Tomb of Shigenari Kimura - Yao

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Contact Tomb of Shigenari Kimura

住所 :

6 Chome-2 Saiwaicho, Yao, Osaka 581-0821, Japan

Postal code : 581-0821
Webサイト :

6 Chome-2 Saiwaicho, Yao, Osaka 581-0821, Japan
おとぢろう on Google

若江の戦いに於いて、木村重成がこの付近で討たれたので建てられた墓碑です。 元々は山口重信の墓近くの橋の真ん中辺りでしたが、第二寝屋川の開削工事によって現在の場所に移転しています。
This is a tombstone built by Shigenari Kimura who was defeated in the vicinity of the battle of Wakae. Originally it was in the middle of the bridge near the grave of Shigenobu Yamaguchi, but it has been relocated to its current location due to the excavation work on the Daini Neyagawa.
Aki S on Google

木村重成の墓は、山口重信の墓の西南側、第二寝屋川の対岸の八尾市側の木村公園内にあります。 木村重成は、元和元年(1615年)に大坂夏の陣の若江の戦いで戦死した豊臣方の武将です。 墓は、重成の150回忌にあたり重成の首をおとした安藤長三郎の子孫の彦根藩士の安藤次輝が、その菩提を弔うために建てたもので、もとは山口重信の墓と相対して建てられていましたが、第二寝屋川の工事の際に現在地に移されたものです。
The tomb of Shigetari Kimura is in the Kimura Park on the southwestern side of the grave of Shigenobu Yamaguchi, on the other side of Yao City on the other side of the second Neyagawa river. Shigeru Kimura is a warrior of the Toyotomi who was killed in the battle of Wakae of Osaka Natsu in the first year of Motohawa (1615). The tomb was built in order to mourn its Bodhisattva Ando Takashi Hikone clan's descendants of Chisaburo Ando, ​​who died in the 150th anniversary of Shigenari, was the head of Shigenobu Yamaguchi's grave Although it was built, it was moved to the present place during the construction of the second Neyagawa river.
kimura shinsei on Google

Young brave general Yushinori Kimura accomplished a fierce battle after devoting loyalty to the Toyotomi who is going to be destroyed and bravely challenging the overwhelmingly advantageous Tokugawa direction. Speaking of the team of Osaka, Sanada Yukimura is too famous, but Kimura Shigenari's bravery and anecdotes are also amazing. Although the grave in one corner of the park is a little lonely atmosphere, it is informative that the flower arrangement is constantly being treasured. I thought that it might be more attention.
西川秀和 on Google

It's in a corner of a lonely park. But it seems that the locals are taking care of it. The beautiful flowers are provided and I feel that they are cherished. There are steps at some entrances of the park, but if you enter from a different direction, I think that wheelchairs are OK.
ちゃんむー on Google

Shigenari Kimura died in a fierce battle in the battle of Jin Wakae in Osaka summer. I heard it was a young and brave warlord. There is a fine grave in the park around the factory and houses. I think it's an important place for the locals to feel the history.
さいじょうこうじ on Google

There was also a name plate for explanation, so it was easy to understand. According to wikipedia, about 200 years ago, there was a boom in visiting Kimura Shigenari's grave, so I think it's time to come back.
Yoshikatsu Okuno on Google

この辺りが木村重成戦死跡。 大坂夏の陣、若江の戦いでは凄惨なる死闘を繰り広げた。 押し寄せる藤堂勢、井伊勢に対して壮烈果敢なる戦いをしたが、遂に力尽き戦死。 旧陸軍の教科書にも、この若江の戦いの詳細な戦闘記録は載ったことがある。 全く恥じることなき、忠義を尽くした一青年の死だった。 享年22才。 今でも墓石には花が絶えた事がない。 司馬遼太郎もその死を惜しみ「若江堤の霧」という本を出した。 「出立にあたって、兜の忍び緒のはしを切った。再び生きて帰らないつもりである....... 城門進発は午前零時の予定であったが、城内の各宿陣にちらばっている諸小隊の整列がおくれたため、午前二時になって、やっと玉造門をでた.......」 司馬は愛おしみを込めて描写している。 若江方面への、重成、最期の出陣だった。
This is where Kimura Shigenari was killed. In the battle of Wakae, the summer team of Osaka, they fought a terrible death battle. After a fierce and bold battle against the rushing Todo and Ise, they were finally exhausted and killed. A detailed battle record of the battle of Wakae was also included in the textbook of the former Army. It was the death of a young man who did not feel ashamed and did his loyalty. He was 22 years old. Even now, the tombstone has never had a flower. Shintaro Shiba also resented his death and published a book called “Wakae Tsutsumi no Kiri”. "When I left, I cut off the spear of the fox and I will not live again .... The departure from the gate was scheduled at midnight, but because the platoons scattered around each camp in the castle were lined up, it was finally 2 o'clock in the morning, and the Tamatsukuri Gate appeared. '' Sima portrays it with love love. It was Shigenari's final participation in the Wakae area.
近田直人 on Google

Shigenari Kimura, who played an active part in the winter and summer camps in Osaka, was scattered here. It is also interesting to say that it was built by Hikone Domain Shigeki Ando, ​​a descendant of Chozaburo Ando who dropped Shigenari's head. Beside him, he stands close to the tomb of Saumanosuke Yamaguchi (Sister-in-law of Shigenari) who also died in this area. It is located in a part of the park and the children's playful voices are lively. It is also a memorial service. However, I strongly wanted the mothers who accompany me to feel this history.

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