Toga Shrine Okumiya - Toyokawa

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Toga Shrine Okumiya

住所 :

Hongushita-4 Kaminagayamacho, Toyokawa, Aichi 441-1202, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 441-1202
Webサイト :

Hongushita-4 Kaminagayamacho, Toyokawa, Aichi 441-1202, Japan
田中Roon on Google

It is enshrined near the summit of Mt. Honmiya. However, when I went there, the time was terrible, so I was fluttering, so I would like to relax next time. In the meantime, I was happy to encounter a wild deer. Because he is a shinshi. Goshuin is different from Satomiya. There are various things, but it was a pity that it was a copy because it was related to corona.
STAR on Google

登山の方が多いです。素晴らしいですね! 私はいつも車で登らせていただいております。 霊峰であるので窓全開にして澄んだ空気を感じながら…。 駐車場から10分程歩きます。 御神木も立派で、いつもパワーいただいてます。 私はまだ鹿に遭遇したことはありませんが いつか遭遇してみたいです。
There are more climbers. It is wonderful! I always climb by car. Since it is a sacred mountain, open the window fully and feel the clear air. Walk about 10 minutes from the parking lot. The shinboku is also excellent and always has power. I haven't encountered a deer yet I want to meet someday.
董海 on Google

It is said that beginners can climb, but there were some steep mountain roads. Since I climbed for the first time, I took some breaks along the way. I come to my legs quite a bit. I see older people, younger women, and elementary school students climbing by passing each other. Some people ran and climbed in sandals. The course is from the parking lot in the south of Yamashita to the summit.
K Suya on Google

先日、こちらに行ってきました。 下界は12°もあったのに、上がって来ると 2°まで下がり、挙句の果てに雪まで降り始め とても寒かったです。(2月の終わり) 駐車場から歩いて10分ぐらいで奥宮に辿り着けます。天気が晴れていれば景色も良かったと思いますが残念! 曇りでした。 また神社内にある⛩千年杉は立派で神々しさ を感じました。 車で来られる場合は、豊川側より来られた方が道が広くていいと思います。 くらがり渓谷側からだと所々、すれ違えないところがあるので…
I went here the other day. The lower world was 12 °, but when it came up It goes down to 2 ° and begins to fall to the end of the snow It was very cold. (End of February) You can reach Okumiya in about 10 minutes on foot from the parking lot. I think the scenery would have been nice if the weather was fine, but it's a shame! It was cloudy. In addition, the ⛩ Millennium Cedar in the shrine is magnificent and divine. I felt. If you can come by car, I think the road is wider if you come from the Toyokawa side. From the Kuragari Valley side, there are places where you can't pass each other ...
ぴよ on Google

本宮山スカイラインから車で行きました。 初めは里宮で奥宮の御朱印を頂きましたが何となく納得出来ずついつい奥宮に来てしまった(笑) 平日でしたが本宮山の登山者もそこそこいました。 雰囲気は本宮山山頂付近だけあって木々に囲まれ里宮よりも神秘的で来た甲斐がありました。 表現が変ですがここで本物の奥宮の御朱印を頂きました。初めて来た奥宮でしたが参拝出来た事に嬉しく思います。 約2年ぶりに来ました。以前来た時は奥宮の御朱印(直書き)だけを頂きましたが今回は他の御朱印もある事を思い出し今回は荒羽気神社の御朱印を頂きました。他にもいくつか御朱印がありますが私のマイルールで一気に沢山頂かないと決めておりますので他の御朱印はまたの機会に頂きたいと思います。 奥宮の中にと言うか本宮山の中にと言うか神社がいくつかあります。ただ岩戸神社だけちょっと離れた場所にあり急な坂道となりますので参拝される方は気をつけてお参りください。 私個人的な楽しみ方ですが各神社の狛犬をよく観察したり写真に撮ったりしています。ここ奥宮の狛犬さんは個人的には可愛く感じております。
I went by car from Hongusan Skyline. At first, I received the red stamp of Okumiya at Satomiya, but somehow I was convinced and came to Okumiya (laughs). Although it was a weekday, there were some climbers on Mt. Hongu. The atmosphere was only near the summit of Mt. Hongu, surrounded by trees, and it was more mysterious than Satomiya. The expression is strange, but I got the real red stamp of Okumiya here. It was my first time to visit Okumiya, but I am glad that I was able to worship. I came for the first time in about 2 years. When I came before, I received only the red stamp of Okumiya (directly written), but this time I remembered that there are other red stamps, and this time I received the red stamp of Arahaki Shrine. There are some other red stamps, but my rule has decided not to get a lot of them at once, so I would like to have other red stamps on another occasion. There are several shrines in Okumiya or Mt. Hongu. However, only Iwato Shrine is a little far away and it will be a steep slope, so please be careful if you worship. I personally enjoy it, but I often observe and take pictures of the guardian dogs at each shrine. The guardian dogs here in Okumiya personally feel cute.
kazu s on Google

Toga Shrine Okumiya goes a lot on mountain roads, so if it's sunny, you can see Mt. Fuji from the top of the mountain.
inc 9 on Google

神社より登山者のほうが目についた聖地でした⛩ 素晴らしい盤座に社鄴など古代信仰の雰囲気がたまりませんでした?
It was a sacred place where climbers were more noticeable than shrines ⛩ The atmosphere of ancient beliefs such as company swords was irresistible on the wonderful board ?
hiroyasu eguti on Google

I visited from the parking lot of Hongusan Skyline by car. It is important to note that the snow at the end of last year remains on the road in places and it is slippery to drive a car. Snow remained on the approach road from the parking lot, and it was frozen and slippery. We recommend that you bring a wet tissue, etc., as you cannot use the water in the toilet. The juice vending machine was 100 yen and the hot coffee was sold out. The New Year's limited red stamp was charged at 500 yen for the first ear. I could see Mt. Fuji from the Mt. Fuji meeting place on the way to the approach.

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