
1.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 金子整形外科

住所 :

Tomita, Hirosaki, 〒036-8186 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.hirosaki.aomori.med.or.jp/ht_medmap/p_seikeigeka/kaneko_os_ks.htm
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : Aomori

Tomita, Hirosaki, 〒036-8186 Aomori,Japan
Brown on Google

痛いと言ってるのに無理矢理指を広げようとしてきて、挙句の果てにはうるさいとまで言われました。 スポーツが原因で腱鞘炎になっていたようなのですが、「下手くそだからこんなんなるんだよ、ど下手」としきりに言われ涙が出そうでした。 看護師さんの態度も横柄だったので二度と利用しません。
Even though I said it hurts, I tried to spread my fingers, and at the end I was told that it was noisy. It seems that I had tendonitis due to sports, but I was almost crying when I was constantly told, "I'm not good at it, so I'm not good at it." The nurse's attitude was also arrogant, so I will never use it again.
やきとり。 on Google

Doctors and nurses feel like garbage and command tone, so if you wait here and crush it for half a day, it's better to see it elsewhere.
おおなみりょうへい on Google

長く通ったものですが、初めてくる方に忠告です、ここはやめたほうがいいです 最後まで見ていただけると幸いです 私は他のところで腰を診てもらいましたが良くならずここで診てもらうことにしました 対応は悪くなく、他のところで良くならなかったのですが徐々に痛みも改善されていき、今では痛みもあまり気にならず仕事ができています じゃあなぜやめたほうがいいのか? 大まかに説明すると、待ち時間が長い、患者への対応が悪い、この2点 まず待ち時間ですが、人気だから混んでるのは仕方ない、一人を診る時間が長いということは良いこと ではありません、単純に医師が出てくる時間がおそすぎる 私が通い続けた限りでは午前は9時から、午後は14時から「医師の診察」が始まる事は過去一度もありませんでした、受付開始がその時間だからその時間に始まらないのは普通、というわけではないんですよここは、 9時前に朝早くから並んで待っていた方やそれ以降受付開始前に来た方の診察券を集めているから「受付開始9時に、来た患者のカルテを出し始める」わけではないんです、現に9時から看護婦さん達の注射やリハビリテーションをする方の名前は読んでるのに医師の診察待ちの人の名前が呼ばれないのはなぜか?単純に医師が出てきてないからです、10時少し前くらいから診察で呼ぶ声が聞こえるが、約1時間「他の診察してる人が終わるまで待つ」のではなく「医師が出てくるのを待つ」同じ時間でも待つ理由としては後者はありえません、これは午後も同様です それとプラスで、患者が少なくなるとなぜか医師がいなくなる、初めは驚きました、まだ診察をしてない方がいるのに何故診ないのか、私も何度か味わいましたが理由を聞くと「今日混んでるから診察は午後になります」…あとたった数人なのに、まだ午前の受付が終わるまで時間があるのに何故午後に回されるのか、それで午後は14時から診察が開始されない、おかしな点しかありませんよ 午後も午後で16時を過ぎた辺り17時位の間から医師がいなくなります、患者が残っていたとしてもいなくなります、おかしいしか出てきません、聞いてみると「今先生は業者と面会しているので」ほぼ毎日業者と面会することなんてあるのでしょうか?そして出てくるのは受付終了30分位前、なぜ?、単純計算で約5、6時間しか診てくれない、何なのって話ですよ 次に患者への対応ですが、まず診察室はカーテンで締め切られているだけなので普通に会話が聞こえるのですが医師と患者の間で少々の口論になる事もしばしば、内容としては(盗み聞きは良くないと思いますが聞こえるくらいの大きさなので聞かないほうが無理)数日我慢して良くならないので今日きました→なんで我慢したんだもっと早く来れるだろ(内容的にもう少し強め)、口コミを聞いてきたけど待つのが疲れた→口コミ見たなら混むの分かってるだろグダグダ言うな(こちらも同様)痛みで苦しんでる人にかける言葉ではないなとその時思いました、普通の人からしたら痛くなっても数日経てば良くなるだろうと思うから我慢してしまうし、待ち時間長いの分かるけどまさかこれほどとはとか思うだろうし、それもふまえて汲み取った上で診るのが医師なんじゃないのかと、苛立ちすら感じます、外で聞いてる私がこう思うのだから当の本人は相当嫌な思いをしたでしょう、その後ですよ、レントゲンを撮る為に患者が診察室を後にした後、その方に対し、馬鹿じゃないかとか嫌なら他のとこ行けとかいっぱいレントゲン撮って金むしり取ってやるなど、とても医師とは思えない発言が医師含め看護婦の間で飛び交ってました、ホント人としてどうなのかと思いましたね、レントゲン撮った後の診察でも、早く見てもらいたいなら早く来いって、出てくるのが遅いのに何言ってんだって話ですよ、しかも患者を待たせてどこか行ってしまうとかあんまりですよ、ここの医師は患者をなんだと思ってるんですかね 医師もそうですが、受付の対応も良くはないですし、看護婦の対応も良くはない、リハビリテーションの方や、レントゲン撮ってくれる技師さんとかは、ちゃんと話聞いてくれたりそれなりの対応ちゃんとしてくれるのにこの温度差は何なんでしょう、ここで働く人達も逆に医師に対して何かしら持ってそうではあります(不満とか)、あと個人的に婦長さん?かな、辺りをうろうろしたりするだけで仕事してる素振りがあまり見られないけどちゃんと仕事してるのかなと思いました 長くなりましたが、ここまで読んでいただきありがとうございます、医師の腕は良いので非常に残念でなりません、もしもここに来る際はまず他の所で診てもらうことをオススメします、そこで良くならず他のところに行っても同じなのであれば、最後の手段としてここに来る、というのでも良いのですが、私はそれすらもオススメはしません
It's been a long time, but I advise those who come for the first time, it's better to stop here I hope you can see it till the end I had my lower back examined elsewhere, but it didn't improve and I decided to see it here The response was not bad and it didn't improve elsewhere, but the pain gradually improved, and now I can work without worrying too much about the pain. Then why should I stop? Roughly speaking, these two points are long waiting time and poor patient response. First of all, waiting time, but it is unavoidable that it is crowded because it is popular, it is good that it takes a long time to see one person No, it's simply too late for the doctor to come out As far as I've been going, the "doctor's consultation" has never started from 9am and 14:00 pm, and it's normal that the reception