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Contact 高倉治良院

住所 :

Tokaichibacho, 横浜市緑区十日市場町Midori Ward, 〒226-0025 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://www.takakura-seitai.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tokaichibacho, 横浜市緑区十日市場町Midori Ward, 〒226-0025 Kanagawa,Japan
華凛 on Google

san hawk on Google

中田大樹 on Google

A teacher who is easy to talk to. It was good because it did it at a gentle slow pace.
高橋大輔 on Google

The treatment that doesn't baffle is now natural, but the treatment was easier than that. I think people like their treatment preferences, but I like it. I think that it is not suitable for those who want to massage, but it is suitable for those who want to improve even if it takes a long span from the root of the cause. In the first place, there is no god hand that heals in an instant.
松尾基行 on Google

Not only reducing painful areas, but also knowing the causes of pain and illness (sitting posture, how to walk, eating habits, sleep, etc.), and teaching you how to improve it is a great sense of security. . I can't lie in front of Takakura-sensei. (Laughs) I had my leg pain cured, but the cause was the kidneys and diet. I was very thankful that I was able to learn not only what would improve, but also what I should be aware of in my future life.
かあつ on Google

評価が良さそうだったので行きましたが、最悪でした。 施術中は、「顔が歪んでる、肝臓やら消化器系が悪い」等言われましたが、長年食品や栄養に関わる仕事をしてきて、20代から内臓の健康には人一倍気を付けている為、お酒は飲まないし炭水化物も多くは摂りません。健康診断でも理想的な数値を維持しています。肝臓や消化器系の不調は40代くらいになれば多くの人が抱えると言われており、占い師の常套句にもなっている言葉なだけに胡散臭く感じました。 施術だけに頼らず生活改善をしなければと思い改善策を訪ねたところ回答なし。 施術の帰り道から、普段痛みのない部位が痛み、まぁこれは矯正してもらった事によるものかと様子をみましたが、翌日から10日間は全身が怠くなり外出もままならない程の苦痛を強いられました。 胸の上や脇腹やお尻を触りたい放題触られ気持ち悪かったけど、整体師と2人きりなので我慢して施術を終えたのに、痛みを抱えていた部位には少しも効果がありませんでした。 整体へ行ってここまで触られたり散々な思いをしたのは初めてです。 特に女性には絶対にお勧めしません。
I went there because it looked good, but it was the worst. During the treatment, I was told that the face is distorted, the liver and digestive system are bad, etc., but I have been working on food and nutrition for many years, and I am careful about the health of internal organs from the 20s Therefore, I don't drink and don't take much carbohydrates. The ideal number is maintained even during medical examinations. It is said that many people have liver and digestive system malfunctions when they are in their 40s, and I felt awkward because of the common phrases used by fortune tellers. There was no answer when I visited the improvement plan because I wanted to improve my life without relying only on the treatment. From the way back to the operation, I saw that the painless part was usually painful, so I thought that this was due to correction, but the next day for 10 days I was so painful that my whole body was lazy and I could not go out It was I wanted to touch the chest, flank, and buttocks, and I felt uncomfortable, but since I was alone with a chiropractor, I ended up practicing the treatment, but there was no effect on the part that had pain did. It was the first time I went to a manipulative body and touched so far or had a crazy thought. It is not recommended for women.
まなみき on Google

1年ほど前から通っています。 女性の友人からの紹介でみていただいていますがとても調子がよくなりました。私の場合は子供の頃の古傷や食生活から肩こり腰痛顔の歪みその他諸々…沢山の原因を検査していただき沢山治して貰いました。その時その時で体調も原因も様々、心もいつも安定してれば良いけれどそうもいかない中で身体の痛みは正直です。 そんな繊細な身体からのSOSを読み取りそれに基づき施術してくれるので確実に痛みがとれていきます。毎回、原因はえー??ここなの?と驚きながらの施術の時間はとても勉強になりますし自分の身体をもっともっと大事にしようと思わせてくれます。
I have been there for about a year. I have seen it from an introduction from a female friend. In my case, my childhood old wounds, eating habits, stiff shoulders, back pain, and so on, and many other things ... I have been inspected for a number of causes and have been cured. At that time, the physical condition and the cause are various, and the mind should always be stable, but the pain of the body is honest while it is not possible. The SOS from such a delicate body will be read and treated based on it, so you will definitely get painful. What is the cause every time? ? Here? Surprising treatment time will be a great learning experience, and it will make you want to take care of your body even more.

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