Togakawa Park - Kobe

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Togakawa Park

住所 :

4 Chome-3-9 Sentandori, Nada Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 657-0056, Japan

Postal code : 657-0056
Webサイト :

4 Chome-3-9 Sentandori, Nada Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 657-0056, Japan
nanashiki kiba (masasan) on Google

かつて火野正平さんがテレビ番組で訪れた場所は都賀川に架かる[阪急神戸線橋梁]でしたが、この辺りから南側、川の両岸が親水公園として整備されています。 阪急の線路の少し北側に起点があるこの川の長さはおよそ1.8キロ。[鮎]も棲むほどの清流に回復したのは地元の方々の努力の賜物。不幸な水難事故もありましたが、春には[灘桜まつり]が催され大勢の市民で賑わいます。 さらに南に川を下ればお酒の故郷の地[沢の鶴資料館]などの見どころもあります。(^_^) 川を遡れば六甲山系の源流域[杣谷峠]と言う山深い名の付いた場所もあるのですが、こちらはまた別の機会に。(^_^)
The place where Shohei Hino visited on a TV program was [Hankyu Kobe Line Bridge], which crosses the Togagawa River. From this area on the south side, both banks of the river have been developed as hydrophilic parks. This river, which has a starting point slightly north of the Hankyu track, is approximately 1.8 kilometers long. [鮎] It is a gift of the efforts of the local people that has recovered to a clear stream too much. There was also an unfortunate flood accident, but in spring the [Azusa Sakura Festival] is held and it is crowded with a large number of citizens. Furthermore, if you go down the river to the south, you will also find attractions such as the hometown of sake (Sawa no Tsuru Museum). (^_^) If you go back to the river, there is also a place with a deep mountain name, which is the source basin of the Rokko Mountains [Aya], but this is another opportunity. (^_^)
Abe美佐恵 on Google

This is my favorite walking course. The other day, I also participated in a cleaning activity. I was sad because there were many cigarettes and empty cans. Feces damage is also a problem when walking a dog. It is an important treasure of Nada Ward.
マグナグ on Google

It is a promenade from the upstream to the coast. You can walk at your own pace without being bothered by traffic lights, such as walking or walking your dog. There is also a Konan Oishi store and a sake brewery along the way, so it's fun to take a walk. Spot-billed ducks are also coming downstream.
S Y on Google

It is a very good park whether you look at the mountain side or the sea side. In the past, even if there was an accident in which flash flooded in heavy rain in the upper stream and many people were killed, there are still many rains still falling, people who stretch to the tent in the river and are watching a lot of flowers I am sorry to have If I was doing the banquet just below the stairs if I was just beside the stairs, I felt that it would definitely be washed away if the flash flood came. It is a great riverbed park, but it is disappointing that more and more people are walking in the river on rainy days.
Raba Rock on Google

川沿いに桜が並んでおり、近所に愛されている桜の名所です。 お子さん連れ、老夫婦、お一人様、学生さん、ビジネスマン方、、 みんな散歩がてらに寄ってゆっくり桜を楽しみます。 都会の喧騒とは離れており、落ち着いていて笑顔に満ちた空間です。 川辺ではバーベキューやピクニックを楽しむ人達もいて、仲間や家族と過ごすのにピッタリな場所です。 川辺に行くには階段を使います。 ベンチも多数設置されており、足に不安のある方も落ち着いて楽しめます。
Cherry blossoms are lined up along the river, and it is a famous place for cherry blossoms that is loved by the neighborhood. With children, elderly couples, one person, students, businessmen ,, Everyone stops by for a walk and enjoys the cherry blossoms slowly. It is a calm and smiling space away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Some people enjoy barbecues and picnics along the river, making it a perfect place to spend time with friends and family. Use the stairs to get to the riverside. Many benches are also installed, so even those with anxiety about their feet can enjoy it calmly.
シャルルアズナブリヤン on Google

Recently, volunteers from the neighborhood have been gathering for cleaning activities, so it has become much cleaner than in the past. However, there are many insane people who occupy the Toga River like private land and take it out to a tent to barbecue, or eat and drink on the ground along the river with a household stove, which is a bit unbelievable. Also, as other people have pointed out, there have been cases where the water suddenly increased due to rain and several people died, so it is dangerous if you do not evacuate to a high place as soon as the weather gets bad.
森山直子 on Google

(この公園の名称は都賀川公園で合っているのか分かりませんが…) もうすぐ3歳になる息子を遊ばせるためによく利用しています。 砂場・滑り台・ブランコあります。 水道はかなり遠いところにあるため不便です。 公園内は綺麗に管理されていて気持ちよく利用できます。 近くに児童館(河原児童館)あります。 夏場は、蚊が非常に多いです。 後、日差しを遮るものがないので暑いです。
(I don't know if the name of this park matches Togakawa Park ...) I often use it to let my son, who will soon be 3 years old, play. There are sandboxes, slides, and swings. The water services are so far away that it is inconvenient. The park is well managed and you can use it comfortably. There is a children's house (Kawahara children's house) nearby. There are many mosquitoes in the summer. After that, it's hot because there is nothing to block the sunlight.
Franmar Mongcopa on Google

Beautiful Sakura trees during Spring.

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