Tokyo Mizumachi - Sumida City

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tokyo Mizumachi

住所 :

1 Chome-2 Mukojima, Sumida City, Tokyo 131-0033, Japan

Postal code : 131-0033
Webサイト :

1 Chome-2 Mukojima, Sumida City, Tokyo 131-0033, Japan
Haru M on Google

作りのおかげか、時間がゆっくり流れているように感じられます。 天気の良い日に川沿いをのんびり散歩しながら、気になる店舗を除いて回るのが◎。 休日はそこそこ混雑するので、できれば平日がよいですね。 スカイツリーをベストアングルで拝め、電車を近くに眺められるのもよいところ。 「ミズ」の象徴ともいえる北十間川がなんとも言えない汚さなので、その点だけちょっとマイナス。
It feels like time is slowly flowing, probably because of the making. It is ◎ to take a leisurely walk along the river on a sunny day and go around except for the stores you care about. Holidays are fairly crowded, so weekdays are good if possible. It is also a good place to worship the Sky Tree from the best angle and see the train nearby. The Kitajukken River, which can be said to be a symbol of "Miz", is indescribably dirty, so that is a little negative.
Yuta Musashi on Google

押上にあるこじんまりとした商業エリア。 比較的新しい場所でテレビ等にも取り上げられていたのにも関わらず、寂しい人の入りでした。テナントも何かイマイチで、一回行けばいいかな〜と言う感じです。 致命的なのがウエストゾーンとイーストゾーンの動線が道路で二分されていること。ほんの少し離れた横断歩道を渡って行かなければいけないのがスムーズな移動の妨げになっています。
A small commercial area in Oshiage. Even though it was featured on TV in a relatively new place, it was a lonely person. The tenants aren't good at anything, and I feel like I should go once. The fatal thing is that the flow lines of the West Zone and the East Zone are divided into two by the road. Having to cross a pedestrian crossing just a short distance away hinders smooth movement.
Ariel Natsume on Google

Very nice view in the night!
Japan meine Liebe (Sayu) on Google

Many great restaurants and a super nice park area!
Matthew Moss on Google

The view and location is very relaxing but the shops are high priced and trying too hard to be trendy.
Naresh Deora on Google

A newly developed shopping and dining area under the Tobu-isesaki elevated tracks in Mukojima have nice restaurants and trendy crafts shops. Soon to be added a budget hostel and coffee shops. On one side is Sumida Park and on the other waterfront of a jukken river
Robert Robison on Google

Overpriced, bland food that you will wait well over an hour to receive if you visit for a weekend lunch. This is disappointing because my first visit was pretty satisfactory. They may get one final chance from me, but today at least, coming here was a mistake.
Benamer Rachid on Google

Good place clean good for family there's restaurant coffee near to the river it's a very good place to go I just love it there's also on weekand kitchen cars is realy good I love it

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