starts at that time, so it doesn't start at that time. That's not the case here Since we are collecting medical examination tickets for those who have been waiting in line early in the morning before 9 o'clock and those who came before the reception starts after that, it does not mean that "the medical records of the patients who came at 9 o'clock will start to be issued". Actually, I read the names of the nurses who inject and rehabilitate from 9 o'clock, but why isn't the name of the person waiting for a doctor's consultation called? It's simply because the doctor hasn't come out, and I can hear the voice calling for a medical examination from about 10 o'clock, but instead of "waiting until the other doctors are finished" for about an hour, "the doctor comes out." There can be no reason to wait at the same time, even in the afternoon. On the plus side, when the number of patients decreased, I was surprised at the beginning that there would be no doctors for some reason. It's crowded today, so the consultation will be in the afternoon. "... It's strange that the consultation doesn't start at 14:00 in the afternoon because there are only a few people left and there is still time until the reception in the morning is over. There are only points In the afternoon, around 16:00 in the afternoon, the doctor will disappear from around 17:00, even if there are patients left, it will disappear, only strange things will come out, when asked, "Now the teacher meets the contractor Do you ever meet with a contractor almost every day? And it comes out about 30 minutes before the reception ends, why? , I can only see you for about 5 or 6 hours by simple calculation, what is it? Next, regarding the response to patients, first of all, since the examination room is only closed by a curtain, you can hear the conversation normally, but there are often a few quarrels between the doctor and the patient (eavesdropping is). I don't think it's good, but it's big enough to hear, so it's impossible not to ask.) I came today because I couldn't get better after a few days. But I'm tired of waiting → If you look at the word-of-mouth, you know it's crowded. Don't say it (also here). At that time, I thought it wasn't a word for people suffering from pain. I think that it will be better after a few days, so I will put up with it, and I understand that the waiting time is long, but I think that it is not so much, and I think that it is the doctor who consults after drawing it based on that. I even feel frustrated, I'm listening outside, so I think I'm pretty disgusted, after that, after the patient leaves the doctor's office to take an X-ray, On the other hand, if you don't like being stupid, go to other places, take a lot of roentgens, take money, and so on. Well, even in the medical examination after taking the X-ray, if you want to see it early, you come early, and even though it comes out late, what are you saying, and you have to wait for the patient to go somewhere? Not much, do you think the doctors here are patients? As with doctors, the reception is not good, the nurses are not good, the rehabilitation staff, the technicians who take X-rays, etc. What is this temperature difference to give me, it seems that the people working here also have something to the doctor (dissatisfaction), and personally the lady? Kana, I don't see much of the pretense of working just by wandering around, but I wondered if I was working properly. It's been a long time, but thank you for reading this far, I'm very sorry that the doctor's skill is good, if you come here, I recommend that you first see another place, there If it doesn't improve and it's the same if you go elsewhere, it's okay to come here as a last resort, but I don't even recommend it.
クロ on Google

