
1.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 西野医院

住所 :

Tomecho, Hitachi, 〒319-1231 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday 9AM–12PM
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : Ibaraki

Tomecho, Hitachi, 〒319-1231 Ibaraki,Japan
さくらふわり on Google

It is a star, but I do not want to give one. It is impossible to be a word of mouth if it is a star zero, so I do not help it. Patients crying out of the psychosomatic medical examination room. While thinking about something, it is my turn to the doctor's office. When I talked about the situation, I got a word that should not be heard by anyone with a heartache. A heartless, scratching word. In this word of mouth, I wrote in the thought that it would pray if the number of hurting people is reduced by one.
toshikazu ookuma on Google

のどが痛くて日曜日に開いているこの病院で診察を受けました。 待ち時間4時間。診察3分。診療結果は「タバコをやめなさい」 処方された薬は葛根湯。 帰りにドアを見たら禁煙外来のポスターが。 どうやら、患者の事よりも経営に重きを置いた病院の印象を受けました。
I had a sore throat and was seen at this hospital, which is open on Sundays. Waiting time 4 hours. Examination 3 minutes. The result of the medical examination is "Stop smoking" The prescribed medicine is Kakkonto. When I saw the door on my way home, I saw a poster for a non-smoking outpatient. Apparently, I got the impression that the hospital emphasized management rather than patients.
mai mai on Google

先生はおじいちゃん先生でちょっと大丈夫かしら?と思いつつ診察室に入ると話を聞いてくれて優しく対応してくださいました。 ただ!受付の女性が感じ悪い。あいさつも蚊の泣くような声でこんにちは。と。もっと大きい声だせないの?と言いたかった。 笑顔もなく無愛想。 玄関回りも葉っぱが落ちていて、トイレの棚も誇りだらけ。ちゃんと掃除してよね。 先生が良い先生でも病院の顔の受付があんな対応ではダメだなと。思いました。
Is my teacher grandpa-sensei okay? When he entered the consultation room, he listened to the story and responded gently. However! The woman at the reception feels bad. Greetings with a mosquito crying voice. When. Can't you speak louder? I wanted to say. Unfriendly without a smile. The leaves around the entrance are falling, and the shelves in the bathroom are full of pride. Please clean it properly. Even if the teacher is a good teacher, the reception of the face of the hospital is not good at such correspondence. thought.
すどたく on Google

子供が目の上切り、日曜日ということもあり案内センターみたいなところでこの病院紹介されて行きました。 傷口見て縫うことになったのですが 看護師がいなく親に子供を押さえつけさせるし 手が震えてて麻酔、針まともに刺せない。 流石にキレて病院変えました。 52年経験あると言っていたが経験が全てではないと感じました。 受付の女性2名も電話での態度、対面での態度が最悪です。 もし今後、何か緊急でこの病院案内されても絶対に行きません。
I was introduced to this hospital at a place like an information center because my child cut my eyes and it was Sunday. I decided to sew after seeing the wound Let parents hold down their children without a nurse My hands are shaking and I can't anesthetize or stab the needle properly. I changed the hospital because of the sharpness. He said he had 52 years of experience, but I felt that experience was not everything. The two women at the reception also have the worst telephone and face-to-face attitudes. If something urgently guides me to this hospital in the future, I will never go.
みみ on Google

口コミが酷かったのですが、日曜日にやってる病院がここしかなく、どんなものかと緊張して行ったら、お若い先生で、話もよく聞いてくれて、丁寧に診察して頂きました。 待ち時間は少し長いですが、その分しっかりと診てくれた気がします。 きっと一人一人丁寧に診てるから時間がかかるのかな〜と。 受付の方も全く嫌な感じもしなかったし、寧ろ私にはとても感じよく接してくれました。 日曜日に具合が悪くなった時は、またお世話になろうと思います。
The word-of-mouth was terrible, but there was only one hospital on Sunday, and when I was nervous about what it was like, a young teacher listened to me well and gave me a careful examination. The waiting time is a little long, but I feel that he has made a thorough examination. I'm sure it will take time because each person is carefully examined. The receptionist didn't feel unpleasant at all, and rather, he treated me very nicely. If I feel sick on Sunday, I will take care of it again.
まーちゃん on Google

受付の若い髪の長い女の人は笑顔も見せずでした。 診察の先生も真っ白白髪の先生で見た時はほんとにこの先生大丈夫?って思いました。聴診器も耳につける時も手が震えてました。パソコン打つ時も時間かけてました。言葉もはっきり言う先生です。
The young woman with long hair at the reception did not show a smile. When the doctor of the examination is also a white-haired teacher, is this teacher really okay? I tought. My hands were shaking when I put the stethoscope on my ear. It took me a long time to hit the computer. A teacher who speaks clearly.
国士無双 on Google

The receptionist's hair-tied iron-fired face receptionist is too unfriendly. I wonder if it can be accepted well. Is it okay for the teacher to shake his hands? A hospital where you don't know if you are motivated.
M on Google

全てが最悪ですね。 待ち時間はめちゃくちゃ長い。 受け付けの女も最悪ですし何より先生がヤバいです。 今日の先生は、僕の前の患者さんの心電図をみて 問題ないですね、と言ってきました。 パソコンの画面切り替えるだけで1分かかる めちゃくちゃスローリーな先生です。 二度と行きたくないですね 星1つもあげたくありません。返して欲しいくらいですw
Everything is the worst. The waiting time is insanely long. The woman at the reception is also the worst, and above all, the teacher is dangerous. Today's teacher looks at the electrocardiogram of the patient in front of me I said that there is no problem. It takes 1 minute just to switch the screen of the computer An insanely slow-moving teacher. I don't want to go again I don't want to give you a single star. I want you to return it w

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