Tom Road - Hiroshima

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tom Road

住所 :

LIVE YAMAGATA 4-12 Atagomachi, Higashi Ward, Hiroshima, 732-0054, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 732-0054
Webサイト :

LIVE YAMAGATA 4-12 Atagomachi, Higashi Ward, Hiroshima, 732-0054, Japan
むねを on Google

The staff were very polite and easy to talk to, so I wanted to go there again.
宮下稔幸 on Google

I can leave it to you ❗ I am color, haircut, shaving ❗ Technology ❗ Atmosphere ❗ Amount ❗ Great ❗ Need reservations
にはたか on Google

It was polite and good!
Masa mebarist on Google

For 2500 yen, they will carefully cut, shampoo, and even shave your face. I also received female customers.
UU on Google

We had you cut carefully neatly. In response to this request, we were able to offer suggestions on the location and amount of cuts, so I left it to us with peace of mind.
渡邊伸治 on Google

店長の人柄がぶち最高です。 また、男性だけではなく、女性の方も気軽に整髪に来られています。 料金もリーズナブルなので家計面も助かります。
The personality of the store manager is the best. In addition, not only men but also women can feel free to come to haircuts. Because the rates are reasonable, the household budget can be saved.
村井翔 on Google

本当に丁寧なカットでとても満足できました! 難しい髪質や骨格だったのですがすごくかっこよくしてもらえました!最高です! 担当していただいた真鍋さん本当にありがとうございました!
I was very satisfied with the really polite cut! The hair quality and skeleton were difficult, but they were really cool! it's the best! Thank you very much to Mr. Manabe for taking charge!
kazuhara18 on Google

カットしながらテレビ観過ぎです。 客のすぐ傍でハサミ持ってテレビの方に何度も振り返る。。。 怖すぎです。プロ失格です。 理容師が観るためにテレビつけてるんでしょうか。
I watch too much TV while cutting. Hold the scissors right next to the customer and look back at the TV many times. .. .. I'm too scared. I am disqualified as a professional. Is the barber turning on the TV to watch it?

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