webサイト : https://www.pref.hiroshima.lg.jp/soshiki/217/tomonoura-parking.html
街 : Hiroshima

Tomocho, Fukuyama, 〒720-0201 Hiroshima,Japan
横田雅弘 on Google

Convenient because it is right next to the ferry terminal. Even the nightlight doesn't cost so much.
FMI A. on Google

The parking lot itself is small and the number of parking lots is not large because there are only limited places to put cars. Probably during the tourist season you will struggle with a place to stop and you may run on a narrow road to search, so I think it would be difficult to drive to Tomonoura during the tourist season.
ちゅうすけ on Google

駐車場があるとわかっていないと通り過ぎてしまいそうな感じで料金もゲート前で初めてわかる感じで、ちょっとわかりにくい駐車場ですね。中も歪な形の敷地に台数増やすためにいろんな形で駐車位置を配置しているので、満車に近くなると出入りが大変そうです。 ここから福山西ICまで抜けようとするとしばらくすれ違い困難な区間があるので注意して走行下さい。
If you don't know there's a parking lot, it's like you'll pass by and you'll see the price for the first time in front of the gate. There are various parking locations on the distorted site to increase the number of vehicles, so it seems difficult to go in and out when it is almost full. If you try to get off from here to Fukuyama Nishi IC, please be careful because there is a section that is difficult to pass for a while.
rei amuro on Google

I think it depends on the time of day, but there are few parking lots. The parking lot for tourists in the middle is difficult to enter because there are steps or narrow, but because the town is small, the parking lot here is outside the town, but it is easy to use because it is easy to enter.
YOSHI on Google

桟橋に近くて便利です。 観光シーズンは、朝のうちに満車になるので、早めの到着をお勧めします。
Close to the pier and convenient. It is recommended to arrive early because the tourist season will be full in the morning.
裕山口 on Google

I saw the first sunrise of 2020 here. The arrival of light over Bentenjima was very good.
放浪するm on Google

駐車場の規模としては小規模。仙酔島乗船場のすぐ横にある駐車場のためか利用者はそれなりに多いので、ご利用を検討する際には、早い時間帯に訪れるのが良いかもしれません。 午前8時から午後5時まで30分毎100円。午後5時から午前8時まで1時間毎100円。夜間最大料金1000円
The size of the parking lot is small. Since there are many users as it may be because of the parking lot right next to the Sensuijima boarding point, it may be better to visit early when considering the use. 100 yen every 30 minutes from 8am to 5pm. 100 yen per hour from 5 pm to 8 am Maximum night charge of 1000 yen
yuuko on Google

人懐こい猫がいました。間近に平成いろは丸を見学 することができます。観光地に近くて便利な駐車場 ですが、30台ぐらいのスペースしかなく、休日や シーズン時は殆ど満車です。
There was a friendly cat. Visit the Heisei Iroha Maru up close can. Convenient parking lot near tourist spots However, there is only about 30 spaces, and it ’s a holiday. It is almost full during the season.

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