Tofu Shop Ehara - Kita City

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tofu Shop Ehara

住所 :

1 Chome-28-1 Kamiya, Kita City, Tokyo 115-0043, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Postal code : 115-0043

1 Chome-28-1 Kamiya, Kita City, Tokyo 115-0043, Japan
宮尾一彦 on Google

Akira Qian on Google

It is all handmade by the shopkeeper. It is really delicious than the tofu sold at the supermarket! Fried salmon and salmon
明子 on Google

おからドーナツ?は、優しい甘さで美味しい? 豆乳石鹸もおすすめ❗️夏場、汗疹が出来なくなった。出来ても 豆乳石鹸で洗えば1日で消えます。冬は、お肌の粉吹きが出来なくなりました。気になってる方は、1回試してみては?
Okara donut bowl is sweet and delicious bowl with sweet taste Soy milk soap is also recommended. Even if you can wash it with soy milk soap, it will disappear in 1 day. In winter, I can not blow powder on my skin. If you are concerned about it, do you try it once?
A I (YEBISU) on Google

I'm always looking at Girojiro passers-by with my son Bonkura, and I think he's probably a passerby because he was called by the police the other day, but I don't really get the impression.
mas su on Google

時々、隣接するコモティイイダで買い物しているのですが、この店の店主がいつもジロジロと監視している様な目で見てくるので不快に感じます。 目があっただけでも睨みつけてきます。 外に出て豆腐を売ると言うよりは店前の道ゆく人を常にジロジロ見ている感じです。 それだけならまだしも先日、この豆腐屋の前にあるコモティイイダが設置しているトレイのリサイクルボックスに家に溜まっていた食品トレイを捨てようとしたらこの店主が血相変えて出てきて『ゴミ捨てんじゃねー‼︎』怒鳴ってくる始末。 店主だけでなく息子と思われる態度も最悪で文句あるならかかってこいよ!と言わんばかりの態度でヤクザと変わりありません。 もはや豆腐屋よりは疑う姿勢を取りながら目の前の道ゆく人を観察する人間観察屋が本業として最適かと(笑) 老舗で常連客もいるのかもしれませんが店の態度としては本当に最悪です!
Occasionally, I shop at the adjacent Comodiiida, but I feel uncomfortable because the owner of this shop always looks like I'm watching over him. Even if you have eyes, you will be glaring at me. Rather than going out and selling tofu, it's more like watching people on the road in front of the store. If that's the case, the other day, when I tried to throw away the food trays that had accumulated in my house in the tray recycling box installed by Comodiiida in front of this tofu shop, the owner changed his blood and said, "Don't throw away the trash!" ︎ ”The screaming disposition. Not only the shopkeeper but also the attitude that seems to be a son is the worst, so if you have any complaints, come on! It's just like a yakuza. I wonder if a human observer who observes the people in front of me while taking a suspicious attitude rather than a tofu shop is the best as a main business (laugh) It may be a long-established store with regular customers, but the store's attitude is really the worst!
紡-Tsumugi- on Google

いつも美味しい生おからを購入させてもらっています。 そのおかげでしっかり体型維持ができているのでとてもありがたいです。 多分この街に住んでいる間はずっと利用させてもらいます。
I always buy delicious raw okara. Thanks to that, I am very grateful that I have been able to maintain my body shape. Maybe I will use it all the time I live in this city.
masa on Google

常に通行人をジロジロと見つめて因縁を付けてくる最悪な豆腐屋。 先日、因縁を付けられ警察沙汰になりました。 豆腐自体は評判がある様ですが接客態度は本当に最低で人を選り好みしているなと感じます。
The worst tofu shop that always stares at passers-by as Jirojiro and makes a connection. The other day, I was connected to the police and became a police officer. The tofu itself seems to have a good reputation, but I feel that the customer service attitude is really the lowest and I prefer people.
arrus “shiro” egy on Google

こちらの豆腐を食べて、滅多に食材を誉めない親族が美味しいと申しておりました。厚揚げも本当に美味しかった。 昔からの個人商店を知らず、とにかく自分のご機嫌第一の方々が色々コメントしてますが、こういうクレーマーが本物の美味しさや長く頑張ってくれている個人店を潰していくんですよ。いい迷惑です。
He said that the relatives who ate this tofu and rarely praised the ingredients were delicious. Atsuage was also really delicious. I don't know about private shops from long ago, and people who are in a good mood make various comments, but these claimers are crushing the real taste and the private shops that have been working hard for a long time. It's a good nuisance.

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