TOMATO - Itabashi City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact TOMATO

住所 :

松長ビル 2F 31-2 Oyamacho, Itabashi City, Tokyo 173-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 173-0023
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–9PM

松長ビル 2F 31-2 Oyamacho, Itabashi City, Tokyo 173-0023, Japan
ドラゴンフルーツ on Google

This lunch menu is good for less than a thousand yen! Salads, potatoes, bread are warm and fluffy, pasta, drinks are their own, and dessert. The taste of pasta is normal
tomo yan on Google

サラダのドレッシングが多くてダクダク。 パスタも汁気がダクダクで、昭和のお店みたい。 若い店員は何も言わずサラダを置くのでビックリしました。 帰りは中年店員は何も言わないし。 接客も味もガッカリ。近くにもっとオシャレで美味しいパスタのお店もあったのにお金の無駄だったわ。 もう二度と来ない。大山駅も仕事でしか来ないしね。
There are many salad dressings and it's damp. Pasta also has a savory juice and looks like a Showa store. The young clerk put the salad without saying anything and was surprised. On the way back, the middle-aged clerk doesn't say anything. Customer service and taste are disappointing. There was more fashionable and delicious pasta nearby, but it was a waste of money. I will never come again. Oyama station can only come by work.
Tommy Hana on Google

地元のイタリアン。 ランチ16時までやっています。 ワンドリンク、サラダ付き864円からあります。 トッピング用自家製のニンニクのカリカリ揚げ美味しいです。
Local Italian. I'm doing it until 16:00 for lunch. One drink and salad are available from 864 yen. Homemade garlic for toppings is crispy and delicious.
能戸淳 on Google

ある日、大事な用事があって会社を半休し、板橋にある大山駅に向かった。 で、結構時間がかかるその用事を済ませ気がついたらもう、夕方に。 で、晩御飯の買い物客で賑わう名物の長いアーケードの商店街を歩いたら・・・トマトというイタリアンが。 トマトでイタリアといえば、「イタトマ」と略されてるイタリアントマトカフェジュニアという喫茶店が有名だけど、それとは関係ないようだ。 で、看板には、「ちょい飲みイタリアン」とある。 500円でちょい飲みできるのかー!と思い、もう夕方だしいいかなと思って店内へ。 店内は広くて、やっぱりイタリアントマトカフェジュニアとは関係ないw 席に座りちょい飲みで注文したのはハイボール。 しばしして、ちょい飲みの3種のつまみとハイボールが運ばれてきてけど・・・美味そう! で、実際食べてみると・・・つまみがハイボールに合うのだ。 一つ一つが小さいんだけど、3種ともいい味なのだ。 1杯だけのつもりが、別な飲み物をもう1杯だけ。 うん、1000円弱で美味し!だったね!!
One day, I had important business and half-boarded the company and headed to Oyama station in Itabashi. Well, it will take quite a while if you have finished the errand, let's have it in the evening. In, the Italian that ... tomato After walking in the shopping street of the long arcade of specialty that crowded with shoppers dinner. Speaking of Italy in the tomato, the coffee shop that Italian tomato cafe Junior, which is abbreviated as "Itatoma" is I'm famous, it seems nothing to do with it. In, the sign, there is a "Choi drinking Italian". Choi drink can be the one over at 500 yen! I think, to the store and thought that any good's a longer evening. The inside of the shop is wide, and after all it has nothing to do with Italian Tomato Cafe Jr. w Sitting in the seat and ordering with a little drink is a highball. Often, three kinds of drinks and highballs are being brought ... but it looks delicious! In, he and I actually eat ... knob is fit to a high ball. Every one is small but all three kinds are good taste. I'm going to have only one drink, but another drink for another. Yeah, taste a 1000 yen weak! I was! !
いたわさ on Google

店内は思った以上に広いです。 生パスタのランチを頼みました。ドリンクは奥にドリンクバーがあります。生パスタなだけあって麺はもっちり、ソースはにんにくがきいていて酸味もなくいい感じ。 美味しかったです。
The store is larger than I expected. I ordered a lunch of raw pasta. There is a drink bar at the back for drinks. It's raw pasta so the noodles are firm and the sauce is garlic clammy with no sourness. It was delicious.
tkc _ on Google

Pleasant customer service, fresh pasta, and dinner are also reasonable ?‍♂️
Rara N on Google

クリスマスで混んでいた為、食事の提供が遅いのは仕方がありません。空いている時に来店した際は、笑顔もあり、気持ちの良い接客でしたが混んでると余裕が無くなるのか感じ悪かったです。 目が合っても席に案内せず、水も無言で置かれました^_^ 前回の接客が良かった為、また行こうと思ったのに残念です。 ふたりで回せないなら席数減らすなり、お待たせして申し訳ありませんの一言ぐらいあってもいいのでは? 食べ終わった食器を片すのは秒でした^_^ お会計の際も目を合わせず、笑顔も無し。 もう行きません^_^
Since it was crowded at Christmas, it is unavoidable that the meals are served late. When I came to the store when I was vacant, I had a smile and it was a pleasant customer service, but I didn't feel like I couldn't afford it when it was crowded. Even if my eyes met, I did not guide to the seat and the water was silently placed ^ _ ^ It's a pity that I thought I'd go again because the last customer service was good. If we can't turn it together, we'll reduce the number of seats, and I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. It took seconds to get rid of the dishes I had finished eating ^ _ ^ I didn't make eye contact when paying, and I didn't smile. I won't go anymore ^ _ ^
藤崎悠 on Google

ハッピーロード内にある、イタリアンレストラン。 割と昔から有り、近隣の住人だけでなく、少し離れた駅から来るくらい人気。料理はかなりしっかりと作られており、お値段も安め。 コロナ前は満席で入れないこともあった。 どれが一押し!という料理はないのだが、どれもが高水準で纏まっている。ファミリー層も、一人利用も、カップルも使い勝手がいい。
An Italian restaurant on Happy Road. It has been around for a long time, and it is so popular that it comes not only from nearby residents but also from stations that are a little far away. The food is fairly well prepared and the price is low. In front of Corona, it was sometimes full and could not be entered. Which one is the best! There is no such dish, but all of them are organized at a high standard. It is easy to use for families, for single use, and for couples.

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