Tokyo Green Hills Tennis Club - Ota City

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tokyo Green Hills Tennis Club

住所 :

1 Chome-9-10 Nakaikegami, Ota City, Tokyo 146-0081, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 146-0081
Webサイト :

1 Chome-9-10 Nakaikegami, Ota City, Tokyo 146-0081, Japan
t t on Google

The environment is good, and the number of people per lesson and the time are just right, so I am very satisfied. The coach is also full-fledged and very good.
Jun Kawahara on Google

I have children, but the coaches are solid, and I think the number of coaches per coach is well controlled. The reservation site is also easy to use.
Kululu Shousa on Google

デコターフのハードコートが4面 オムニコートが多い中やはりハードコートでのテニスは楽しいです。 コートの後ろ側も都内にしては割と広いほうなので、のびのびとできますし環境はとても良いと思います。
4 hard coats of decor turf While there are many omni courts, playing tennis on hard courts is still fun. The back side of the court is also relatively large for Tokyo, so you can relax and the environment is very good.
海江田悠輔 on Google

夫婦で入会し、テニスを楽しんでいます。 毎月明確なテーマが決まっていてレッスンが充実してますし、ミックス大会や男子ダブルス大会で腕試しできるので、励みにもなります。 そして、菊地コーチや長谷部コーチ等、親身になって教えてくれるコーチ陣に出会えたことに感謝しています。 今後ともよろしくお願いします。
I joined as a couple and enjoy playing tennis. Every month, a clear theme is decided and lessons are enriched, and it is also encouraging because you can test your skills at mixed competitions and men's doubles competitions. And I am grateful to have met coaches such as Coach Kikuchi and Coach Hasebe who are kind enough to teach me. I look forward to working with you.
仲村明子 on Google

It's been about 10 years since I started lessons at Green Hills. It's a lot of fun to be able to feel the progress as each person gives proper guidance. Not only the coaches but also the staff are very kind!
油井誠志 on Google

都内でこんなに環境良くレッスンできる場所は少ないのでは? 駐車場も確実に停められるので車での移動も便利です。何よりコーチが一人一人とても親切にアドバイスをくれるのでモチベーションも上がります。きっかけはねぱーるの動画からでしたが(笑)出会えてよかったスクールです。
Isn't there a few places in Tokyo where you can take lessons in such a good environment? The parking lot is also securely parked, so it is convenient to move by car. Above all, each coach will give you very kind advice, which will increase your motivation. The reason was from the video of Neparu (laughs), but it was a good school to meet.
K N on Google

学生時代のお遊びサークル依頼約30年ぶりにテニス復活し、全くの初心者状態だったのですが、コーチ陣のおかげをもって約2年で2ステップアップしました! このスクールで初心者でも年増でも楽しくテニスして、自分なりに上達できると思います。 平日は年齢層高め、土日は若い方が多い、平日は沢山打てる、土日は混んでます。 ご都合と各クラスの雰囲気で好きな感じを選ぶと良いかと思います。コーチやクラスによってだいぶ感じが違うので。
Requesting a play circle when I was a student I was a complete beginner after playing tennis for the first time in about 30 years, but thanks to the coaches, I have taken two steps up in about two years! Whether you are a beginner or an older person, you can enjoy playing tennis at this school and improve yourself. The age group is older on weekdays, there are many young people on weekends, you can hit a lot on weekdays, and it is crowded on weekends. I think it's a good idea to choose your favorite feeling for your convenience and the atmosphere of each class. The feeling is quite different depending on the coach and class.
Phil F on Google

Very good place to play tennis. Kids classes are great with friendly staff and good facilities.

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