
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ペットスーパーWAN岡山店

住所 :

Tokaichi Nishimachi, Kita Ward, 〒700-0856 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.1wangroup.com/shop/profile.php%3FshopId%3D19
街 : Okayama

Tokaichi Nishimachi, Kita Ward, 〒700-0856 Okayama,Japan
パリAmi on Google

ここで家族を決めるなら 購入後すぐに病院に行き健康診断する事を勧めます その後 もし虫などいたり 健康でなければ どのような補償があるのかも 詳しく聞いた方がいいです 購入後 大変な思いをしました 補償もありません 購入される方 よく説明を聞いて 補償があるのかないのか 後悔されないように 慎重に購入された方がいいです
If you decide on a family here, it is recommended that you go to the hospital immediately after purchase and have a medical examination. After that, if there are insects or if you are not healthy, you should ask in detail what kind of compensation you have. After the purchase, I had a hard time. There is no compensation. Those who purchase It is better to listen carefully to the explanation and purchase carefully so that you will not regret whether there is compensation or not
嶋村ひとみ on Google

The clerk is very polite and kind (* ^^ *)
ア二ー on Google

猫ちゃんはほとんど皆人懐っこく、好きになっちゃいます。店員さん、人にも猫にも優しい応対で、丁寧にお世話をしてくださっている感じです。 ペット製品はほかのショップより、やや安い価格ゆえ、気に入ってます。
Most cats are friendly and loved. The staff is friendly to people and cats, and I feel like they are taking care of me. I like pet products because they are a little cheaper than other shops.
s豆もち on Google

I put fashionable small dog wear. There are really bargains on the wagon sale, so I often take a peek. I thought that there are many cute living bodies.
いち on Google

I want you to stop selling live animals. Behind cute kittens and puppies are poor breeding dogs. Think of it as pitiful, not cute.
しゅがおおめ on Google

猫好きにとっては最高の場所です(ˊᵕˋ) 他のお店より猫ちゃんの数が多くみんな愛嬌あるので癒されます♡ もちろんワンコも可愛かったです。 ただ今回は2回目の来店だったのですが、初めて来た時の1人の定員さんはニコニコされていてずっと見ていた猫ちゃんを抱っこさせてくれたり感じのいい接客でしたが今回は『いらっしゃいませ』もなくチラチラ見るだけで無愛想だけ定員同士でペチャクチャ喋っておられました。買いそうにないお客には興味無い感じでした(´- ̯-`)
Great place for cat lovers (ˊᵕˋ) There are more cats than other shops and everyone is so charming, so you can be healed♡ Of course the dog was cute too. However, this time it was my second visit, but when I first came, one of the capacity was a nice customer service that made me smile while holding the cat that I was watching for a long time, but this time it was " I wasn't welcome, but just looking at them frankly, they were just crusty and they were talking to each other. I didn't seem to be interested in customers who weren't likely to buy it (´- ̯-`)
曜ねここ on Google

近場のペットショップがなくこちらに猫用品を買いに行きました。印象は売り物が少ない。店内は綺麗で清潔感がありますが、基本的に犬や猫本体を売ることに全力です。低い商品棚がいくつかあるだけでペット用品が全然ないです。そういった面も、買った後のことは考えていないような態度が透けて見えるようでした。 店員さんは他のお客さんと楽しげに話していたので愛想などは良いと思います。 ペットショップでの生体売買が問題視されつつあるなかで、こうも全面に商品として売り出していると若干の嫌悪感を感じてしまいました。
There is no pet shop nearby, so I went to buy cat supplies here. The impression is that there are few items for sale. The inside of the store is beautiful and clean, but basically we are doing our best to sell dogs and cats. There are only a few low shelves and no pet supplies. In that respect as well, it seemed that I could see through the attitude that I didn't think about after I bought it. The clerk was having a good time talking with other customers, so I think the amiability is good. While the buying and selling of living organisms at pet stores is becoming a problem, I felt a little disgusted when it was sold as a product on the whole surface.
岩崎節子 on Google

かわいい犬が多い。 値段は高い物もあるがお手頃価格もある。
There are many cute dogs. Some are expensive, but some are reasonably priced.

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