During this time, I used this orthopedic surgery because I hurt my ankle in club activities, but when I tried to talk about how it hurt, I was suddenly told, "I'm not good at using my body." It may be that I was not good at using my body, but I don't think there is any way to say this. The nurse was also very angry at the words of the doctor in charge. I will never go again.
まっつん on Google

マイナス評価ができるのなら、マイナスをつけたいくらいです。 何を診てるの?患者が悪いことしたの? 文句はきりがないくらい出てきます!
If you can give a negative evaluation, I would like to add a negative evaluation. What are you looking at? Did the patient do something wrong? There are endless complaints!
そうしゅん on Google

ある日、子供の通っている高校から、息子が肩の脱臼したので病院へ連れて行って下さいと連絡が入りました。 担任先生から金子整形外科がいいと言われ、何の抵抗も無く病院へ向かいました。 学校での怪我の状況と子供の症状を伝え、凄い痛がりようなので、「早めに診て貰えませんか」と哀願し、問診票を書いていました。 数分経ち受付の人が熱を計りに痛がっている子供の前へ。 計り終え一言も確認もせず受付へ戻りました。 待つ事更に数分し、痛みから涙と鼻水と呻き声と大きくなり、再度受付で哀願ました。 返事は「まだ30分以上かかりますよ。」 これだけ何度も何度も哀願しても受付は勿論先生さえ様子を見にも来ない。 「凄く痛がっているので」と哀願すると、「患者さんはみんな痛がっています」と…。 怒りが最高潮に達し、子供には辛い時間だったと思いますが、他病院へ行く事にしました。 私の行き付けの内科では、「患者の症状により、順番が前後する事があります」と張り紙があり、それが当たり前だと思っていた私も甘かったと思いますが、余りにもドライな対応にビックリです。 何故混んでいるのか初めての私は不思議でなりません。 もう二度と伺うことはありませんが、同じ目に合う可能性の高い新患の方へ、救急患者は覚悟を持って来院して下さいと、アドバイスします。
One day, a high school where my child attended contacted me to take me to the hospital because my son had a dislocated shoulder. My homeroom teacher told me that Kaneko Orthopedic Surgery was good, and I went to the hospital without any resistance. I told him about the situation of the injury at school and the symptoms of the child, and it seemed to hurt so much, so I pleaded, "Would you like to see me early?" And wrote a questionnaire. A few minutes later, the receptionist was in front of a child who was in pain to measure his fever. After finishing the measurement, I returned to the reception without confirming a word. After a few more minutes of waiting, the pain made me cry, runny nose, and moaning, and I pleaded again at the reception. The reply is "It will still take more than 30 minutes." Even if I plead for this many times, not only the receptionist but even the teacher does not come to see the situation. When he pleaded, "I'm in pain so much," he said, "All the patients are in pain." I think it was a tough time for my child because my anger reached its peak, but I decided to go to another hospital. In my favorite internal medicine department, there was a poster saying, "The order may change depending on the patient's symptoms," and I think it was natural for me, but I was surprised at how dry it was. .. It's no wonder why it's so crowded for the first time. I will never ask you again, but I advise that emergency patients should be prepared to come to the hospital for new patients who are likely to have the same eyes.
Dddai Saito on Google

皆さんの投稿通り待ち時間は長い気がします。 しかし、先生はしっかり一人一人診察、カルテ記入をしている様に思えました。 カルテにも絵を書いて分かりやすくしてるように思います。 頼って行って良かったと私は思います。 参考になれば幸いです。
I feel that the waiting time is long as you posted. However, it seemed that the teacher was thoroughly examining each person and filling out medical records. I think I write a picture on the medical record to make it easier to understand. I'm glad I went to rely on it. I'm glad if you can use it as a reference.
雨宮空 on Google

I've been to various hospitals, but this is the most mental one. I wonder why I went to orthopedics and was mentally ill, but first I went with a new patient, but the waiting time exceeds two hours, so I have to endure the pain all the time. Finally, I was called to a medical examination and talked about how I got sick, and for some reason I was told about my life. Anyway, it is better not to go to those who have a new illness and suddenly get sick and have strong pain. I think it's okay to go if it's okay to wait for hours that doesn't move no matter what you say.

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