Todaasahiseitai Acupuncture - Toda

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Todaasahiseitai Acupuncture

住所 :

グレースメゾン 105 1635-1 Niizo, Toda, Saitama 335-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 335-0021
Webサイト :

グレースメゾン 105 1635-1 Niizo, Toda, Saitama 335-0021, Japan
中澤理和 on Google

「お母さん、整体行ってごらん魔法使いみたいだよ」と17才の娘に言われていました。 頭痛持ちで鎮痛薬をいつも使っていた娘の身体を触っただけで、「何か楽器をやっていませんか?」と当てられてしまったとのことでした。 数回通っていた娘は、その後、身体が不調になることがあっても目覚めるとスッキリできているようです。薬の出番は格段に減りました。 私は今日で5回目です。 上半身の身体の凝りはあって当たり前の毎日。 ひどい時には深い呼吸で背中がパキッと音がします。長年、就寝時は仰向けも横向きも身体が痛いためうつ伏せで寝ていました。 通ううちに、気づくと仰向けで眠れるようになっていました。施術当日には凝りや痛みが軽減したことを実感しますが、次の日もさらに翌日も身体が軽くなり、いつもバキバキの身体に慣れているため逆に違和感を感じるほどでした。 しばらくすれば身体が凝ってきますが、朝起きた時には、以前のような首の重さはあまり感じず、肩も動くようになりました。 毎朝の出勤時、首や肩の軽さに驚き、嬉しくて自転車に乗りつつ、首や肩を回してしてしまう毎日です。
"Mom, go manipulative and look like a witch," said her 17-year-old daughter. Just by touching the body of her daughter, who had a headache and was always using painkillers, she was asked, "Are you playing any musical instrument?" My daughter, who has been attending several times, seems to be refreshed when she wakes up even if she feels sick after that. The turn of medicine has decreased dramatically. I am the 5th time today. The body of the upper body is stiff and it is natural every day. In severe cases, deep breathing makes your back snap. For many years, when I went to bed, I slept on my back and sideways because my body hurt. As I went, I noticed that I was able to sleep on my back. On the day of the procedure, I realized that my stiffness and pain had alleviated, but the next day and the next day, my body became lighter, and I was always accustomed to my body, which made me feel uncomfortable. After a while, my body became stiff, but when I woke up in the morning, I didn't feel the weight of my neck as much as before, and my shoulders started to move. When I go to work every morning, I am surprised at the lightness of my neck and shoulders, and I am happy to ride my bicycle and turn my neck and shoulders every day.
工藤美穂 on Google

妊娠27週で入院宣告を受けたものです。 骨盤を引き締めれば大丈夫と言われ、藁をもすがる思いで施術していただきました。 トコちゃんベルトを付けていたのですが、付ける位置が違っていて全く意味のない状態だったようで、付け方も丁寧に教えていただきました。 すると初回LサイズがVラインあたりで止まっていたのが、Sサイズがちょうど良くなり、お腹もまん丸で赤ちゃんの位置もおへそのあたりまで上がりました。 結果、今すぐに出てきてもおかしくない状態だったのが、38週2日でしかもスーパー安産で産まれました。 骨盤の緩みが切迫早産に繋がること、骨盤をしっかり引き締めれば早産にはならないことを身をもって知りました。 学生の頃から整骨院に多々通いましたが、間違いなくナンバーワンのゴッドハンドです! これからも定期的に通わせていただこうと思っています。
I was sentenced to hospitalization at the 27th week of pregnancy. It was said that it would be okay if the pelvis was tightened, and the treatment was performed with the thought of struggling with straw. I was wearing a Toko-chan belt, but it seemed to be in a completely meaningless state because the position to put it on was different, so I was kindly taught how to put it on. Then, the first L size stopped around the V line, but the S size just got better, the stomach was round and the baby's position went up to the navel. As a result, it was 38 weeks and 2 days, and I was born with super easy delivery, which was in a state where it would not be strange to come out immediately. I learned firsthand that loosening of the pelvis leads to imminent premature birth, and that tightening the pelvis does not lead to premature birth. I've been to Sekkotsuin a lot since I was a student, but it's definitely the number one God Hand! I will continue to attend regularly.
ko papi on Google

腰痛でお尻の方まで違和感があり、全身整体鍼をしていただきました。腰だけの問題ではなく、首も肩も腕もこわばっていたみたいです。 6回間隔を詰めて通ったので、今では違和感もなくなり、痛みからも解放されました。 美容鍼もお願いして、顔のむくみがなくなって顔全体がスッキリしました!すごい! 中でも一番嬉しかったのは、半年くらい前から手指の第一関節がずっと痛くて、整形外科に通っても治らなかったのに、先生に腕のコリを取ってもらったら指の痛みが消えた事です。 本当にありがとうございます。
I had a backache and felt uncomfortable even in the buttocks, so I had a full-body manipulative acupuncture. It seems that the neck, shoulders and arms were stiff, not just the waist. I passed 6 times at intervals, so now I don't feel any discomfort and I'm free from pain. I also asked for beauty acupuncture, and the swelling of the face disappeared and the whole face was refreshed! very! What I was most happy about was that the first joint of my fingers had been sore for about half a year and I couldn't get rid of it even after going through orthopedics, but when I had my teacher remove the stiffness in my arm, the pain in my fingers disappeared. It is a thing. thank you very much.
kimura akiko on Google

