
2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コーヒーウィーン

住所 :

Tokiwadai, Itabashi City, 〒174-0071 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Webサイト : https://knw6.jougennotuki.com/coffee/
Opening hours :
Saturday 6AM–5PM
Sunday 6AM–5PM
Monday 6AM–5PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 6AM–5PM
Thursday 6AM–5PM
Friday 6AM–5PM
街 : Tokyo

Tokiwadai, Itabashi City, 〒174-0071 Tokyo,Japan
ken matsu on Google

If you feel good nostalgia in an old-fashioned coffee shop, you may go there.
うまうま大好きぽ on Google

BGMもなく静かにすごせる 席は撮影で沢尻エリカが座ったところ
You can spend quietly without BGM The seat was taken by Erika Sawajiri
ハヤカワオサム on Google

The opening time was around 9:30, so I went up to eat the morning, but it wasn't open. Did the opening hours change?
まいみょん on Google

喫茶店で勉強して長時間滞在する奴はマナー違反みたいな風潮の中で、勉強できなかったからって☆1つける奴の気が知れないです。 店が勉強OKならしてもいいと思うけど、かと言って勉強専門カフェじゃないんだからできなくて文句言うのはほんと筋違いだと思います。 そもそも昔ながらの喫茶店なんて、近所のおじさんおばさんの憩いの場や溜まり場でしょうし、おしゃれなカフェかなんかと勘違いしてるんじゃないでしょうか。 ここは最近のレトロを売りにしたお洒落ぶった喫茶店とも違い、ガチで古めの昔ながらの喫茶店です。高齢のマスター1人でやっていて大変そうでした。 席も広くてほっといてくれるし、実際に勉強している高齢者の方もいました。お酒もボトルが結構あったので、こんな空間で飲むのも楽しいと思います。あんまり飲める喫茶店ってないので、結構貴重だと思います。
Those who study at a coffee shop and stay for a long time do not know how to wear ☆ 1 because they could not study in the trend of manners violation. I think it's okay if the store is studying OK, but I think it's really wrong to complain because it's not a study specialty cafe. In the first place, an old-fashioned coffee shop would be a resting place or a gathering place for your neighbor's aunt, and you might think of it as a stylish cafe. This is a traditional old-fashioned coffee shop, unlike a trendy coffee shop that recently sold retro. It seemed to be very difficult for one elderly master. The seats were large and relieved, and some elderly people were actually studying. There are quite a few bottles of liquor, so I think it's fun to drink in this space. I don't think you can drink so much, so I think it's pretty valuable.
ts Aak on Google

家が近いので、喫茶店の落ち着いた雰囲気の中で就活の準備をしようと思い立ち寄りました。しかし、まず店内に入るとテレビが容赦なくバラエティやドラマを垂れ流していました。この時点でもう喫茶店らしい雰囲気はぶち壊されていましたが、入店した以上後には引けないし、勉強に集中すれば気になるまいと思い無理やり勉強に打ち込みました。その後はナポリタンを食べて騒音を無視しながら勉強していたわけですが、20時過ぎ頃に突如7人ほどのおじさんの団体客が入店しました。 そこからはもうひどいものでした。おじさんたちみんながビールとつまみを頼み、やんややんやと宴会を始めたのです。オーナーのおばさんもまるでそれが普通であるかのように、親しげにおじさんたちと談笑して酒とつまみを振る舞っていました。テレビのうるささと宴会のうるささが相まって、集中することに努めようにも全くかなわず、耐えきれず退店しました。 仲良く宴会をすること自体は悪いことではありませんが、喫茶店である以上落ち着いた意味での居心地の良さを提供してもらいたかったです。このお店は居酒屋やスナックの方が向いています。
Since my house was near, I decided to prepare for a job in the calm atmosphere of a coffee shop. However, when we first entered the store, the television was drastically spilling variety and drama. At this point, the atmosphere of a coffee shop had already been destroyed, but I couldn't stop after entering the store, so I thought I wouldn't be bothered if I concentrated on my studies, so I forced myself into studying. After that, I ate Napolitan and studied while ignoring the noise, but around 20:00, about 7 uncles suddenly entered the group. From there it was already terrible. Uncles all ordered beer and snacks and started a banquet with Yan-Yan-Ya. The owner's aunt also chatted with his uncles, acting as if it were normal, drinking alcohol and snacks. The annoyance of television and the annoyance of banquets combined, and I couldn't endeavor to concentrate, so I left the store unbearably. Having a good banquet is not a bad thing, but I wanted to provide you with a calm sense of comfort as long as it is a coffee shop. This shop is more suitable for izakaya and snacks.
ri ta on Google

It was a coffee shop with a nice atmosphere where the clerk was smiling
北川達也 on Google

東武東上線ときわ台駅から徒歩圏内のレトロな雰囲気の喫茶店です☺️☕️ 最近のお洒落なカフェなどでは、喫煙可能な所は少なく、喫煙者は肩身が狭い思いをされているかと思いますが、ここは喫煙OKです?‍♂️? 雰囲気も良いので、レトロな純喫茶好きには良いお店です✨
It is a coffee shop with a retro atmosphere within walking distance from Tokiwadai Station on the Tobu-Tojo Line ☺️☕️ In recent fashionable cafes, there are few places where you can smoke, and smokers may think that their shoulders are narrow, but here Smoking is OK ?‍♂️? The atmosphere is good, so it's a good shop for retro pure coffee lovers ✨
だんどり on Google

【喫煙可】ときわ台駅からちょっと歩く喫茶店。個人経営なのかな?純喫茶扱いで良いのかな?老巧化したビルの二階にありある意味雰囲気がたまりません。店内は広く1人でも4人掛けの席になります。 ランチ800円はなかなかお得だと思いました。珈琲の味はちょっとでした(笑)堅苦しくもなく静かに飲食できますけど…ひとつ難点がありまして… 換気で窓を開けていまして…エアコン効かないんですよね~(エアコン停止中?)窓際の席に座りますと非常に厳しい事があります。夏のくそ暑い日は…あまりの店内の熱さに直ぐに退店しました。 このご時世ですから仕方が無いのかも知れませんけど…空気清浄機三台壁に付いているんですけどね…ビル空調無いのかな? 気温が普通の時は心地良いですから煙草目当てで寄りたいと思います。
[Smoking allowed] A coffee shop just a short walk from Tokiwadai Station. Is it private management? Is it okay to treat it as a pure coffee shop? Located on the second floor of an aged building, the atmosphere is irresistible. The inside of the store is large enough to seat 4 people even for 1 person. I thought that 800 yen for lunch was a good deal. The taste of coffee was a little (laughs) I can eat and drink quietly without being stiff, but there is one drawback ... I opened the window for ventilation ... The air conditioner doesn't work, right? (Is the air conditioner stopped?) It can be very difficult to sit by the window. On a hot summer day ... I immediately left the store due to the heat inside the store. It may be unavoidable because it is this time of the year, but ... It's attached to the wall of three air purifiers ... Isn't there air conditioning in the building? It's comfortable when the temperature is normal, so I'd like to stop by for a cigarette.

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