Todoroki 8-chome Park - Setagaya City

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Todoroki 8-chome Park

住所 :

8 Chome-18-3 Todoroki, Setagaya City, Tokyo 158-0082, Japan

Postal code : 158-0082

8 Chome-18-3 Todoroki, Setagaya City, Tokyo 158-0082, Japan
フリーマン on Google

タクシードライバーのトイレ場所と思う ひっきりなしにタクシードライバーがトイレに来ていた印象
I think it's a taxi driver toilet place Impression that a taxi driver was constantly coming to the toilet
小菅誠 on Google

I will drop in at work to adjust the time when the patient is picked up, and there is also a toilet, which is helpful.
浅葱(浅愛) on Google

It is spacious. It is also recommended for walking practice for small children. There is a spring rocker
小野健太郎 on Google

It is a sloping park, but there are many beautiful trees! In the covered rest area, you can eat lunch. The toilet is also beautiful.
maru chemi on Google

なーんにもありませんが、それなりに広く、野鳥も来るので、和みます。 芝生(ふさふさではない)ですし。小さい子も遊びやすく、風のよけられる屋根付きの部屋もあるので、意外と良いですよ。
There is nothing, but as it is wide and wild birds come, it will be relaxing. It's a lawn (not bushy). It is surprisingly good for small children to play and there is a room with a roof that protects the wind.
雄一辰巳 on Google

住宅街の中にあり、子供が走り回れるひろさのある公園。 植樹が工夫され死角がなく、親は公園の出入り口辺りでまったりいれば、常に目が届いている。
A spacious park in a residential area where children can run around. Tree planting has been devised and there are no blind spots, and parents are always on the lookout if they are chilling around the entrance to the park.
AKIKO “いずみ” ku on Google

There was a washroom, a men's toilet, a wheelchair-accessible toilet, and only two children's rides. Great for eating lunch or playing with kids.
Tadashi Ajisaka (mr-gon) on Google

等々力駅から徒歩で10分少々要す。園内は遊具(スプリング二台のみ ) が少なく広々として解放感が有ります。公園と云うより「いこいの広場」って感じです。休憩所とトイレ有り。
It takes a little 10 minutes on foot from Todoroki station. There are few playground equipment (only two springs) in the park, and it is spacious and has a feeling of liberation. It's more like an "Ikoi Square" than a park. There is a rest area and a toilet.

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