左膝に水が溜まり整形外科に診察してもらい、変形なし、水抜くほどでもないとの事で様子見していましたが、全く良くならず痛みは増すばかりで、まともに歩けない状態に。 不安になり、調べてみたら、こちらの整体がヒットし伺いました。少しだけでも良くなればとの気持ちでしたが、ゆらゆらと揺すり、ぽっぽっと触れて。はい、歩いてみてって言われて、少し良くなるどころか痛みなく歩けるのです。驚きました。 お世話になり半年経ち、体の歪みも良くなって来たとの事なので、今後もメンテナンスよろしくお願いします。
Water accumulated in my left knee and I was examined by an orthopedic surgeon, and I was watching because there was no deformation and it was not enough to drain the water, but it did not improve at all and the pain only increased and I could not walk properly. .. I became anxious, and when I looked it up, I heard that this manipulative treatment was a hit. I was hoping that it would be better even a little, but I shook it and touched it. Yes, I was told to walk, and instead of getting a little better, I could walk without pain. I was surprised. It's been half a year since I was taken care of, and my body strain has improved, so please continue to maintain it.
H O on Google

肩こりからくる頭痛と吐き気に悩み、口コミで評判の良いこちらに通うことにしました。 約週に1回、2ヶ月弱通った結果、頭痛と吐き気は消えた上に疲れも取れやすくなりました! 肩こりからくる体調不良がすっかりなくなってよかったです。 また辛くなった時は伺いたいと思います。
I was worried about headaches and nausea caused by stiff shoulders, so I decided to go to this place, which has a good reputation for word of mouth. As a result of going about once a week for less than two months, my headache and nausea disappeared and it became easier to get rid of my tiredness! I'm glad that the illness caused by stiff shoulders has completely disappeared. I would like to ask you when it gets hard again.
kuri kei on Google

元々肩こりがひどく、整体に行ってもなかなか楽にならず悩んでいました。 妊娠し整体に通えないことから、妊娠中でも施術していただけるところを探していました。 先生の施術を受けたところ、1回の施術で身体の痛みが楽になることを実感。産後も身体のあちこちに出てくる痛みを和らげていただいています。ベビーカー連れても施術OKなのも助かります! 施術意外にも、日々痛みを和らげる方法などもアドバイスいただき、毎週の通院がかかせません。 痛みが酷くて悩んでいる方に、ぜひご紹介したいです!
Originally, my shoulders were very stiff, and even if I went to manipulative treatment, it wasn't easy and I was worried. I was pregnant and couldn't go to chiropractic, so I was looking for a place where I could be treated even during pregnancy. After receiving the doctor's treatment, I realized that one treatment would relieve the pain in my body. Even after giving birth, the pain that appears in various parts of the body is relieved. It is also helpful that the treatment is OK even if you bring a stroller! In addition to the treatment, I also receive advice on how to relieve pain every day, and I cannot help going to the hospital every week. I would like to introduce it to those who are suffering from severe pain!
ちゃんしー on Google

通い始めて3ヶ月弱の20代女性です。 最初は大切な用事がある前日にぎっくり腰をしてしまい、とりあえず痛みを緩和するためにネットで見つけて予約しました。 選んだ理由は、口コミで当日から痛みが引いた、とみたからです。 1回目でたしかに痛みは緩和されましたが、先生から身体の歪みを指摘され、また今後も同じようにぎっくり腰を繰り返す可能性があると言われたからです。すでに4、5回繰り返していたので本格的に直そうと思い、通っています。 今は週1回ペースで通っていて、毎週毎週身体が楽になっていくのを実感します。特にびっくりしたのは今まで痛い辛いのが当たり前になっている箇所が楽になったことです(頭痛や肩こり)。 正直な話、料金は少し高いですがそれだけの価値があると感じています。
I'm a female in her 20s who has been attending for less than 3 months. At first, I sat down a lot the day before I had an important business, so I found it online and made a reservation to relieve my pain. The reason I chose it was because I thought that the pain had subsided from the day of the word of mouth. The pain was alleviated the first time, but the teacher pointed out that my body was distorted, and I was told that I might continue to have the same pain in the future. I've already repeated it 4 or 5 times, so I'm going to fix it in earnest. Now I go once a week and feel that my body is getting better every week. What surprised me especially was that the parts that had been painful and painful until now became easier (headaches and stiff shoulders). To be honest, the price is a bit high, but I feel it's worth it.
Mon on Google

顔の歪みや肩こりなどで悩んでいました。 ネットでいろいろ調べるところ、先生の施術経験が豊富で国家資格も複数取得していて、加えてLINEで簡単で予約できるので、こちらを選びました。 月に2回くらいのペースで通って頂き、今は既に1年経ちました。最初の写真を比較してみたら、だいぶ変わることが実感できて、顔もスッキリになり、肌の状況も安定している感じです。 また、毎回背骨揺らすだけで、肩こりがずいぶん楽になり、本当に魔法みたいに不思議と感じます! おすすめします!
I was worried about facial distortion and stiff shoulders. When I searched various things on the internet, I chose this because my teacher has a lot of experience in treatment and I have obtained multiple national qualifications, and in addition, I can easily make a reservation on LINE. It's been a year since I went there about twice a month. Comparing the first photos, I can feel that it has changed a lot, my face is refreshing, and my skin condition is stable. Also, just shaking your spine every time will make your stiff shoulders much easier, and it will feel magical and mysterious! I recommend it!

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