Todoroki Baseball Field - Kawasaki

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Todoroki Baseball Field

住所 :

1 Todoroki, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0052, Japan

Postal code : 211-0052

1 Todoroki, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0052, Japan
近藤孝夫 on Google

It has been renovated to make the ground wider and easier to see from the seats.
鈴木真鶴 on Google

It was renewed to a fine stadium. The infield seats are two-story, and the first floor is shaded, making it easy to watch the game.
赤坂紀和 on Google

It was newly completed and became a very beautiful stadium. It is comfortable just to take a walk around the perimeter.
jun color on Google

A very beautiful stadium that can be used even in high school baseball. You can get a panoramic view from the outfield without going inside. There is a parking lot nearby and it is cheap and easy to use.
みみまる on Google

2020年秋に出来たばかりの新しい球場なので、トイレもコンコースもきれい。グラウンドのサイズとしては横浜スタジアムより大きく、神奈川県内最大とのこと。 夏の高校野球、旦那さんの母校がベスト16をかけた試合をするので、神奈川県大会の観戦で初めて来ましたが、周辺の雰囲気も含めて良い球場です。 車で来て公園駐車場に止められましたが、もっと大きな試合になったら、駐車台数としてはちょっと厳しいかもしれません。 1階スタンドは2階席のひさしがあって、雨や日差しは防げますが、ファールボールがコンクリートの天井に当たって軌道がよめない跳弾がたまに来るのが怖いです。
The new stadium was just opened in the fall of 2020, so the toilets and concourse are clean. The size of the ground is larger than Yokohama Stadium and is the largest in Kanagawa Prefecture. In summer high school baseball, my husband's alma mater will play the best 16 games, so I came here for the first time to watch the Kanagawa prefectural tournament, but it is a good stadium including the surrounding atmosphere. I came by car and was parked in the park parking lot, but if it becomes a bigger game, the number of parking lots may be a little tough. The 1st floor stand has the eaves of the 2nd floor seats to prevent rain and sunlight, but I'm afraid that the foul ball will hit the concrete ceiling and the ricochet will occasionally come out.
Kou K on Google

等々力緑地公園内の新しく建設された市営野球場。 旧球場解体より5年後、2020年10月リニューアルオープン。 両翼100m、中堅122mのフィールドは神奈川県内最大で内外野全面透水性人工芝は国際大会規模にも対応。 LED電光式のスコアボード。 収容人数9232人、内野は2層構造で座席席、外野芝生席。 計画から竣工まで、いろいろ諸事情があったが、完成した新球場は素晴らしい「スタジアム」と思う。 どの座席からもフィールド何見やすく、また緑地公園の緑とも調和され開放感も有る。 また球場周囲の外周デッキからはフェンス越しに球場内が見渡せ、入場しなくてもゲームが観戦でき野球に興味が湧く公園利用者最寄りいるかも。 コンクリートだけでなく、外野部は盛土法面に芝を配置し、鮮やかな印象。 全体の造りは同じ川崎市営の富士通川崎スタジアムに似ている。 しかし、行政としては地下埋設物や軟弱地盤の問題など着工後の発覚というが、事前の調査で確認できなかったのだろうか。 さらにそれらに事項により計画予定より2年遅れての竣工、及び総事業費が2倍にも膨れたという事実は軽視できない。
A newly constructed municipal baseball stadium in Todoroki Green Space. Reopened in October 2020, five years after the dismantling of the old stadium. The field of 100m on both wings and 122m in the middle is the largest in Kanagawa prefecture, and the artificial turf that is fully permeable to the inner and outer fields corresponds to the scale of international competitions. LED electric scoreboard. It has a capacity of 9232 people, and the infield has a two-story structure with seats and outfield grass seats. There were various circumstances from planning to completion, but I think the completed new stadium is a wonderful "stadium". It is easy to see the field from any seat, and it is in harmony with the greenery of the green park, giving a feeling of openness. Also, from the outer deck around the stadium, you can see the inside of the stadium through the fence, you can watch the game without entering, and it may be the closest to the park users who are interested in baseball. In addition to concrete, the outfield area has turf on the embankment slope, giving a vivid impression. The overall structure is similar to the same Kawasaki Municipal Fujitsu Kawasaki Stadium. However, the government said that it was discovered after the start of construction, such as problems with underground buried objects and soft ground, but couldn't it be confirmed by a preliminary survey? Furthermore, the fact that the construction was completed two years later than planned and the total project cost doubled due to the matters cannot be underestimated.
Akira Saito on Google

新しくなった等々力野球場⚾️ とても綺麗な球場になりました‼️ 両翼100mセンター122m、収容人数9279人の大きな球場です。 横浜スタジアムよりも大きいんです。 以前の球場はバックネット裏から入場したのちに一度階段を降りないと3塁側の座席に行かれず不便でした。 新球場は1塁側から3塁側のまで行き来が自由です。 スタンドも開放的でありながら、スタンドには屋根があるので強い日差しや雨☔️の対策がなされています。 以前は場外にあった立ち食いそばのお店も健在で、久しぶりに天ぷらそばを食べました?
New Todoroki baseball stadium ⚾️ It became a very beautiful stadium! ️ It is a large stadium with 100m on both wings, 122m in the center, and a capacity of 9279 people. It's bigger than Yokohama Stadium. The previous stadium was inconvenient because you couldn't go to the seat on the 3rd base side unless you went down the stairs once after entering from the back of the back net. The new stadium is free to come and go from the 1st base side to the 3rd base side. Although the stand is open, the stand has a roof, so it is protected against strong sunlight and rain ☔️. The stand-up soba restaurant that used to be outside the venue is still alive, and I ate tempura soba for the first time in a while ?
Tsutomu Ishii on Google

良い球場に生まれ変わりましたね。 何処からでも見やすい『野球場』でした。 バックネット裏の席は隣と間隔が空いていて、他の席も比較的ゆったり感を感じました。 これからの全國の野球発展と神奈川・川崎の野球向上に活用される事に期待します! 今度は観戦ではなく、プレーしたいですね!
It has been reborn as a good stadium. It was a "baseball field" that was easy to see from anywhere. The seats behind the back net were separated from the seats next to each other, and the other seats felt relatively spacious. I hope that it will be used for the future development of baseball in Japan and the improvement of baseball in Kanagawa and Kawasaki! This time I want to play, not watch!

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