靴修理・合鍵ワンプライス! TOKYO POLISH トーキョーポリッシュ 北千住マルイ店

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 靴修理・合鍵ワンプライス! TOKYO POLISH トーキョーポリッシュ 北千住マルイ店

住所 :

Senju, Adachi City, 〒120-8501 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88998
Webサイト : https://kitasenjupolish92.tamaliver.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Senju, Adachi City, 〒120-8501 Tokyo,Japan
沙羅 on Google

I had you make two master keys in just a few minutes. Thank you.
M Kai on Google

I had you put rubber. At a reasonable price, the finish is also ◎. We will use it in the future.

I have used the Yurakucho store several times and visited it for the first time. It is relatively close to the neighborhood and is reasonably priced.
Chiaki on Google

I asked him to fix the heel of his shoes. I had other errands, so I went to pick it up a few hours later, but he remembered my face and responded politely.
master steam on Google

日比谷にあるころから使ってました。 修理価格が良心的、腕もいいし、早い!! 新有楽町ビルの地下からよく北千住にきてくれました笑
I have been using it since I was in Hibiya. The repair price is reasonable, the skill is good, and it is fast! ! He often came to Kitasenju from the basement of Shin Yurakucho Building.
んの on Google

Googleで、鍵 電池交換で検索して、駐輪場から結構歩いて、たどり着いたら。 電池交換やって無いです。 残念過ぎる(ToT)
Search on Google for key battery replacement, walk quite a bit from the bicycle parking lot, and get there. I haven't replaced the batteries. Too bad (ToT)
kazuu 99 on Google

革靴のかかとを張り替えてもらいました。両足10分くらいで素早く丁寧でした。なんと言っても値段が安かった。両足で1500円位です。初めて利用した店舗だったので、この安さと素早い作業であとはラバーがどの位もつかだと思うので、様子を見てみようと思います。 これで品質も良ければ素晴らしいお店だと思います!!
I had the heels of my leather shoes replaced. It was quick and polite in about 10 minutes on both feet. After all, the price was cheap. It costs about 1500 yen for both feet. Since this was the first store I used, I think how much rubber will last for this cheap and quick work, so let's take a look. If the quality is good, I think it's a great shop !!
heromichi on Google

革靴の修理をお願いしました!丁寧で仕上がりも早く、すごく良かったです!店員さんの対応も、物腰柔らかく素晴らしいです。 お値段もかなり安いので助かります。近くにある他店の半分以下の値段です。あまりに安いので靴磨きもお願いしました靴が生き返りますね。 ありがとうございます。またお願いします。
I asked you to repair the leather shoes! It was polite and quick to finish, which was really good! The clerk's response is also soft and wonderful. The price is also quite cheap, so it's helpful. It's less than half the price of other stores nearby. It's so cheap that I asked you to polish your shoes. The shoes will come back to life. Thank you very much. Please again.

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