Toki - Sakai

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Toki

住所 :

350-8 Shinkecho, Naka Ward, Sakai, Osaka 599-8232, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87789
Postal code : 599-8232
Webサイト :

350-8 Shinkecho, Naka Ward, Sakai, Osaka 599-8232, Japan
丸亀和雄 on Google

It's a small and quiet store, but I personally have four, but I was disappointed that the measures were not taken in the era of the new Corona.
t eccentric on Google

The hamburger at lunch was the best (^^)
CONBUTA on Google

Homemade sweets are reasonable for lunch with a lot of vegetables and ingredients.
A P on Google

お店の方はおひとりで 忙しい時間にタイミング悪く入ってしまったからイライラしてたのかなんなのか 店に入ってすみませんと声を掛けると いらっしゃいませもなく お時間かかりますがよろしいですかとキレ気味?無愛想な感じで言われました。 その後も終始無愛想でした。 こじんまりした可愛いお店でご飯も美味しかったのにものすごく残念でした
The shop is alone I wonder if I was frustrated because I entered at the wrong time during busy time When I say I'm sorry to enter the store No welcome It will take some time, but is it a little sharp? I was told with an unfriendly feeling. After that, it was unfriendly from beginning to end. It was a small and cute shop and the rice was delicious, but it was very disappointing
田中憲子 on Google

最近、近辺のカフェ探して行ってます。焼き菓子もリーズナブルだし、ランチもリーズナブルで体にやさしいから有難いです。雰囲気も落ち着いてるから又行きたいと ランチも週替わりだし 今日はチキンハンバーグの餡掛けでした。
Recently, I'm looking for a cafe near me. I am thankful that baked confectionery is reasonably priced and lunch is reasonably priced and easy on the body. The atmosphere is so calm that I want to go there again, so the lunch starts every week and today I had chicken hamburger.
T K (TK) on Google

On weekday morning. I was able to spend a meaningful time while reading this book quietly. I was happy because there was a mandelin, and of course the taste was good. If I have time, I would like to go to the same time zone (because I feel like the students will be busy in the time zone).
Kuro-koppe on Google

府立大近く のんびり過ごせるカフェです カウンターの ショーケースに 並んでるスイーツから アップルパイ チョイスしました スライスした りんごと程よいシナモンの アクセント トースターで 少し温めてくれるので こんがりサックリのパイ生地 大きくカットした ボリューミーな アップルパイと たっぷりのカフェラテ 食べごたえありの おやつでした。
Near Osaka Prefecture University It's a cafe where you can spend a relaxing time Of the counter In the showcase From the sweets lined up Apple Pie I chose Sliced Apples and moderate cinnamon accent With a toaster Because it warms up a little Puff pastry Cut big Volumey With apple pie Plenty of latte It ’s good to eat It was a snack.
Jieun Kim on Google

いつも美味しいご飯ありがとうございます!! コスパ最強ですが何よりもご飯が美味しすぎます? 料理もデザートも一つ一つがとても丁寧に作られてて実家ご飯を食べてる感じがしました。あとお米もめっちゃ美味しいです。(しかも大盛り無料) この値段でこんなに美味しいご飯を食べられるお店が近くにあって本当に嬉しいです! ランチは日替わり、月替わり、サンド類の3つがあって毎週インスタでメニューが見れます? オーナーさん1人で頑張ってるので応援します。これからもずっと美味しいご飯、デザートよろしくお願いします!!
Thank you for always delicious rice! !! Cospa is the strongest, but above all, the rice is too delicious ? Each dish and dessert was made very carefully, and I felt like I was eating my parents' rice. Also the rice is really delicious. (And a large serving is free) I'm really happy that there is a restaurant nearby where you can eat such delicious rice at this price! Lunch changes daily, monthly, and sandwiches, and you can see the menu on Instagram every week ? I will support you because the owner is doing his best alone. Thank you for your continued support for delicious rice and desserts! !!

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